Well-Known Member
errrr...since 9/11 and the war the USA...I'm assuming Your government has secured Afghanistan as the worlds heroin supplier. Why arent troops burning poppy fields? They just let them grow and manufacture heroin all day long, they actually have been protecting poppy fields for some fucked up reason...absolutely it would get better, in his speech JUST today the president said the exact words, drugs from Afghanistan IE heroin, are destroying are economy
Under the Taliban Afghanistan supplied 0% of the worlds heroin supply, they were against it. George Bush Sr. basically started the heroin trade in Afghanistan, at least he initiated and allowed it to happen...before 1950 Afghanistan provides 0% of worlds heroin supply. 1980s they provide about 50%....late 90s about 60%....then after 9/11 and the war its up to about 95+%.
So if you want your government to stop the heroin then stop the war...
I'm gonna call it right now. The war Will Not end, some wars in some countries will end but its not over. Its going to go from one country to the next with the USA forcing their ideals on people in the name of "peace"
You dont seem to understand how the drug trade works. The "lionshare" as you call it never leaves America. 80% of the profit of any hard drug is made from resale. None of that money goes overseas.
I agree Drugs are Not good.
But if you think the economy would somehow get better if drugs stopped beiing imported tomorrow....well....
If you think people can't find jobs now, what about the Thousands an Thousands of Police officers, FBI, parol officers, DEA, Corrections officers, bail bondsman, Lawyers, Judges...And all the people who are employed by these people like assistants.
All these people LOSE THEIR JOBS if there is not drugs. BOOM, no jobs. The courts are empty, the jails are empty, if theres no people being arrested theres no reason to keep the budgets so high.
You can't "reverse" the economy, it just fails. Prisons get shut down because they couldn't afford to be run anymore. Everything would go to Shit if there was no more illegal drugs in America tomorrow.
Theres even doctors, nurses, cab drivers, 911 operators, a lot of these jobs would lose a TON of business. No drugs would mean no gangs and that would mean less shootings, less people paying for health care....How is that good for the economy.
I want to be so Fucking Clear that I DO NOT THINK this is a Good thing or the way it should be. It would be amazing if we could eliminate all hard drugs and gangs and live in peace, but it aint happening any time soon.
It may not be a good thing, but its true.
Yes, your rightits bad for hard working tax payers. Im not saying this is the way I want it, but drugs do prop up a Very Fragile economy in So many ways.