Ways to fuck with your neighbor WITHOUT jail time.

Oh, I've had one person in my whole life removed from an apartment complex. I complained about him and his SO dying from overdoses in less than two weeks apart.

They denied his lease renewal.

Someone also spray painted "METH" on his door, which somehow prompted the police to arrive.

Strength in numbers.

If you tune a radio to the frequency corresponding to the length of their speaker cables you can play music inside their house and they have no way to shut it off..
That won't work.
Well I've got to try it out now but I don't see why it wouldn't.. Wires make an antenna and current is passed to the speaker.. Just gonna need a custom transmitter at really high power, probably a directional antenna.
Well I've got to try it out now but I don't see why it wouldn't.. Wires make an antenna and current is passed to the speaker.. Just gonna need a custom transmitter at really high power, probably a directional antenna.
You MIGHT be able to get some output from a speaker if you run two speaker wires right next to each other from inductive pickup, but you won't have the wattage of the original. You could make a jammer with a transmitter and a random noise generator with the transmitter tuned to the FM band, however it would need to sweep the band, or have multiple transmitters to cover it. A parabolic dish would be fine however the FCC would be over shortly to unplug it and take it away, and possibly you also. You are dealing with a Frequency Modulated (FM) RF signal that needs demodulated prior to sound coming out of your speakers. I worked on jammers in the AF for 20 years. High levels of RF radiation can also cause cancer and numerous other health problems. I have a friend who was radiated and he is a survivor of Hodgkins Lymphoma.
@cannabineer has a good story

Ohh yes.

My dad is a retired Ph.D. electrical engineer, so he knows his way around the innards of you-name-the electronic appliance circa 1970.

Our next-door neighbors (catty-corner actually, NW corner) decided to get into amateur radio. The forty-foot truss mast on their roof was kind of a fat tell in that regard.

The other big tell was that when mama had her Easy Listening softly going in the kitchen, there'd be these occasional, and startlingly loud, bursts of vox coming over Mama's FM radio, the loaf-of-bread-sized unit with the ivorette exterior, long tuner bar, and an oval-face electric clock opposite the perforated speaker plate. "This is (same three letters, same four numerals) calling _____". This happened several times and at all times of the day. It was enough to make one drop one's spoon.

Now the father of that household was, if I remember correctly, a career Marine with a burr under his saddle about damn fer'ners from recent enemy lands. So Dad and Guy got along about as well as the red and the blue kind of rocket fuel, poured into one beaker. As a Germanitarian gesture, Dad went over and provided technical advice to Guy on how to squelch that massive EM leakage from their two-way radio rig. Guy ignored it.

Dad was getting quite pissed that this lout was harshing Mama's buzz in the kitchen. He worked at the time for a firm that had some pretty sweet goodies on the engineers' common shelves, and he knew how to use'm.

So he signed out and brought home a tunable directional RF emitter and an oscillator. He rigged the oscillator to put out a squarewave signal at a god-awful acoustic frequency - somewhere in the "kilohurts" range. He fed that signal into the emitter which had been tuned to the right FM frequency, and pointed it into the five-degree cone that was most likely to contain Guy's radio set.

Turned the electronics on at a respectable power level, and left them in the ON condition for a day or two.

The caterwaul that came out of Guy's radio, out of Guy's TV, out of Guy's FM receiver, possibly out of his ignition wiring, fillings, plumbing ... ohhh I wish I could have witnessed it for myself. It must have been, for not choosing a stronger term, obvious.

Strangely, the radio vox squawks stopped then and did not return.

Bet Dad got an extra big hug from Mama that night. You do NOT casually or lightly go to war with an Austrian. Final score: Austrian 1, Marine 0.

That's MY dad!!

This thread reminds me of Tony Soprano parking his empty boat near some guy's house, blasting horrible Italian music all night; cuz' the guy wouldn't sell him the house. :lol:
I used laser lights@night to annoy my annoying neighbors, right in their own bedroom.
When that stopped working, an LED spotlight left on all night.
If you know their names and address call Mastercharge and Visa and tell them you lost your cards,wreaks havoc and very disruptive. Make sure you call from a blocked or untracable phone,have fun !