
If the Belarussians join this shit show,I'd expect their performance to be even worse than Russia's has been,how much appetite for war does a young Belarussian conscript have being thrown into this by a extremely unpopular suck up dictator? News coming from refugees leaving Mariople says that the 1st couple of security checkpoints are staffed by Russian teenage conscripts who are friendly and clueless as to what they are doing in Ukraine,after those checkpoints as you get into central Ukraine these areas are staffed by older and more hardcore soldier's who are deleting phones and are much more aggressive in questioning,searching,etc.
I think if Lukashenko does invade Ukraine, it probably won't be with his whole army, which is pretty small. If ya look at a map you'll see Belarus is surrounded on three sides by free countries and they get their TV and radio broadcasts. Unlike Russia, many more people know the truth and Lukashenko does not have majority support. For instance all the colonels, the ones in more direct control of the troops have access to such information as do many of the elites. They can see what is happening in Ukraine and especially the trouble the Russians are in and how desperate and bad Vlad really is. They are under sanctions too, but not as much as Russia, protestors have held up truck convoys at the border and nothing is getting in from Poland.

If he does go to Ukraine, it will probably lead to revolution at home, even if the place is practically occupied by the Russians. There are vital railways going through there that railway workers are disrupting now and they were going to join a couple of weeks ago, but the army threatened mutiny. Vlad has been squeezing Lukashenko's nuts until his eyeballs are nearly popping out to try and get him to join in. Vlad is apparently pretty desperate, trying to find warm bodies to throw into the fire back in Russia.

i do not blame them one bit for doubting the resolve of the United States government...we should be doing more in Ukraine than arguing in the house about what aid is or isn't appropriate...what fucking difference will aid make when there are only dead Ukrainians left to use it? it was time to step into Ukraine three weeks ago. Alone if necessary, hopefully it would shame the rest of NATO into shutting up and doing the right fucking thing. put every nation in NATO on high alert, put every sub killer on high alert, put every missile defense system on high alert, and walk the fuck into Ukraine and start kicking the fucking russians back to russia, so hard they bounce three times when they land...and then DEMAND putin stand trial and face punishment, and DEMAND nuclear disarmament, and if we don't get it, TAKE IT...
the argument that putin's russia is like an abusive husband blaming his wife for getting beaten has been made here multiple times...do those abusive husbands ever change? do they ever quit beating their wives? why would putin be any different? as long as he remains in power, there can never be peace
Heart Problems like it stopped working when he sniffed Novichok in the morning?

don't know.....from reports i've been reading ol pooty has been purging his inner circle with house arrest (if you can call it that) to other things. That guy has supposedly imbessled billions from Russia, and he was supposed to be the one to help the russian army get battle ready, but he didn't do that instead he bought a sex boat and houses and other stuff, the Ukrainians are the one that ratted him out with that.....sooooo....

i do not blame them one bit for doubting the resolve of the United States government...we should be doing more in Ukraine than arguing in the house about what aid is or isn't appropriate...what fucking difference will aid make when there are only dead Ukrainians left to use it? it was time to step into Ukraine three weeks ago. Alone if necessary, hopefully it would shame the rest of NATO into shutting up and doing the right fucking thing. put every nation in NATO on high alert, put every sub killer on high alert, put every missile defense system on high alert, and walk the fuck into Ukraine and start kicking the fucking russians back to russia, so hard they bounce three times when they land...and then DEMAND putin stand trial and face punishment, and DEMAND nuclear disarmament, and if we don't get it, TAKE IT...
the argument that putin's russia is like an abusive husband blaming his wife for getting beaten has been made here multiple times...do those abusive husbands ever change? do they ever quit beating their wives? why would putin be any different? as long as he remains in power, there can never be peace
Nobody thought the Ukrainians would last this long or the Russians would perform so poorly. America has been giving arms through NATO countries, until they could line up the ducks politically back home and I'm pretty sure black budget money was spent too. EU allies have been giving Ukraine a lot of help too, but our response could have been more nimble. However now that the military analysts have had a good look at the situation, they like what they see (humanitarian issues aside). The American public is so on board it's even affecting domestic politics, for the better and most republicans are all in.

The flood gates have been opened, just as the Ukrainian army is completing the training of large numbers of new soldiers. I'm serous when I say it is going to get a lot harder for the Russians from here on out, they will want to drive them back as much as possible, before they can get off the roads. Their infantry army with anti tank weapons and stingers can march to battle over fields if required, that Russian tanks will sink in. If the Ukrainians need ATVs and trailers to move about over wet fields, there are tens of thousands of them in a country of 45 million these days, or they can be bought in western Europe. I figure it will largely be an infantry fight that defeats the Russians and the Ukrainians have the numbers and equipment, or soon will.
don't know.....from reports i've been reading ol pooty has been purging his inner circle with house arrest (if you can call it that) to other things. That guy has supposedly imbessled billions from Russia, and he was supposed to be the one to help the russian army get battle ready, but he didn't do that instead he bought a sex boat and houses and other stuff, the Ukrainians are the one that ratted him out with that.....sooooo....
Here is something both funny and historical, the death of Stalin, have a look at a few clips on YouTube to get an idea of the clown show Putin is heir to and wants to revive. It is largely based on fact and those came out much later, during the decline and after the downfall of the USSR. It's called a dark comedy.

don't know.....from reports i've been reading ol pooty has been purging his inner circle with house arrest (if you can call it that) to other things. That guy has supposedly imbessled billions from Russia, and he was supposed to be the one to help the russian army get battle ready, but he didn't do that instead he bought a sex boat and houses and other stuff, the Ukrainians are the one that ratted him out with that.....sooooo....

And Putin is espousing the good ol' Soviet values of they are poor together for the greater good of the Union.
don't know.....from reports i've been reading ol pooty has been purging his inner circle with house arrest (if you can call it that) to other things. That guy has supposedly imbessled billions from Russia, and he was supposed to be the one to help the russian army get battle ready, but he didn't do that instead he bought a sex boat and houses and other stuff, the Ukrainians are the one that ratted him out with that.....sooooo....
One more, a review to see how accurate the movie was. Worth a watch, in light of the current situation and Vlad's dreams.
Nobody thought the Ukrainians would last this long or the Russians would perform so poorly. America has been giving arms through NATO countries, until they could line up the ducks politically back home and I'm pretty sure black budget money was spent too. EU allies have been giving Ukraine a lot of help too, but our response could have been more nimble. However now that the military analysts have had a good look at the situation, they like what they see (humanitarian issues aside). The American public is so on board it's even affecting domestic politics, for the better and most republicans are all in.

The flood gates have been opened, just as the Ukrainian army is completing the training of large numbers of new soldiers. I'm serous when I say it is going to get a lot harder for the Russians from here on out, they will want to drive them back as much as possible, before they can get off the roads. Their infantry army with anti tank weapons and stingers can march to battle over fields if required, that Russian tanks will sink in. If the Ukrainians need ATVs and trailers to move about over wet fields, there are tens of thousands of them in a country of 45 million these days, or they can be bought in western Europe. I figure it will largely be an infantry fight that defeats the Russians and the Ukrainians have the numbers and equipment, or soon will.

I think a lot of those soldiers are like American Soldiers. They saw it as a job mostly and never did they think they would be sent to kill people that are related to them.

So in my mind it's real :iffy" if Putin uses chemical weapons. But I think that would tip the scale and the USA would get involved.

Also the Yacht that may well be Putin's has Putin's personal security forces crewing it.

Navalny group presents evidence Putin owns mysterious $700 million mega-yacht Scheherazade
Here is something both funny and historical, the death of Stalin, have a look at a few clips on YouTube to get an idea of the clown show Putin is heir to and wants to revive. It is largely based on fact and those came out much later, during the decline and after the downfall of the USSR. It's called a dark comedy.

from the trailer that looks like a very funny film....."where are all the good doctors?"....."they're all dead"...lol
Russian oil refineries are starting to shut down because of lack of storage for the finished products. If the pipelines fill up back to the wells they will have to shut them down. The last time Russia shut down like this was 1989 and it took 32 years to get back to the same production levels. Russia doesn't have the skills to manage much of it's oil reserves and rely's on large foreign oil companies for the expertise.
They completely cut them off in the north west of Kyiv, pretty far up north and are mopping up those west of Kyiv. That long finger of Russians on the east of Kyiv, is very vulnerable to being cut off, if the Ukrainians can get a couple hundred special forces with anti tank weapons in behind them at a strategic point along that highway, they would be cut off and screwed while local forces or an army attack caused them to use up ammo at the front.

The Ukrainians can both feed more regular soldier replacements in and train and equip a new army at the same time, they have the men, resources and weapons. They don't need months of basic, a few weeks will do and the Russian's aren't very well trained either. I think you are seeing the first graduates of that new army, as units are formed and reformed to spread combat experience around, after R&R, it's off to a newly formed unit, with new men.

The Russians are fucked sooner than many people think I believe, the Ukrainians need to push them back as far as possible and destroy as much of their equipment as they can by the time the ground dries out. So time is critical for lot's of things in war and for many in this one, the Ukrainians bought the precious time required to organize and react, even though they were prepared. History has many examples of large armies being defeated by much smaller ones, often they had an edge, better leadership and their soldiers were better motivated.
I think a lot of those soldiers are like American Soldiers. They saw it as a job mostly and never did they think they would be sent to kill people that are related to them.

So in my mind it's real :iffy" if Putin uses chemical weapons. But I think that would tip the scale and the USA would get involved.

Also the Yacht that may well be Putin's has Putin's personal security forces crewing it.

Navalny group presents evidence Putin owns mysterious $700 million mega-yacht Scheherazade
The US will be cautious about it's response to chemical weapons, the eastern European NATO members, not so much! If Vlad though he's feeling the pain now, wait until he sees what will happen if he does mass murder civilians with chemical weapons, the soldiers will be protected. If you thought Ukrainian soldiers were motivated before, imagine one of them going through a town with dead women and children in the streets, dead and dying from a chemical attack, or even watching a video of it? I can only imagine the effect it would have on the nation and army, there would be no peace with Putin, only his death would be acceptable to them and their allies. Me too BTW
They completely cut them off in the north west of Kyiv, pretty far up north and are mopping up those west of Kyiv. That long finger of Russians on the east of Kyiv, is very vulnerable to being cut off, if the Ukrainians can get a couple hundred special forces with anti tank weapons in behind them at a strategic point along that highway, they would be cut off and screwed while local forces or an army attack caused them to use up ammo at the front.

The Ukrainians can both feed more regular soldier replacements in and train and equip a new army at the same time, they have the men, resources and weapons. They don't need months of basic, a few weeks will do and the Russian's aren't very well trained either. I think you are seeing the first graduates of that new army, as units are formed and reformed to spread combat experience around, after R&R, it's off to a newly formed unit, with new men.

The Russians are fucked sooner than many people think I believe, the Ukrainians need to push them back as far as possible and destroy as much of their equipment as they can by the time the ground dries out. So time is critical for lot's of things in war and for many in this one, the Ukrainians bought the precious time required to organize and react, even though they were prepared. History has many examples of large armies being defeated by much smaller ones, often they had an edge, better leadership and their soldiers were better motivated.
They should folly that trail of tank crumbs all the way to Russia like an angry Hansell and Grettle