shep which drugs are you refering to as crack,coke,meth,pcp,and heroine destroy your body,brain and motor skills so there is no "responsible" way to use these as soon as you put them in your body your are being irresponsible? if you can tell me how any of those can be used "responsible" Im listening but your not going to be able to. They kill you and your body and that is well irresponsible of you as people are dieing naturally who would like to have the organs your trashing...Response?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this shit is safe by any means.. I don't condone hard drug use.. I just think a little education about what they really do and really do not do is helpful.
Let's actually look at the dangers of those drugs you listed in their pure forms. Crack & Cocaine are the same thing btw (benzoylmethyl ecgonine), cocaine is used (currently prescribed) as a pharmaceutical for an oral analgesic. Beyond it being a stimulant, and potentially causing perforation of the septum, the side effects are not too drastic.. crack on the otherhand is quite pneumotoxic, I will give you that long term abuse of cocaine of crack could potentially lead to renal failure.. but to be honest using it on occasion will not cause many (if any) adverse effects to the body.
I'm not going to justify methamphetamine.
Heroin (diacetyl morphine) is actually more safe then most of the currently prescribed opiate/opioid pharmaceuticals on the market. Pharmaceutical grade heroin is actually rather safe (europe uses diacetylmorphine if I am correct)... to be honest I can say that almost no one has ever died from heroin overdose (as heroin is almost immediately converted to morphine via hydrolysis), granted that would fall under morphine overdose.
PCP, is the most neurotoxic out of the whole bunch, I know a couple of people who use it on occasion, but I wouldn't recommend it.
As to "destroy your body,brain and motor skills so there is no "responsible" way to use these as soon as you put them in your body your are being irresponsible?"
Just that statement alone tells me you've not done your homework on substances and substance abuse.. let's use some nice terms here, neurotoxicity = brain damage
renal toxicity/failure = kidney damage
hepatoxicity = liver damage
pneumotoxicity = lung damage
Now, motor skills? Marijuana doesn't cause a loss of motor skills? That's new news to me. Now I'm not saying any of these drugs listed above are less dangerous than marijuana, I would be retarded... but aren't marijuana and crack the only two on there that can cause cancer? Now lung cancer kills around 162,460 a year.. I've seen more people drive on weed than any of the other substances you listed, and you can't be saying it's safe to drive on a substance can you?
I just don't see how occasionally using a pharmaceutical or hard substance is going to instantly "kill you and your body" or any of that shit.