Well-Known Member
well, the majority of the people are, well, the common clay, you know, moronsSo you're saying religious people must be retarded? Nice....its a bit of an insult to mentally challenged people yes, they are generally nice and harmless
Keep in mind you're not mentally superior to religious people thats a matter of an opinion. There's many religious people that can compare their intelligence with yours (and mine)havent seen Any yet, but ok and make your (and my) intelligence seem like complete shit.yes, i have spoken to lots of religious people and seen them online and no, i dont agree with you, i agree that some of them are semi intelligent.
Yes, those new Christians have changed the bible. I wonder if that's a good or bad thing....since people got stoned and tortured as a matter of fact by people being very literal with these old texts, yes id think its a very good thing, people having grown some brains
And many people don't follow religion for comfort. There's a shit load of religions that provide no comfort, yet holds followers.some people are sadists some are masochists and some people like to play it safe and do both
Why do atheists let religious people bitch slap them out of power? Why don't you atheists rise up and take the power? Seems like some weak people to be controlled by the same book(s) religious people follow.

eh, the one that says do as i say (but not do) or i will spank you! (burn you)Evil god? What religion are you speaking of?
actually pretty much similar to Baal, (the lord, it means that)
except there they just skipped ahead to the burning sometimes here

though actually, ive never read about a "god" that didnt seem Idiotic to the Nth degree, in at least some way..