The Path Of Love

Well I love meat. Steak: The bloodier the better, Chicken: Fry that shit up, Fish: any way its prepared is scrumdiddlyumptious.

I also love pitching in the anal sex department :hump: or at least the dirty Sanchez.

I guess I'm really going to hell.

I still have yet to hear a valid explanation from Vegans/ Vegetarians regarding humans' possession of canine teeth. Why do we have them if we werent supposed to use them to tear into the succulent juicy flesh of an animal perched on the lower rungs of the food chain ladder?

Those animal do it for survival, and yes, sometimes for sport (ever see a cat fuck with an injured mouse?).

The Animal Cruelty doctrine has gotten out of hand. If these animals are so noble and worthy of indefinite exoneration from that slaughterhouse and deserve the same rights as people....Then what are we going to do about these fucking murderous lions killing all of those gazelles and antelope on the African plains!!?? What about the slave trading ants that raise and herd aphids simply for the sweet nectar they produce....



And while we are at it, we must stop the greedy bovine from devouring all of our natural grass life.....plants are people too....right?
If these animals are so noble and worthy of indefinite exoneration from that slaughterhouse and deserve the same rights as people....Then what are we going to do about these fucking murderous lions killing all of those gazelles and antelope on the African plains!!?? What about the slave trading ants that raise and herd aphids simply for the sweet nectar they produce....

it doesn't happen this way.... i see your point.. but animals do not act the way you portray them...
"It is not what enters into the mouth that defiles the man, but what proceeds out of the mouth, this defiles the man." Matthew 15:11

And Jesus ate fish.
I have to disagree with you there...a lion, or cat, can usually be heard purring as it kills things.Now, my domestic cats are as mean as they come...some kill quickly...but my daughter's cat will torture a mouse for hours if you let him.He chews off the tail first.Then the feet.He tosses it around, and lets it almost get away.I usually end up giving it to one of the quick kill kitties,because I hate to see anything suffer.I suppose if there were no other alternative, I'd kill it myself to put it out of its misery.Yes, animals can do things that look remarkably like cruelty to me.
it doesn't happen this way.... i see your point.. but animals do not act the way you portray them...
Animals have one factor for motivation. That is instinct.

Man has reason. Some animals may have reasoning capacities but not quite to the extent we have.

We are at the top of the food chain so shouldn't we be responsible for those under our domain? Man is responsible for the everything we dominate. That is what comes with power. So eventually man will evolve away from taking something dead to replenish life. We will live off of life or spirit alone. The time will come it is just not here yet.
I don't necessarily believe animals have no's not like we know what they think,or if they think.We're not better, just different.
Animals have one factor for motivation. That is instinct.

Man has reason. Some animals may have reasoning capacities but not quite to the extent we have.

We are at the top of the food chain so shouldn't we be responsible for those under our domain? Man is responsible for the everything we dominate. That is what comes with power. So eventually man will evolve away from taking something dead to replenish life. We will live off of life or spirit alone. The time will come it is just not here yet.
Plants are GOD too, talking down to those that choose to eat meat is just as immoral. Before anyone tries to jump down my throat let me say, I'm not pointing the finger at anyone, just saying in general.

Also, not all food is raised and treated in such an inhumane way- hence why there is such a huge organic "free range" movement... The ways they treat the animals for most of the general food market is fucking sickening and downright WRONG, and all that negative treatment is passed down to the consumer (in plant food as well, i.e. pesticides, chemicals, etc.). Not only are we treating these animals and plants in manners that should make us sick- we are inadvertently treating ourselves in this manner as well.

Becoming a vegetarian doesn't fix everything.. but organic and 'free range' food will make the difference for sure (and seriously, once you taste how REAL food should taste, you will never want to go back to that CRAP they've been trying to pass off as food).. support your local economy, get out to your local farmer's market and start talking to these people- talk to the people who produce your food and start asking questions. The first step to making a difference is taking personal responsibility.. YOU choose where to get your food, YOU choose what manner it is produced in- if the reality of how food is produced in makes you sick, look in the mirror- YOU choose whether these people continue making money using these inhumane methods..

I agree just like eating gm plants and veggies they are destroying life in plants as well so I am not going to go stop eating meat and become a vegetarian because people think the way those poor animals are being raised but I'm not gonna support those dick heads at the same time organic is the way to go with meat and veggies. :peace:
i am a keen hunter i love nothing more than the thrill of the chase, a few hours of tracking an injured animal is like a good blast of salvia a breath of fresh air.

in the wild this can also happen some times the pray gets away and is left to die slowly. i am an animal as are we all if we think. i always eat my pray and treat the meat in a fair manner. if you were a mouse do you think the cat would hesitate i don't.

i think the only reason the world is so screwed up is that people are trying too hard to be high and mighty . and not following there instincts.

correct me if i am wrong but don't most veggies have to take vitamin pill's just to get what we as meat eaters get naturally.

i hope i have not angered anyone.

this is my point of view so don't expect an apology from me.

Have fun i know i do.
i am a keen hunter i love nothing more than the thrill of the chase, a few hours of tracking an injured animal is like a good blast of salvia a breath of fresh air.

in the wild this can also happen some times the pray gets away and is left to die slowly. i am an animal as are we all if we think. i always eat my pray and treat the meat in a fair manner. if you were a mouse do you think the cat would hesitate i don't.

i think the only reason the world is so screwed up is that people are trying too hard to be high and mighty . and not following there instincts.

correct me if i am wrong but don't most veggies have to take vitamin pill's just to get what we as meat eaters get naturally.

i hope i have not angered anyone.

this is my point of view so don't expect an apology from me.

Have fun i know i do.

nice post.

no it is not necessary to eat pills or supplements if you are vegetarian..

At the watering holes around the planet, animals come together and drink together... thre is very little if ANY killing at the watering holes, gators, lions, anacondas, gazelle and bison all drink together,.. rhinos, hipos and endless other animals, that walk and fly come together..

IN the developing world where animals still move arond thestreets tgetehr, cats, dogs, monkey, parrots, racoons etc.... the animals live in harmony together.... Never have I seen a wild dog chase a cat... I have seen birds on th back of gators.. and the ist of mixing goes b and on..

I am not saying that I disagree with you.. contrary.. I agree with you. these animals go on what you call "instinct"...

They rarely kill.. they only kill out of necessity..

I highly doubt more than 1% of the people on the internet even KNOW what the word necessity means...
SO when I hear people defending their ignorance regarding what they need to eat and what they don;t and what they were ment to do or not do.. it is water under the bridge.. cause they speak from their mind and from what the read and hear about.. and actually have zero real life experience regarding necessity....

animals shouldnt be tourtured to death ie veil,never will touch it

but i love a great steak so i guess im a hypocrite bc cows get tourtured before entering the laughter house and be tickled to death
nice post.

no it is not necessary to eat pills or supplements if you are vegetarian..

At the watering holes around the planet, animals come together and drink together... thre is very little if ANY killing at the watering holes, gators, lions, anacondas, gazelle and bison all drink together,.. rhinos, hipos and endless other animals, that walk and fly come together..

IN the developing world where animals still move arond thestreets tgetehr, cats, dogs, monkey, parrots, racoons etc.... the animals live in harmony together.... Never have I seen a wild dog chase a cat... I have seen birds on th back of gators.. and the ist of mixing goes b and on..

I am not saying that I disagree with you.. contrary.. I agree with you. these animals go on what you call "instinct"...

They rarely kill.. they only kill out of necessity..

I highly doubt more than 1% of the people on the internet even KNOW what the word necessity means...
SO when I hear people defending their ignorance regarding what they need to eat and what they don;t and what they were ment to do or not do.. it is water under the bridge.. cause they speak from their mind and from what the read and hear about.. and actually have zero real life experience regarding necessity....


thank you for clearing that up for me i was under the impression that a vegetarian diet lacked in certain vitamins and or minerals,

i have travelled a fair bit myself generally on hunts and yes animals hunt out of necessity, i am not going to pretend that i have ever been needy for anything but the thrill of life. and the time i feel most alive is out living wild with just a knife and my brain. in a foreign country where no one speaks your language. that as close to my roots as i can get, i would love a predator that could match the human intellect and strength.

wackymack i think a steak tastes better when you have put the effort in to hunting and killing it your self especially if you only have water in your pack and you're miles from civilisation.
animals shouldnt be tourtured to death ie veil,never will touch it

but i love a great steak so i guess im a hypocrite bc cows get tourtured before entering the laughter house and be tickled to death

I wouldn't call yo a hypocrite.. it's part of the evolution of awareness...

Your process makes perfect sense to me.. t;s called honesty.. more people shouldl try it.. instead of defending their ignorance or MAKING up bullshit stories. and then defending these fairy tales... makes life more fun just to keep it real..

i think a steak tastes better when you have put the effort in to hunting and killing it your self especially if you only have water in your pack and you're miles from civilisation.

word :)

Hunger - another feeling or sensation that many claim to have felt.. but have no idea... where it's origins come from..deep deep with in... is it really hunger...? :)


thanks for sharing.. your experiences sound awesome!!!
I wouldn't call yo a hypocrite.. it's part of the evolution of awareness...

Your process makes perfect sense to me.. t;s called honesty.. more people shouldl try it.. instead of defending their ignorance or MAKING up bullshit stories. and then defending these fairy tales... makes life more fun just to keep it real..


i love you too,lets go do something,do you recieve?lol jk
i don't know about real hunger but i have seen it. i get the gist of it the gripping stomach pains the light headed dizziness i have felt. that was only after 6 days without food, some of these people i have seen are lucky if they get anything that is remotely nutritious once a fortnight. i can but imagine the pain and the suffering they were going though, i think that animal activists should put there efforts in to saving the human race before the animals.

GK i was under the impression from your earlier post's that you were a **** but as i come to interact with you, ii may have taken the wrong view on the mode of your dialect. i think many would. i am sorry for judging a book by the first page.

WEll, I felt hunger.After my dad died,we had no food a lot.I remember fighting over a can of tuna with my brother.I lived in a car with my mom for a couple of weeks.The houses we did get always had something wrong with the plumbing, we had shit landlords,etc.If it wasn't for a couple of my older brothers letting me live with them and feeding me, I'd have been hungry a lot longer than I was. I know hunger.I don't really feel it anymore.And I usually only eat once a day, from habit.Some days, I'll just eat a plate full of fresh sliced tomatoes from my garden. I cook with chicken and ground beef a lot,because theyre cheap and versatile.The kids get to eat, and I swear to you now, I'd be a whore before I'd ever let them starve.But I eat meat.I don't think I necessarily eat a lot, but its part of my diet.So maybe its bad karma for me.But I try to have good karma in other ways.I do love animals.I take in a lot of them.I feed the wild ones who sneak up on the back porch.I've gotten in fights with my neighbors Because they shoot strays.But I can't afford to go strictly vegan.I don't want to.I may be forced to in the future, because there deems to be something wrong with my digestion, and I'm getting where I can't eat fats.I'll miss meat.
word :)

Hunger - another feeling or sensation that many claim to have felt.. but have no idea... where it's origins come from..deep deep with in... is it really hunger...? :)


thanks for sharing.. your experiences sound awesome!!!