What Happened by Hillary Rodham Clinton

I played in the NHL, and you trim weed....and somehow you think you just ripped me for pointing that out? :lol:

Searching through my old posts. I'm so in your kitchen right now!

Here is another great example. Hey blowagoat, how many people did you help by playing Hockey? I mean besides knocking the living shit out of each other.
Nice deflection, but you've painted yourself as a fucking hypocrite. You should probably just leave this
"fucking weed site"
Why would anyone hang around just a fucking weed forum? Bunch of stoned ass hippies. Worthless scum Stoned drama queens. I wouldn't hang around a fucking weed forum. That's for losers. I did something with my life and now feel entitled to talk about things I know nothing about and will remind you that this is a fucking weed form.
Hillary was no Joan of Arch, although both she and DWS should be burned at the stake
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