There must be a shit load of atheists in America.


Active Member
Turn on the tv.... And you'll see many shows that make fun of religions.... Yet atheists always complain about the harassment churches cause by interfering with atheists daily lives.. Then they make fun of religious people and interfere with religious people's day.... Hypocrites.

Correct me if I'm wrong. I like being wrong, it means I learned something new.


Well-Known Member
its hard, not to make fun of religious people.

they also fuck with people´s daily lives and try to get control over it (in the name of god and whatever supposedly he´s awfully concerned about at the moment..) (bitch bitch bitch, preach preach preach)

so, yes, its awfully hard, not to complain about that :)


Active Member
Atheists can ignore the religious people just like many religious people ignore the hate they recieve. I'm just saying atheists need to stop acting so damn innocent. they act like it's hard to be atheist....


Well-Known Member
this couple came to my door the other day.

basically they said "believe in this book or go to hell"

and told me i was an idiot for refusing :)


Active Member
this couple came to my door the other day.

basically they said "believe in this book or go to hell"

and told me i was an idiot for refusing :)
It's cool because that couple has already been insulted....

Although, they are wrong on calling you an idiot.


Well-Known Member
people that believe in something other than the physical and find comfort in that.

ive got not problem with that

people going around saying "believe in this book and fear the being thats described as god in it, or burn in hell!"


thats annoying

when that sorta people get into power

thats terrifying.

and once you read the bible, you go.

wow, these people must be retarded.

and then they get into power and you remember some of the passages in the bible and you go

oh shit, we are all fucked.

maybe there was a jesus and maybe he preached of love

but that message has kind of become

"love one another OR GOD WILL FUCKING BURN YA" ("donations will be accepted when you leave")


Well-Known Member
in the US religion is thrust apon the public unrentleslly so its all we have left is to make fun of it.

all i know is you an skip me with all that jesus stuff.... in my eyes most of religion today is just a nother source of income for the ppl promoting it.

please dnt take offense to my opinion... its just that "an opinion".

:peace: poop


Well-Known Member
this couple came to my door the other day.

basically they said "believe in this book or go to hell"

and told me i was an idiot for refusing :)
i like to answer those knocks at the door but ass naked just to see their faces :hump:


Well-Known Member
dude i know invited them in for drinks and a porno :)

me,i just start talking about lots of alternative stuff for them to believe in, dont really give a fuck whether or not they basically just being nice till they leave :)

luckily , unlike some other places, the total nutsos are nowhere near power around these parts.


Well-Known Member
You don't see people going around door to door in suits when its 134 degrees out side saying " have you heard the word of the scientists?"
So what the hell gives them the right to come to my door when im trying to eat dinner and try to force their religion on me... RUDEEEEE.....


Active Member
people that believe in something other than the physical and find comfort in that.

ive got not problem with that

people going around saying "believe in this book and fear the being thats described as god in it, or burn in hell!"


thats annoying

when that sorta people get into power

thats terrifying.

and once you read the bible, you go.

wow, these people must be retarded.

and then they get into power and you remember some of the passages in the bible and you go

oh shit, we are all fucked.

maybe there was a jesus and maybe he preached of love

but that message has kind of become

"love one another OR GOD WILL FUCKING BURN YA" ("donations will be accepted when you leave")
So you're saying religious people must be retarded? Nice....

Keep in mind you're not mentally superior to religious people. There's many religious people that can compare their intelligence with yours (and mine) and make your (and my) intelligence seem like complete shit.

Yes, those new Christians have changed the bible. I wonder if that's a good or bad thing....

And many people don't follow religion for comfort. There's a shit load of religions that provide no comfort, yet holds followers.

Why do atheists let religious people bitch slap them out of power? Why don't you atheists rise up and take the power? Seems like some weak people to be controlled by the same book(s) religious people follow.


Active Member
You don't see people going around door to door in suits when its 134 degrees out side saying " have you heard the word of the scientists?"
So what the hell gives them the right to come to my door when im trying to eat dinner and try to force their religion on me... RUDEEEEE.....
They do that in school.