The Path Of Love

stoney i know this might not help much but

there are some of the giant mushroom family that have the texture of meat and you could use a beef flavoured gravy.(with no animal fats).

but they can be quite expensive
I doctor won't listen when I tell him, and I can't afford to rack up bills.I don't even know whats wrong.Just, if I eat anything with a lot of fat, I get what I like to call...rocket ass.:mrgreen:
stoney i know this might not help much but

there are some of the giant mushroom family that have the texture of meat and you could use a beef flavoured gravy.(with no animal fats).

but they can be quite expensive
i am lucky in that respect as i live in england although the health service is quite bad at least it there and free, and most of the time they do listen to you but it takes ages to get the treatment.

have you tried any of the online help sites for medical illnesses. i sure there is some.

i wish you all the luck in the world and hope you find it is something trivial.
Well, thank you very much for your regards.We'd better get back on topic.
i am lucky in that respect as i live in england although the health service is quite bad at least it there and free, and most of the time they do listen to you but it takes ages to get the treatment.

have you tried any of the online help sites for medical illnesses. i sure there is some.

i wish you all the luck in the world and hope you find it is something trivial.
Avocados, walnuts and fish...

pretty much the best fats and only fats you need..

if you can afford fish oil pills.. I highly recommend it..

it is the omegas 3,6,9 that keeps cell walls young and flexible and it is the same fat that make the brain...!!


paleo diet - Paleolithic Diet Page (Paleo Diet, Caveman Diet, Hunter/Gatherer Diet)

follow this diet for 6 weeks.. and yu will not even believe the changes...

if you just cut out all breads, sugar and salt for 4 weeks.. you will become a totally different person... your thoughts, your skin, your poops. all different...

I haven't been sick in 6 years... endless energy, strong as a horse, fast one too... pretty much a freak of nature.. but i was not born like this.. i was a taco bell eating mofo... i made the switch... taco bell yummy :)

cutting sugar (this includes breads) and salt out of the diet is truly remarkable...
Look, man, bread is a poor man's staple.:mrgreen:Actually, I don't eat it that much.I did make some biscuits tonight though.Yum.I don't know if the fish and stuff would help with rocket ass.Seems to be any fat I eat or drink.And sometimes milk.I don't get to drink a lot of milk, but I'll never completely give it up.
Avocados, walnuts and fish...

pretty much the best fats and only fats you need..

if you can afford fish oil pills.. I highly recommend it..

it is the omegas 3,6,9 that keeps cell walls young and flexible and it is the same fat that make the brain...!!


paleo diet - Paleolithic Diet Page (Paleo Diet, Caveman Diet, Hunter/Gatherer Diet)

follow this diet for 6 weeks.. and yu will not even believe the changes...

if you just cut out all breads, sugar and salt for 4 weeks.. you will become a totally different person... your thoughts, your skin, your poops. all different...

I haven't been sick in 6 years... endless energy, strong as a horse, fast one too... pretty much a freak of nature.. but i was not born like this.. i was a taco bell eating mofo... i made the switch... taco bell yummy :)

cutting sugar (this includes breads) and salt out of the diet is truly remarkable...
animals shouldnt be tourtured to death ie veil,never will touch it

but i love a great steak so i guess im a hypocrite bc cows get tourtured before entering the laughter house and be tickled to death

It is okay to love a good steak, it does not make you a hypocrite!
Also, not all cows are tortured before a slaughter. If you buy your meat from a reputable slaughter house, they are slaughtered very humanely. Not all slaughter houses mistreat their animals. Yes, some do, not all.

Eat meat and don't feel guilty!! It is good to have a well rounded diet...:peace:
This thing is, there is more than one path to "love" and "Knowledge" man's way is not necessarily the way for another man.We are what we are.The beauty is in the difference.Accepting that, while you might not agree with one person's path,it doesn't mean their way to the destination is the "wrong" one.Some people eat the meat of dead animals.Some don't.Some believe one way,some don't.Everything we do is a learning experience...not necessarily black or white, good or bad,it just IS.Knowing that, and being able to lay aside all preconceived notions and barriers,and LOVE. IMO.:mrgreen:
Cal it "dead animals" and slowly awaken to reality...
Lactose intolerant, my mother has had that for ....longer then your are old. Some breads etc, she can't eat because they have dairy products.... just wondering?? VV
I've never been before...drank milk all my life...this started at about 27 years of age...three years mom made fried potatoes all the time...if I tried to eat those now, my butt would get the heaves.
Lactose intolerant, my mother has had that for ....longer then your are old. Some breads etc, she can't eat because they have dairy products.... just wondering?? VV
This thing is, there is more than one path to "love" and "Knowledge" man's way is not necessarily the way for another man.We are what we are.The beauty is in the difference.Accepting that, while you might not agree with one person's path,it doesn't mean their way to the destination is the "wrong" one.Some people eat the meat of dead animals.Some don't.Some believe one way,some don't.Everything we do is a learning experience...not necessarily black or white, good or bad,it just IS.Knowing that, and being able to lay aside all preconceived notions and barriers,and LOVE. IMO.:mrgreen:

I agree.... NOT accepting another's PATH is to stumble on ONE's own path...

At some point on "the path" ONE does see that we are one...

In the process of loseing this SELF... this delusional identity.. one see's that nothing should suffer or die for ONE's own selfish existence...

This does not mean that those who have achieved this awareness and practice should judge those who haven't.. as a matter of fact.. those that do JUDGE have not achieved this awareness...

I agree with you on many points,there.But we arent one yet.We are all trying to get back to one.There is more than one truth, I guess is what I'm trying to say.
I agree.... NOT accepting another's PATH is to stumble on ONE's own path...

At some point on "the path" ONE does see that we are one...

In the process of loseing this SELF... this delusional identity.. one see's that nothing should suffer or die for ONE's own selfish existence...

This does not mean that those who have achieved this awareness and practice should judge those who haven't.. as a matter of fact.. those that do JUDGE have not achieved this awareness...

Generate sexual/bio-electrical energy often. Realize there are two paths of love. The path of the serpent is when the sexual/bio-electrical energy does not rise within you. This is the path of nature that produces physical children and family. The path of the Dove does not produce physical children but astral children instead. The sexual/bio-electrical energy is forced up the spine. Both paths are different and both paths will bring the final result but both paths will not bring the same experiences. Choose well. There are infinite possibilities within the present moment. Both are worthy........:)
Modern survivalism?I knew you pasted that!:mrgreen:
Generate sexual/bio-electrical energy often. Realize there are two paths of love. The path of the serpent is when the sexual/bio-electrical energy does not rise within you. This is the path of nature that produces physical children and family. The path of the Dove does not produce physical children but astral children instead. The sexual/bio-electrical energy is forced up the spine. Both paths are different and both paths will bring the final result but both paths will not bring the same experiences. Choose well. There are infinite possibilities within the present moment. Both are worthy........:)