• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

There must be a shit load of atheists in America.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Sounds remarkably like a bar-mitzvah! But don't TELL them that! ~grin~ cn
Imagine that! Hahahaha...i met a woman in vietnam from israel, my wife.could read her writing and pronounce it correctly only because my wife.can read wite and speak arabic. The israeli woman could also read and speak the arabic my wife would write for her. Funniest, the.symbols are not identical, but similar enough that both could read and speak the others....yet the two religions hate eachother....i guess I can understand the hate part


New Member
i like to answer those knocks at the door but ass naked just to see their faces :hump:
I did this once to a couple of jehovas witnesses and asked them if they believed that jesus died for their sins. They just turned around and left without a word. Priceless.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
I think we have found some agreement, and if you'll allow I would like to expand upon what you said...
You said fundementalists muddy the waters. That leads me to say that the fundementals of the religion muddy the waters of science. With that said we non beliwvers see chriatianity and science not being together, that there are inherrant disagreements in both idiologies.

And yes, the church has apologized to gallaleo, how long did that take? Untill the late 17oos? So for hundreds of years they opposed it, even through the rennaisance period. They apologized because they looked like fuckin fools for standing against the science...

And hawkings statement is vastly different from a foundational christian beliefe, that god directly created man in his own image ss well as everything that exists in six days. I wonder though how we measured days for the first two considering the sun wasnt created untill the third day....hmmm, very unscientific id say

And alegorical?how do you figure? thats not what the church says. The church says that the bible is word for word the litteral word of god, how does that factor in the alegory statement?

And the passage of time in the bible, while obviously not exact, is noted. The singular voice of the church maintains the 6500 year old world theory, this is due to the old testament chronicalling of generations and age (asop begot jsep, josep begot aman, aman begot hezzekaih, hezzekaih begot poop-n-scoop...etc. As well as the 900 some odd old methusela....
...just got back from a great concert. Pretty high, happy really. :) I hit 'like' before I left because of the civil tone. I hadn't read all of the post. There are parts we'll discuss :lol:


New Member
...free will. Why create a universe without it? :)


*lots of incorrect lyrics - just noticed.
Free will ? lol. Threats of eternal damnatioon = Free will ? Nothing but fairy tales. The Rush song is OK. I saw them do it live in the early eighties.


Active Member
Oh, absolutely its rude...but in my oppinion also deserved. You may have never forced your beliefs directly, but (and no animosity intended) if your chriatian you contribute to the down your throat machinery by bringing "justification" to their cause. And sure, its rude...but again, if I said I believed in the boogeyman, you might think I was retarded.(not in the litteral sense)
Lets say I am a christian....You're saying that even though I do not shove my religion down peoples throat directly, I'm doing it indirectly? So because I don't stop the church from forcing religion on others, I am to be blamed and ridiculed (ridiculed by the inults others make towards religious followers)? If that's the case, then you're to be blamed as much as me.

What I can understand is if you said religion is stupid to a bunch of bible thumpers that think you're an idiot for not believing. But it still isn't fair for the believers that keep to themselves and are still ridiculed and hated (yes hated....by a few...but still...) for their beliefs.


Active Member
Man stealthy...youre a pretty rude person! You keep making direct insults at others... If you are correct your argument should be enough. Contribute something aside from name calling please or I.ll have to call you a turd-faced gorilla. Seriously...I'll do it!
Do it lol. Who have I insulted besides sso and sutragrow (they both initiated the insults BTW lol)? I'm not a rude guy. But when people are calling others stupid for their beliefs, you better bet your ass I'm jumping in.

Pat the stoner

New Member
Lets say I am a christian....You're saying that even though I do not shove my religion down peoples throat directly, I'm doing it indirectly? So because I don't stop the church from forcing religion on others, I am to be blamed and ridiculed (ridiculed by the inults others make towards religious followers)? If that's the case, then you're to be blamed as much as me.

What I can understand is if you said religion is stupid to a bunch of bible thumpers that think you're an idiot for not believing. But it still isn't fair for the believers that keep to themselves and are still ridiculed and hated (yes hated....by a few...but still...) for their beliefs.
There are always people who hate - if you stand for something , those who stand for the opposite things will hate you , as well as those who stand for nothing . Me I just am tired of people pushing religeon on others . Whatever they believe is their own bussiness , but when it is obvious that someone is either uncomfortable or doesnt share the same belief some people want to not respect that persons right to believe what they wish and push it on them more . That is called oppression .


Well-Known Member
Do it lol. Who have I insulted besides sso and sutragrow (they both initiated the insults BTW lol)? I'm not a rude guy. But when people are calling others stupid for their beliefs, you better bet your ass I'm jumping in.
oh you never insulted me (had to think for a bit before i remembered what you were talking about :))

its like the guy that came to my door preaching and accused me of being close minded dreamer of a fool :) (he was more tactful though (probably because it was face to face :))

i was bit flabbergasted for a moment or two, but then i just had to laugh :)

from my point of view it was absurd to the point of hilarity.

so dont worry about having insulted me ;)

Pat the stoner

New Member
I dont think people hate others for their beliefs so much as how they act about them , such as totally being uncool and trying to force shit upon somebody . Why cant so many people just respect others rights not to be fucked with ? Is it cause they think they are christians and its ok to bash up on people who arent ? Certainly all christians dont do that . Anybody can be a fanatic though weho is never wrong and gets to fuck with anybody else , especially persons who arent saved . What happened to love thy brother as thyself . Oh does it only apply to some ? I forgot we have different standards for people who dont think like us , cause were special and better than everyone else . Now I get it . I really hate what religeon does to people its such a turn off.


Well-Known Member
i have issues with people that think i have to change according to their beliefs

and its really fucking annoying when they are retards following some iron age book (thats actually mostly copied from much older and Quite different texts)

being called idiot by such people though is hilarious.

though if they were in position of power and stuck there, id be running for the hills.


Well-Known Member
"ok, durr, we are all dolls created by god to play with, follow these rules or burn in hell and get beaten to death by us to get there and then give all or lots of money to our churchleader, its good for you to be poor."

its not quite exactly rocket science.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Lets say I am a christian....You're saying that even though I do not shove my religion down peoples throat directly, I'm doing it indirectly? So because I don't stop the church from forcing religion on others, I am to be blamed and ridiculed (ridiculed by the inults others make towards religious followers)? If that's the case, then you're to be blamed as much as me.

What I can understand is if you said religion is stupid to a bunch of bible thumpers that think you're an idiot for not believing. But it still isn't fair for the believers that keep to themselves and are still ridiculed and hated (yes hated....by a few...but still...) for their beliefs.
First part ) yes.
Second part) fair? So now the.reilgious require fairness? No one as a group gets fairness. Is it fair that millions of people would LOOK at me amd think I'm going to hell? Is it fair that africa has been deprived of condoms in the.midst of the worst aids.virus o. Earth because the pope said you can go to hell for em? Is it fair that christianity has a massive hold on american politics while EVERY other religion fails to be represented? Fairness is irrelivant. Deserved is the question, is it deserved? And again, I say yes

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
I think another issues is again, semantical. We say shove or push religion on others. Maybe to christians they think this means being aggressive, ridiculing you for not accepting, or being overly persistant. This rarely happens. what does happen is door to door stuff, pamphlet handing, pickiting and sign waving
Christians might say, "if I hand you a pamphlet or nock on your door im not SHOVEING christianity, im just advertising it!" I disagree. In my oppinion dont even approach me with it. Dont even try to talk to me about it uninvited.

Lets put it this way, if I came to a persons door with information on communism, something that I think is positive (a whole other discussion guys, please stay on task) almost anyone would say that I was being very rude, that its innapropriate. If I walked around the mall handing out pamphlets for communism, someone would beat my ass within an hour...for sure. People would say, "dont come preach it to me, keep it to yourself" or" communism is horrible and destroys cou.tries" I say the same about religion.

Now... If I managed to get communist type laws passed, had teachers promote its IDIOLOGY in school, got people to wave signs on the corner and had people picketing.....i dont know...churches, people would deffinately say I was pushing communism down their throat, or at least pushing it on them. How is this any different from the.religious?

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Do it lol. Who have I insulted besides sso and sutragrow (they both initiated the insults BTW lol)? I'm not a rude guy. But when people are calling others stupid for their beliefs, you better bet your ass I'm jumping in.
Thats it stealthy! You fuckin poop faced gorilla! ;-)


Active Member
oh you never insulted me (had to think for a bit before i remembered what you were talking about :))

its like the guy that came to my door preaching and accused me of being close minded dreamer of a fool :) (he was more tactful though (probably because it was face to face :))

i was bit flabbergasted for a moment or two, but then i just had to laugh :)

from my point of view it was absurd to the point of hilarity.

so dont worry about having insulted me ;)
Why would I care at all about whether or not I insulted you?