Ways to fuck with your neighbor WITHOUT jail time.

I actually just thought of one for my neighbors with dogs,,,,,,occaisonally just poke a little Ex-Lax through the fence,,,hahahahahaha

Keep on Growin

never get into a dispute with your neighbors especially if you are a grower. total losing battle.

if you have any tree branches still hanging into their yard, by law you are required to remove only the branches but certainly not the tree. was this what u were pissed about initially? those were your branches in their yard, your responsibility.

I'd play somewhat apologetic to them and state your intentions on how you'd like to get along. If they don't oblige and decide to not heed your warning after a concerted effort, then I'd hire someone to rip their fucking heart out.
Rifle thru their trash, find a utility bill.

Then go into town/wherever, find where the gangbangers hang out, find their car, smash it up to fuck and then toss their utility bill thru the window onto the drivers seat
Start growing a sacrificial plant, put it in a large smart pot. Then one night whens its night and tall, put the plant in their backyard and call the cops.

You of course will need to be free of anything grow related.
Nah I like growing too much.
never get into a dispute with your neighbors especially if you are a grower. total losing battle.

if you have any tree branches still hanging into their yard, by law you are required to remove only the branches but certainly not the tree. was this what u were pissed about initially? those were your branches in their yard, your responsibility.

I'd play somewhat apologetic to them and state your intentions on how you'd like to get along. If they don't oblige and decide to not heed your warning after a concerted effort, then I'd hire someone to rip their fucking heart out.
In my state, you chop branches on your side of the fence, they are yours to dispose of, no matter where the root lies.
So I have 3 sets of neighbors.

To my left are an older couple, which besides the husband constantly being in his garage and within sight of me possibly smoking, I have no problem with. They wave occasionally.

To my right is a younger couple (mid 30s) with a young daughter approximately 9 months older than mine. The husband is a pompous prick and cussed me out one day while I was on the porch with my 12 mo old. He didn't like a female asking him to stop cutting our lawn.

My problem neighbors are BEHIND my property BEHIND a wooden fence. As soon as we moved in, they were asking me to cut down an evergreen in our back yard. They didn't like it hanging some branches in their yard. They had already cut those branches and thrown them into my yard. The guy wanted me to call the city and have them cut down the tree. I don't like killing trees so I said no.

He also mentioned that the previous owner never cleaned up their dog poop and they were having issues with rats. (Now the lady had 2 days to vacate once we purchased the home. I doubt she picked up poop and I saw NO poop in the back yard) I hadn't seen any rats but I thanked them for the information.

They have yelled at me on numerous occasions about my older dog barking. I let her out 3 times a day. She chases the younger dog and barks. If she sees people walking behind the fence, she barks and I call her inside. She's old, I tell them. She has maybe two years left and she barks when she gets excited or when the wind blows. (literally)

This year, as soon as the snow melted, I got a ticket for dog poop and rat harboring. I have never seen any rats, my dogs would of killed one I'm sure. Nothing has been nibbling in my trash or leaving droppings in my garage.

So I think... Those assholes.. I remembered them earlier that day peering through their wooden fence into my yard. A couple of them.

Each year they throw barbeque trash in my yard, tree trimmings, and recently they have starting SPYING on me. They stand in their window and I shit you not, STARE into my yard.

My husband was so mad when he got the ticket. The snow had literally just finished melting and the ground was still super soggy.

So anyways, I would just like to entertain ideas of how to fuck with them. I probably will never do anything, but just knowing I COULD would make me smile.
The rat thing makes it sound like they are meth heads, or possibly have demons if your into that shit...Either way I would strait call them out about anything, if they say you have rats, you say they smoke meth...and remember the first move for self defense they taught us the corps was the eye gouge, all fingers not just two.
all this stupid shit will bite u in the ass. they are prolly more ballsy than you. didn't they already call an inspector on you for that fine. make peace, or move out.
The rat thing makes it sound like they are meth heads, or possibly have demons if your into that shit...Either way I would strait call them out about anything, if they say you have rats, you say they smoke meth...and remember the first move for self defense they taught us the corps was the eye gouge, all fingers not just two.
I really don't get what their obsession with rats is. I haven't seen ANY evidence of rats. Plenty of rabbits but no rats.
Splitting hairs. It's your tree shading their yard. kinda ornery throwing branches in your yard, but hey had you pruned them in the first place, you could have saved them the work and they may not be so pissed.
They didnt say anything to me about it. They just did it the week I moved into the house.

MY other neighbors on the right of me are cutting the grass on my property. he cuts it super short too. I was going to reseed it and he got pissed that I was telling him he couldnt mow there anymore. Even though I was like, hey I'm going to be reseeding this section of my lawn, could you please not mow there anymore?