Ways to fuck with your neighbor WITHOUT jail time.

I have a neighbor that called the cops because í was taking a piss in my fence, its my property. They took me to jail. She is a new neighbor but I want to fuck with her without going to jail.
Well I will move when my lease is up unless I find something I can't pass up before that. But my point is I haven't done anything to this woman, who, apparently needs to grow up and realize that being a bitch won't get her anywhere.. When I went in the office and asked her what the issue was with all the stomping on the floors beating on the walls, (she was asst mgr), she had nothing to say other than tried to blame it on her kid playing and I know the difference between a kid playing and adults harassing.. and you say just move like it's so easy, it would be a lot easier if she'd just grow the hell up, it's not that hard!! :wall:
Nice nipples.

Are those asian?
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Exposing yourself in public is a bad idea.

DON'T bring anymore attention to your dogs!!! They could easily poison and kill them if you just let them out. I always walk my dogs and watch them. I don't trust people.

Cameras are your best friend, catch them doing anything illegal on your property and you have them by the balls.

Get to know your other neighbors, they might not like those people either, there is strength in numbers.

Is there a home owner's association?

It would be advisable to tread lightly here, anything you do could come back on you, it's best not to be seen doing it if you do get your hands dirty, which I don't recommend.
