Ways to fuck with your neighbor WITHOUT jail time.

I own the house. Well, the bank owns it but I am paying mortgage.

I should just leave my old dog out to bark more often...

Idk, I'm kinda powerless to do anything.
I know it's a terrible situation but you just need to figure out a comfortable resolution. You already know the way the neighbors are......take away the problems they have and if that doesn't make things any better then you'll know they're assholes and have nothing better to do than complain and then you can play hard ball .
I'm totally sympathetic to your situation.I was lucky enough to purchase 10 acres 25 years ago and moved my family onto the property over the next 5 years . I couldn't ask for any better neighbors. I just wished I'd bought 25 acres instead of 10.
This is what I would do..

And actually I have done before...

I would go into webpage called Backpage and crags list and go into the section where it is about relationships and dating. Then look for te section on swingers community. Create an account and start talking to people about how you and your husban want to start hosting a swingers event for your local swinger community. Be very nice to people and go out of your way to be welcoming and help people on that page. This way they all trust you.

Then after maybe a week you post an event... "SWINGERS COSTUME PART IN (your local town) HOSTED BY YOURS TRUELY - EVERYONE WELCOME!" and make sure you require everyone to be in costume upon arrival. Oh and don't forget to post your neighbors address on the event, of course. And if you really want to screw with them you can tell everyone to show up at the same time (9:30 sharps) and be give them different ways to enter the home, maybe the side sliding glass door and the front door and te back doors will all be unlocked for everyone to enter. Tell every one to bring their favorite sex toys (The more exotic the better).

Buy a pound of industrial/feed hemp seeds. Then go for weekly walks in the evening sprinkling the seeds in their front yard. Nothing illegal but they'll have a hell of a time explaining the hundreds of plants popping up!

Sign them up for every add or subscription possible...preferably dating sites.

Fill out questionnaires for divorce lawyers for them.

I knew of a guy :wink: who once had a bunch of dry polymer that when it got wet it got horrible slippery, he spread it across the driveway of a Jackass that did him wrong. When said jackass came home, he slid his car through his garage door! Or at least that's what i heard;-)

@JoeBlow27 I love the swingers idea! Bonus points if there's a naked fight!
Can we believe any of Pie's story? I'm in sympathy with her neighbors. dog poop everywhere, trash draws rats, yard not mowed and fat cigarette smoking cow came out to yell at neighbor who did something about it. Barking dogs. Known thief husband can't be bothered to prune tree that is hazarding the neighbor's fence if not the neighbor. Prolly still faded Trump for prez sign in the front yard. Fat cow gets drunk and cucks husband in plain view of everybody.

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Can we believe any of Pie's story? I'm in sympathy with her neighbors. dog poop everywhere, trash draws rats, yard not mowed and fat cigarette smoking cow came out to yell at neighbor who did something about it. Barking dogs. Known theif husband can't be bothered to prune tree tree that is hazarding the neighbor's fence if not the neighbor. Prolly still faded Trump for prez sign in the front yard. Fat cow get's drunk and cucks husband in plain view of everybody.

hey man! her husband got a dishonorable discharge for a totally legit reason! he stole the military's scrap to build a go kart. vroom vroom!
So I have 3 sets of neighbors.

To my left are an older couple, which besides the husband constantly being in his garage and within sight of me possibly smoking, I have no problem with. They wave occasionally.

To my right is a younger couple (mid 30s) with a young daughter approximately 9 months older than mine. The husband is a pompous prick and cussed me out one day while I was on the porch with my 12 mo old. He didn't like a female asking him to stop cutting our lawn.

My problem neighbors are BEHIND my property BEHIND a wooden fence. As soon as we moved in, they were asking me to cut down an evergreen in our back yard. They didn't like it hanging some branches in their yard. They had already cut those branches and thrown them into my yard. The guy wanted me to call the city and have them cut down the tree. I don't like killing trees so I said no.

He also mentioned that the previous owner never cleaned up their dog poop and they were having issues with rats. (Now the lady had 2 days to vacate once we purchased the home. I doubt she picked up poop and I saw NO poop in the back yard) I hadn't seen any rats but I thanked them for the information.

They have yelled at me on numerous occasions about my older dog barking. I let her out 3 times a day. She chases the younger dog and barks. If she sees people walking behind the fence, she barks and I call her inside. She's old, I tell them. She has maybe two years left and she barks when she gets excited or when the wind blows. (literally)

This year, as soon as the snow melted, I got a ticket for dog poop and rat harboring. I have never seen any rats, my dogs would of killed one I'm sure. Nothing has been nibbling in my trash or leaving droppings in my garage.

So I think... Those assholes.. I remembered them earlier that day peering through their wooden fence into my yard. A couple of them.

Each year they throw barbeque trash in my yard, tree trimmings, and recently they have starting SPYING on me. They stand in their window and I shit you not, STARE into my yard.

My husband was so mad when he got the ticket. The snow had literally just finished melting and the ground was still super soggy.

So anyways, I would just like to entertain ideas of how to fuck with them. I probably will never do anything, but just knowing I COULD would make me smile.
The bitch that lives above me got promoted to apt manager... everything was fine until she moved in upstairs. The last three years have been but she had to move her bitch ass up there with her four-year-old that does not know the meaning of walk. Now on purpose they aggravate the shit out of me stomping and pounding any ideas would be greatly appreciated
The bitch that lives above me got promoted to apt manager... everything was fine until she moved in upstairs. The last three years have been but she had to move her bitch ass up there with her four-year-old that does not know the meaning of walk. Now on purpose they aggravate the shit out of me stomping and pounding any ideas would be greatly appreciated

The bitch that lives above me got promoted to apt manager... everything was fine until she moved in upstairs. The last three years have been but she had to move her bitch ass up there with her four-year-old that does not know the meaning of walk. Now on purpose they aggravate the shit out of me stomping and pounding any ideas would be greatly appreciated

other neighbors would get burned out too

Just effin move and get on with life.
Well I will move when my lease is up unless I find something I can't pass up before that. But my point is I haven't done anything to this woman, who, apparently needs to grow up and realize that being a bitch won't get her anywhere.. When I went in the office and asked her what the issue was with all the stomping on the floors beating on the walls, (she was asst mgr), she had nothing to say other than tried to blame it on her kid playing and I know the difference between a kid playing and adults harassing.. and you say just move like it's so easy, it would be a lot easier if she'd just grow the hell up, it's not that hard!! :wall: