Well-Known Member
Only the ones who try to push it on its not, its hard to be around religious people![]()
Only the ones who try to push it on its not, its hard to be around religious people![]()
Ok, I stand a few hundred years. Fair play."Al-Hazen 965 -1038 is the person who first found the relationship between light source, lens and resultant image. That is why called as "Al-Hazen Theorem". He also explained how an eye can see. He said that we can only see when light falls on that object and reflect back to our eyes."
So since Muhammad died in 632, and this "Al-Hazen guy" is before Muhammad? and before Islam?
From wikipedia
"Science in the medieval Islamic world, also known as Islamic science or Arabic science, is the science developed and practiced in the Islamic world during the Islamic Golden Age (c.750 CE - c.1258 CE). During this time, Indian, Iranian and especially Greek knowledge was translated into Arabic. These translations became a wellspring for scientific advances, by scientists from the Islamic civilization, during the Middle Ages."
Not all Muslims are ARABS you damn fool.
The arabian peninsula consists of Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain.
All these "arabs" are not even Islamic.
Thanks for making yourself look....well....dumb
Also the Quran says nothing about forcing women to be confined to certain rooms in the home, nor does it require ALL women to be veiled. Muhammad didnt treat his wife as a dog like most Islamic men do in our era. He treated her (he was originally married to a single woman who owned the "company" he worked for) with respect and took her voice into consideration on many occasions. It was the Islamic Fundamentalists (which exist in every religion), such as the Taliban, that enforced these extreme laws and brought back the barbaric law system of the past.
No...sorry dude. Even the dictionaries disagree with you. was this "agreement" you speak of agreed upon by those with said beliefs or by a bunch of christians. Athiest and agnostic are not synonyms, and I dont care if you get a whole fraternity of wrong people to agree with you, they ARE different.This is incorrect and has been discussed in many threads previously. Non-believer and atheist are synonyms. Atheism simply means lack of theism. If you aren't a theist, you are by definition an atheist. The problem comes from self-identification. People that don't believe in astrology don't call themselves non-astrologers. Atheist is an accusatory term created by theists. Agnosticism is about a different ontological question, that of knowledge. Theism and atheism are about belief, hence why non-belief makes you an atheist. Agnosticism is about knowledge and what if anything is knowable. They are related but different. The popular 'atheist' authors Dawkins, Hitchens, Harris and Dennet all say the same thing you do, that the theistic claim that there is a deity is not compelling so they are on the side of skepticism, but none of them make the positive claim that there absolutely is no god.
no disrespect ment bro, just get a little carried away when I speak, err i mean type.Ok, I stand a few hundred years. Fair play.
However, of course all arabs arent muslims, but the stuff came from arabian civilizations, not all of whom were muslim. There is no need to call me a "damn fool" I may have some historical misconceptions, which when corrected I try to take graciously, and we may disagree on many points, but friend, I am no fool. And there is no need for such talk.
And sure, al koran doesnt say all women must wear jilbobs or burkas, and it doesnt say women must be confined to a room, but doesnt your "yellow book" as its called in indonesia?
And yes, mohammed argued for womens rights. Didnt he take a 12 or 13 year old for a wife near his death? Doesnt that make him a pedophile?
(go ahead...get all steamy!)
And it sure didnt take long for his DIRECT disciples to write their own texts, start treating women like crap, and start a sunni shi'ite split that instigated 1300 years of bloodshed. (arguing about who was more right)
I never claimed atheist and agnostic are synonyms. Try re-reading.No...sorry dude. Even the dictionaries disagree with you. was this "agreement" you speak of agreed upon by those with said beliefs or by a bunch of christians. Athiest and agnostic are not synonyms, and I dont care if you get a whole fraternity of wrong people to agree with you, they ARE different.
of course it works in the practical sense. If you not a theist you are an atheist. Atheism is lack of belief in a deity. It doesn't say why you lack belief, it could be because you are naive about the concept like a baby or maybe you are merely unconvinced of the theistic arguments. Either way, that fits the broadest definitions of atheism, even in most dictionaries, which, BTW, are the the arbiters of proper usage but merely reflect common use.Thats a pretty funny statement...if you arent a thiest you are an athiest. It makes sense in latin, sure,but in their practical applications....not the same
No it's not. Being gay is a specific category. There is no word for not being straight but we can use the same linguistic trick and call them a-straightists. As you correctly point out, the mere label of a-straightism doesn't tell you much about the person, just like calling someone an atheist doesn't tell you what they DO believe. Atheism has always been an accusation made by a theist. As Sam Harris points out, "It is worth noting that no one ever need identify himself as a non-astrologer or a non-alchemist. Consequently, we do not have words for people who deny the validity of these pseudo-disciplines. Likewise, “atheism” is a term that should not even exist. Atheism is nothing more than the noises reasonable people make when in the presence of religious dogma."Its kind of like saying "if you arent straight, then your gay" it doesnt take into account peopel who are bi, in to animals, have no sexual desire, like to fuck inanimate objects, or a chrnic masterbator....people come in all shades of options
ya i think its easy to see whos blowing it a little out of proportion tho as well.All I know is that I don't ever remember those blasted athiests knocking on my door with their suits on and trying to fuck with me at my home during the daytime on my day off when I'm trying to relax and attempting to shove their fucking atheist litterature down upon me ever , but I'll bet we all know who does shit like that .
Really? Religious people don't believe in science? Wow, you obviously don't know shit about religion (no offense).The scientific people are taking over....the religious people have not figured it out yet, because they do not believe in science, lol. I find it funny when someone believes in a big bearded man in the clouds, and yet fails to recognize scientific research.
I like you. You spin an intricately well worded and reasoned web, what you say has much validity. We do address the symantics of latin like I said (the prefix "a" meaning without) however given your argument the worth of the symantic differences would be too insognificant to argue over. Ill accent to your statement.I never claimed atheist and agnostic are synonyms. Try re-reading.
of course it works in the practical sense. If you not a theist you are an atheist. Atheism is lack of belief in a deity. It doesn't say why you lack belief, it could be because you are naive about the concept like a baby or maybe you are merely unconvinced of the theistic arguments. Either way, that fits the broadest definitions of atheism, even in most dictionaries, which, BTW, are the the arbiters of proper usage but merely reflect common use.
Think about the word moral. The term for the absence of morality is amoral, not immoral just like the absence of theism is atheism. Immoral is negative morals and is a definite position. The closest we have for the term theism is anti-theistic. Atheist is not the same as anti-theist. You are describing the anti-theist when you discuss people that make a positive claim about the non-existence of a god. Very, very, very few people do this. They are a special subset of atheists.
No it's not. Being gay is a specific category. There is no word for not being straight but we can use the same linguistic trick and call them a-straightists. As you correctly point out, the mere label of a-straightism doesn't tell you much about the person, just like calling someone an atheist doesn't tell you what they DO believe. Atheism has always been an accusation made by a theist. As Sam Harris points out, "It is worth noting that no one ever need identify himself as a non-astrologer or a non-alchemist. Consequently, we do not have words for people who deny the validity of these pseudo-disciplines. Likewise, “atheism” is a term that should not even exist. Atheism is nothing more than the noises reasonable people make when in the presence of religious dogma."
Do you agree that you can have a belief without complete knowledge on a subject? That is the essence of agnosticism and atheism. Atheism is about personal belief, i.e. does the theistic argument convince you enough to believe there is a god. If not, you are atheist. An agnostic is one that doesn't believe that the answer is knowable, so you can be a devout believer and still claim you are agnostic toward the question, "does god exist?" The vast majority of the modern atheists also make this distinction and most also are agnostic in this sense. Just watch some of the videos from The Atheist Experience or read Hitchens or Dawkins.
Yes, because you're way more intelligent then me lol. You obviously jumped the gun on saying I'm religious. You make a horrible image for atheists....We could use a lot more atheists in america to spread some more logic and common sense around, and if your noticing shows that mock religion its most likely because getting a show made, and aired on tv is difficult and its mostly above average IQ individuals who can make it, and above average individuals tend to be atheists.
and if i had to guess i'd say you love of being wrong is most likely what lead you to religion in the first place
I would never forced my beliefs on anyone (if I had any).... But don't you think it's very rude for people to think of religious people as "stupid" and "retarded"?Exactly. We dont care if you think we're dumb for being athiest, just dont force christian policy on us...
Well you're a dick head for sure, no doubt about that. Having beliefs doesn't make someone stupid....dumbass.funnily, thats what the dude said that came to my door,wanting me to believe in the bible.![]()
but fine, take some stone age book seriously
but, yes, im terribly sorry, most people really dont like people calling them stupid
true or not
though, actually , when i think about it, being called a close minded fool from such as he and you, is sorta, more of a compliment
(very few circles where id be called closemindedim savoring the rarity of it
Oh, absolutely its rude...but in my oppinion also deserved. You may have never forced your beliefs directly, but (and no animosity intended) if your chriatian you contribute to the down your throat machinery by bringing "justification" to their cause. And sure, its rude...but again, if I said I believed in the boogeyman, you might think I was retarded.(not in the litteral sense)I would never forced my beliefs on anyone (if I had any).... But don't you think it's very rude for people to think of religious people as "stupid" and "retarded"?
And again, I don't think atheists are stupid.
Yes, the yellow book is a collection of.dogma left by the followers of muhammed, much like mathew, mark, luke, and john (the books) in the bible. They are others accounts and interpretations of jesus. The yellow book if I remember correctly is for women, a compilation of dogma and.rules for.women. I forget the other book, what they call it, but it is the source of all things muslim NOT addressed in the koran. Again, it is a compilation of dogma from muha km eds followers. (which really is a LOT)no disrespect ment bro, just get a little carried away when I speak, err i mean type.
I know close to nothing about the indonesia yellow book, im studying for a history final that is over the muslim culture as we type, thats the only reason I saw fit to comment.
Is the "yellow book" a islamic type text?
I agree with you that its weird and creepy for anyone to have an attraction towards anyone that much younger, but I (most of you all as well) were raised with western cultural beliefs, so I cant really relate to those cultures that think of that as there "norm".
I myself am Christian so MY book is the bible, so when you say YOUR "YELLOW BOOK", that leads me to believe that you think im muslim.
Islam: A short history is a great book that explains islam for what it really is and not what american reporters make you believe on the news, but they twist a lot of things up about our country as well (weed being bad).
RED1966- Everyone has there own right to believe whatever they want, thats whats great about america. No one has the right tho to push any religion or belief(atheism) on anyone. Its weird that there are so many threads about how god is b/s things of that nature, but theres not too many about people with a faith in god talking down upon those who dont believe. But then again im kinda new to the site so I very well could be wrong.
I have friends that dont believe in god, and its cool, i never pull a crusade on there ass and try to convert them.
Man stealthy...youre a pretty rude person! You keep making direct insults at others... If you are correct your argument should be enough. Contribute something aside from name calling please or I.ll have to call you a turd-faced gorilla. Seriously...I'll do it!Well you're a dick head for sure, no doubt about that. Having beliefs doesn't make someone stupid....dumbass.
Hahahaha...yeah, it does. I was thinking Muhammed Ali....but I couldnt keep a straight enough face to propose it. Even more than taking an arabic based name, you have to speak in arabic while you covert...."Ash hadu allah bismilla, wa ash hadu muammed blah blah blahtur lao luuu" I dont remember it all. I had to do the whole song and dance which included learning to read arabic symbols. I got like half way through being able to read and just stopped.... I fealt I had proved enough by that pointWhen you take a Muslim name, does it have to be of Arabic origin? Could it be, say, Biff? cn
Sounds remarkably like a bar-mitzvah! But don't TELL them that! ~grin~ cnHahahaha...yeah, it does. I was thinking Muhammed Ali....but I couldnt keep a straight enough face to propose it. Even more than taking an arabic based name, you have to speak in arabic while you covert...."Ash hadu allah bismilla, wa ash hadu muammed blah blah blahtur lao luuu" I dont remember it all. I had to do the whole song and dance which included learning to read arabic symbols. I got like half way through being able to read and just stopped.... I fealt I had proved enough by that point