
Don’t forget the Z

People make pretty good RC planes from dollar store foam board and hot glue, add a $25 propulsion kit (motor, esc and prop) and a couple for $2 servos and you've got a plane. There are a ton of videos and designs online, boats too, you could build a fleet for cheap and it's a fun work bench hobby. People meet up on weekend to fly, show off their handy work, trade stuff and have fun, mostly guys and a few older fellows.

Here is a build video from flite test of a foam board plane, they have free plans and sell kits too. They could turn this into a weapon and kill Russians with it, just a few ounces of plastic explosive will do. It can have a flight control computer, GPS waypoint guidance and a long range video transmitter and receiver. The electronics are cheap too and built like cellphones.
FT Spear - BUILD | Flite Test

I guess the Ukrainians could scrawl this on some weaponry maybe those switchblades.….. says same shit that snake island soldiers said to Russian warship.

Иди на хуй (Idi na hui) — Literally “go to the dick,” but expressed with all the emotion of telling someone to go fuck themselves.
I guess the Ukrainians could scrawl this on some weaponry maybe those switchblades.….. says same shit that snake island soldiers said to Russian warship.

Иди на хуй (Idi na hui) — Literally “go to the dick,” but expressed with all the emotion of telling someone to go fuck themselves.
Isn’t the last word “khuye”?
We might be beginning to see the tide turn in Ukraine's favor, the arrival of an endless stream of modern weapons and freshly trained troops. With a pre war military budget of 1.6 billion dollars they are only using a fraction of their manpower reserves. The had about 150,000 soldiers before the war and 900,000 reservists, I figure both those numbers have been exploding as fast as the Ukrainians can train and arm them. Reservists are trained, armed and organized locally and regular army people go to the rear for a few weeks training and equipping. They've had pre war aid and since the fighting started it has poured in, money, supplies and arms, most for the military. So they are arming the reservists in the areas the Russians are or are expected to be and building a big infantry army from the young fit and motivated. Things need to happen before the ground dries out and the Russians can get off the roads with tanks and go cross country, by passing towns or other defensive points.
General Petraeus chimes in on stalemate of forward lines and planting Russian generals in the ground.

NATO generals are looking at the Russians like they were the keystone cops and fantasizing about how they could whip their asses in 2 days. You can tell most of these guys are shaking their heads in disbelief, they were conservative in their estimates (and rightly so), but this is fucking ridiculous! :lol: Nobody in Europe under NATO fears the bear in conventional war, some are nervous, but there is really little need. Vlad already has 75% of his combat power in Ukraine 100% of the forces committed are there and he has to save some for other places. They are having a lot of trouble getting warm bodies, most people under 30 know what is happening. Vlad is also going broke and is desperate not to lose too badly now, but his problem is the Ukrainians want him out of not just the Ukraine, but out of Crimea too and in a month or two they will have the army and equipment to do it. As long as the Ukrainians are willing to bleed Vlad white, NATO is happy, it's an investment, not an expense. Vlad is using up shit and people he will have a hard time replacing with a destroyed economy. Where are Russian farmers gonna get money and financing to plant this spring? Many bought fuel using credit cards, if the banks collapse forget that and financing. That is what Vlad should be worried about.
Ukraine resists Russia despite overwhelming odds | DW News

There has been surprise at the apparent struggle Russian forces have faced since launching their attacks on Ukraine. Despite having superior fire power and troop numbers, Moscow has not so far had the anticipated success. But despite their difference in size, both militaries are suffering losses.
They did it before and they can do it better the second time around, better roads, leaders and allies! :lol:
"We should have known something is coming" – German politician warns on Putin | DW News

Germany’s coordinator for transatlantic relations says Europe faces a “watershed moment” after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. In a special interview, Michael Link says Vladimir Putin has created an “increasingly paranoid dictatorial structure… more and more directed to one person.” He says the West missed warning signs going back at least to 2007. And he sets out the urgency of Europe paying more for its own defense – and the US shoring up its democracy.
I see western estimates are now around 15,000 dead Russians, that means at least 45 to 50,000 total counting the wounded, out of action. These are combat troops for the most part and does not include deserters or the captured. The Russians had a total force of 200,000 say and 1/3 of those are actual combat soldiers, let's say they had 100,000 combat troops in theater to be generous, if they now have 15,000 dead, they have two to three times as many wounded. I think they are worn down enough for offensive operations to begin soon!
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Some news came out about Ukraine ( purposely ? ) flooding area to impede road travel into Kiev. The guerrilla tactics are outstanding.

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The Russians are in trouble far to the north of there and might be cut off from resupply, I saw a map on a CCN video tweet from Kyiv the reporter was referring to, it's up further in the thread. It looked bad for the Russians north west of Kyiv, the Ukrainians could cut off and bag a lot of prisoners, a prisoner is as good as a dead one and they might easily get a few thousand. The Russians currently have about 15,000 dead according to reliable estimates and 2 to 3 times that wounded and out of it, most of the casualties are likely combat troops and they only have 100K in country at most. Ukrainians are only now beginning offensive operations and will want to destroy as much Russian equipment as they can, while the Russians are still confined to the roads, mud season will most likely last for weeks yet.
France 24 - NATO update Brussels

Much of the money will be spent on advanced weapons for Ukraine, NATO has enough former soviet arms to fight WW3, inherited from new eastern members. They could probably arm millions of Ukrainians with weapons the Russians themselves paid for and made, for free. Now there's irony, the Russians will end up being killed by weapons their fathers made and paid for and by modern weapons from the west, that they will also end up paying for and of course compensating Ukraine and rebuilding the place better than before. The Russians will foot the entire bill for national suicide, how fucking ironic is that! :lol: The 2 or more trillion they have abroad should cover the bills and then some, oh yeah compensate the folks helping the refugees too and the refugees of course. Even the Russian prisoners who will be cleaning up the fucking rubble this summer, will be paid out of Vlad's personal stash! Some aspects of this war are not only ironic, they are hilarious, other aspects are horrible and the reason it will happen, no way do they get the cash back after this shit.