
How many Bayraktar drones can you buy for 110b?.... bongsmilie
View attachment 5106944
They only carry two bombs each, but if the hit nearly 100% of the time, a dozen could take out a stopped column. I think in this war at least, drones would be a better option for close air support, both bomb droppers and cheap killer drones that can kill em in their foxholes from miles away or take out defensive positions on highway junctions and armor.

I think armor has become obsolete, even APCs, Stinger took choppers and close air support off the table too. Infantry is king again, switchblades can take out gun artillery in range and rocket launchers too. Forces won't be concentrated, but spread out into tank hunter teams with air defense for tactical air. You don't need massed armor to stop tanks any more, rockets and drones can do it. Now they just have to beat them up bad enough before the ground dries out and they can get off the roads. I don't see the Russians lasting more than a few weeks at their causality rate and at the rate their supplies are being destroyed. The Ukrainians have vast man power reserves in theater and arms and equipment for them. It's common sense to build a big army of infantry, equipped with modern and old soviet weapons, to eject the Russians and beat them quickly, before Vlad can muster additional forces, if he can. They don't need tanks or choppers, they need light trucks and jeeps and they don't need months of training either. They don't need psychological or physical conditioning, though they will get that too, they need weapons and tactics training, chemical warfare seminars, how to read maps and how to use soviet mortars and communicate on radios.
Apparently, the Ukrainians are offering citizenship to Russian's who surrender! That might bag a few and their tanks, throw some pay to live on and a job to do in the rear for awhile and you might have a deal. Compared to the expense of killing one, or compensating for them killing one of yours, it's a real deal, that the Russians will end up paying for anyway, many of them were victims too.
Huge chaos in Russian army: The troops surrender to Ukraine one by one!

The defense minister hasn't been seen since March 11th...
US officials say this 'revealing moment' hints at morale problems in Russia's military

A rare face-to-face meeting between Russian and US military officials last week led to an "outburst" of emotion from a normally stoic Russian general, a "revealing moment" that the Americans present believe hinted at larger morale problems in Russia's military, according to a closely held US military readout of what transpired. CNN's Barbara Starr reports.
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Good Morning.

This morning's news is worse.

Russia Using "Nazis' Flaming Onion" Phosphorous Bombs, Alleges Ukraine
Russia-Ukraine War: International law prohibits the use of white phosphorous shells in heavily populated civilian areas, but allows them in open spaces to be used as cover for troops.
Kyiv: A senior Ukrainian police officer has accused Russian forces of launching phosphorus bomb attacks in the eastern region of Lugansk.

If this was used on Civilians it is a War crime.
If they keep this up the Russian Army in Ukraine will come apart at the seams in a couple of weeks at this rate. Keep picking off senior officers, interdicting supplies and making surrender offers to cut off troops, with no senior leadership, where only higher ups make all the calls.

Offers of citizenship to those who surrender is a good idea too, most of these guys would be less dangerous than the average Trump voter! :lol:
Russian military ship destroyed in Berdyansk, Ukrainian Navy claims

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smug face fucker
KGB and one of Vlad close buddies, he lost a fortune stashed overseas and will be one of those paying the cost of this war from his own money, all of it. He got screwed and knows it, he also knows they are getting not only screwed, but slaughtered in Ukraine. The Ukrainians are getting better at killing Russians with every passing day, they've only really just begun to go on the offensive.
Here is how Ukrainian drone operations began back in 2015, they've had 7 years to organize and develop things. It started with RC hobbyist, drone pilots and engineers. Hobbyists and companies have now setup supply chains for some of the Ukrainian drone operations.

Almost every combat team can use a disposable scout to look for ambushes ahead at least and a hobbyist DJI video drone is fine for that, for reconnoitering the area around and allowing commanders a God's eye view of the battle below. They are cheap and there were tens of thousands in the country, most who would be called up as reservists or even to the regular army would bring their drone along. They would know from experience how useful they can be and would either give them to the government or use them in the fight with their units. Every combat officer would love to have a few for the God's eye view alone.
Gotta love ukrainians
Everybody can make a contribution, that ammo could have been used to kill soldiers and it's loss might make a few Russians surrender. That old fellow was probably as effective as a squad of soldiers, also the Ukrainians use the same weapons and can use it against the Russians. Give him a medal and a bonus on his personal reparations check, thanks to all that Russian money! :lol:

It is fortunate that the criminals in Russia probably HAD over a trillion dollars abroad in stolen money and the Russian government has almost another trillion. I really do hope Vlad WAS worth $200 billion stashed abroad, that will cover a lot of expenses, reconstruction, loans, compensation and other goodies for the Ukrainians and those who gave them aid. The Russians are destroying the leftovers of the old soviet union, the apartment blocks, what will replace them will be much better and will be paid for with Russian money. I hope they are generous with Russian money, after this shit they won't get any of it back.
Well that elderly gentleman has earned some new teeth after this military mess !

Bravo :mrgreen:
Hey he can have a chat with the conscript driving a truck, tell him about the Ukrainian government's offer of citizenship for surrender and good treatment, maybe even give him one of those paper passes that have been flying around littering the place. "Tell ya what, you can hide out in my farmhouse and I'll take the truck, the wife has a nice hot meal waiting for you!" ;-)