Green on Green
Active Member
Well I love meat. Steak: The bloodier the better, Chicken: Fry that shit up, Fish: any way its prepared is scrumdiddlyumptious.
I also love pitching in the anal sex department
or at least the dirty Sanchez.
I guess I'm really going to hell.
I still have yet to hear a valid explanation from Vegans/ Vegetarians regarding humans' possession of canine teeth. Why do we have them if we werent supposed to use them to tear into the succulent juicy flesh of an animal perched on the lower rungs of the food chain ladder?
Those animal do it for survival, and yes, sometimes for sport (ever see a cat fuck with an injured mouse?).
The Animal Cruelty doctrine has gotten out of hand. If these animals are so noble and worthy of indefinite exoneration from that slaughterhouse and deserve the same rights as people....Then what are we going to do about these fucking murderous lions killing all of those gazelles and antelope on the African plains!!?? What about the slave trading ants that raise and herd aphids simply for the sweet nectar they produce....
And while we are at it, we must stop the greedy bovine from devouring all of our natural grass life.....plants are people too....right?
I also love pitching in the anal sex department

I guess I'm really going to hell.
I still have yet to hear a valid explanation from Vegans/ Vegetarians regarding humans' possession of canine teeth. Why do we have them if we werent supposed to use them to tear into the succulent juicy flesh of an animal perched on the lower rungs of the food chain ladder?
Those animal do it for survival, and yes, sometimes for sport (ever see a cat fuck with an injured mouse?).
The Animal Cruelty doctrine has gotten out of hand. If these animals are so noble and worthy of indefinite exoneration from that slaughterhouse and deserve the same rights as people....Then what are we going to do about these fucking murderous lions killing all of those gazelles and antelope on the African plains!!?? What about the slave trading ants that raise and herd aphids simply for the sweet nectar they produce....
And while we are at it, we must stop the greedy bovine from devouring all of our natural grass life.....plants are people too....right?