Ways to fuck with your neighbor WITHOUT jail time.

last year my neighbors to the right of us killed my japanese maple i had just planted (not sure how yet, i assumed they poisoned it) and were literally taking a knife and cutting at my new bush that was planted too. the poor little bush is barely there this year; i'm hoping that them cutting it is just going to go against them and it will turn out really bushy this year. i plan on putting something around it to protect it. they also sliced the Christmas lights i wrapped around that japanese maple (even though it was officially dead by then-it was winter). i am taking out the japanese maple this april and replacing it and will have a camera installed. granted the tree and bush are near the property line, they aren't that close that they're interfering with their property in any way nor will it in the years to come. the rest of my neighbors are great: they mind they're own business and wave when we pass each other on our road.

i think since you grow @Flaming Pie you should try to make peace. maybe they think the rabbit droppings are from rats? it can look gross especially on snow. :smile: that's weird you are not seeing any signs of a rat infestation...so it must be something. well, besides them being crazy.
i had shitty neighbors where i grew up. one christmass i got a500w amp snd bass guitar. I would set it up just outside the garage and it just so happened it sounded the best pointed at their house. we had a giant bell out side also that would get rang on occasion. it didnt stop their bull shit but it was still rewarding in its own way
Find a friend with an identical vehicle to them, find some fixed site speed cameras( if you have them over there?) copy his numberplates and spend all day speeding thru the camera

Also using same vehicle accrue lots of parking tickets so he gets chased for them
Hate bugs in the summer?
Give your neighbor the bug zapper for christmas instead of hanging it in your yard..

Need to leave him a note?
Herbicide that shit in his lawn.

Keeps coming over bumming a bud/buzz?
Give him a bud you rolled in a cut habanero and then let dry...

Hey,I have an apartment across the street that's vacant....
last year my neighbors to the right of us killed my japanese maple i had just planted (not sure how yet, i assumed they poisoned it) and were literally taking a knife and cutting at my new bush that was planted too. the poor little bush is barely there this year; i'm hoping that them cutting it is just going to go against them and it will turn out really bushy this year. i plan on putting something around it to protect it. they also sliced the Christmas lights i wrapped around that japanese maple (even though it was officially dead by then-it was winter). i am taking out the japanese maple this april and replacing it and will have a camera installed. granted the tree and bush are near the property line, they aren't that close that they're interfering with their property in any way nor will it in the years to come. the rest of my neighbors are great: they mind they're own business and wave when we pass each other on our road.

i think since you grow @Flaming Pie you should try to make peace. maybe they think the rabbit droppings are from rats? it can look gross especially on snow. :smile: that's weird you are not seeing any signs of a rat infestation...so it must be something. well, besides them being crazy.
Hurl herbicide filled balloons at their garden...
I have two words for you: Liquid Ass….

buy a throwaway SIM card and start ordering prostitutes/pizzas/taxis/chinese etc to their house,multiple times a night/week eventually they will be blacklisted from everywhere
Sounds way to UK for this situation. . I think you should let your dog keep barking ..does the lady look into your backyard to? if so tell your husband to show her his dick. tell him to swing that shit around...When the guy looks show him your tits..jealousy will ruin relationships. If it looks like they like it .....stop ,
Sounds way to UK for this situation. . I think you should let your dog keep barking ..does the lady look into your backyard to? if so tell your husband to show her his dick. tell him to swing that shit around...When the guy looks show him your tits..jealousy will ruin relationships. If it looks like they like it .....stop ,
That COULD result in an indecent exposure charge. 400$ fine in my parts. Ask me how I know this lol. Buuuut if it's "accidental" then no harm no foul. Bonus points if your msn walks around naked and shaves a lightning bolt for a happy trail. Wearing a Thor helmet and carrying a hammer.
I had some neighbors last year that started acting full retard. A foreign "missionary" and crew. They started acting all silly. The wife would cross herself and scamper into the house every time she saw me. They have a daughter who was around 6. She was outside one day and moms did her funny run back in. The daughter followed. She literally shoved the kid back outside and made her cross herself before going back in. By shoved her outside I mean the kid was stumbling and doing the whole windmill arms thing to keep balance. Almost faceplanted. I was friends with this goth chick who does taxidermy. Got a goat skull and painted it up like the Hellraiser box. Attached it to a makeshift pike and stuck it up over the fence facing their front door. Found a big cloth poster of Crowley and hung it over the window that faced all theirs on one side. They threw up a for sale sign in around 2 months.
Pay some lil fucker a tenner from ya area to generally terrorise them and the cars and the house intact pour brake fluid on the car its like paint stripper lol
People hate it most when u hit their pocket :)
I really don't get what their obsession with rats is. I haven't seen ANY evidence of rats. Plenty of rabbits but no rats.

They are probably hoarders and have rats because their house is full of trash. Those people always blame anything like that on anything other than themselves. I've seen it before. (there are a lot of hoarders here in town for some reason)
Throw nails on their driveway. Pour/splash a gallon of paint on their vehicle

Spray paint the words "child molestor" or "whore cheater"

Complain anonymously that you've overheard your neighbors talking about pressure cooker and returning to Allah

Peace for the animals but find some dead caucus and horribly mutate it then toss it in their yard

get a bunch of friends or Mexicans and meet up in front of their house for 10 minutes casually acting like you're briefing them on the house and assholes. It'll scare them if they look out the window and see a group of 6 7 people looking at their house from the street pointing out things like front window with no window bars, garage that can be broken into and so forth
Plant some mj in their yard while they are out(@ night). Then call the law from a payphone and tell them he is a grower. Most areas have a 1- 800 tip-line
If you grow and you're not in a legal state. Mind your manners you do not want to cause yourself any problems brought on by your need for revenge.
If you don't own the house move and this time find a place with fewer neighbors and rats and more privacy and possibly a moat. My neighbors are family !