The Path Of Love


oh I get it... thanks.....

Now why don't your grab your ankles .. cause I am pretty sure your arse hole is made for my COCK.... looks like a perfect fit...

Everything makes sense now... I could never figure out what I was suppose to do with my COCK...

While your at it, have your WHOLE family line up... I think I got enough to go around...


Teeth are for KILLING MILLIONS of beings, burning them and soaking them in hot oil and then eating the remains...

fuck.. I thought teeth were just a gimmick and a scam devised by THE UNITED DENTAL ASSOCIATION...
Wow, strong opinions from people I can tell are passionate about this subject. My two cents: Animal cruelity is a horrible reality. So is human cruelity. One of the reasons humans have been so successful on this planet is our ability to adapt and eat what is readily available. To you it seems like killing and eating animals is cruel, to me it seems like the natural order of things. I respect your lifestyle and views, I just dont agree. You have the luxury of choosing your diet. You are lucky. Many on this planet still have to eat what is available. A child in a village in Africa that subsides on goat meat because thats what her family raises and can afford, is not cruel in any way. What about other animals that kill and eat meat? Are they horrible cruel beings? I beleave God gave me the beast of this land to use for me and my childrens benefit. Thats what His word tells me. They like all of Gods gifts should always be treated with respect. Never wasted or takin for granted and always looked on with great graditude. These are my views. I dont expect others to agree or conform. Only accept. Keep an open mind! Not everyone lives like you. IMO Much Love.
oh I get it... thanks.....

Now why don't your grab your ankles .. cause I am pretty sure your arse hole is made for my COCK.... looks like a perfect fit...

Everything makes sense now... I could never figure out what I was suppose to do with my COCK...

While your at it, have your WHOLE family line up... I think I got enough to go around...


Teeth are for KILLING MILLIONS of beings, burning them and soaking them in hot oil and then eating the remains...

fuck.. I thought teeth were just a gimmick and a scam devised by THE UNITED DENTAL ASSOCIATION...

I have a semi... Keep going. :hump:
Wow, strong opinions from people I can tell are passionate about this subject. My two cents: Animal cruelity is a horrible reality. So is human cruelity. One of the reasons humans have been so successful on this planet is our ability to adapt and eat what is readily available. To you it seems like killing and eating animals is cruel, to me it seems like the natural order of things. I respect your lifestyle and views, I just dont agree. You have the luxury of choosing your diet. You are lucky. Many on this planet still have to eat what is available. A child in a village in Africa that subsides on goat meat because thats what her family raises and can afford, is not cruel in any way. What about other animals that kill and eat meat? Are they horrible cruel beings? I beleave God gave me the beast of this land to use for me and my childrens benefit. Thats what His word tells me. They like all of Gods gifts should always be treated with respect. Never wasted or takin for granted and always looked on with great graditude. These are my views. I dont expect others to agree or conform. Only accept. Keep an open mind! Not everyone lives like you. IMO Much Love.

Mr. Trash,

Fortunately for me I have been to 50+ developing countries.. traveled extensively in Africa, Asia, Middle East, Eastern Europe and Central America. The food problem is NUTZ... eggs in the poerwst village in Honduras cost more than the eggs at your local Costco!

Many kids grow up only eating rice, bean, and tea... and they spend their entire life on this diet.... i have seen it first hand... spending weeks and weeks wit these people in more than 50 isolated locations (no electricity, no clean water, often no water at all) locations...

I can also share with you my experience regarding GOD.... the animal you ate, the animal that you feed your children... is GOD... IS.... it IS... GOD...

The chicken that you pick up in the safeway supermarket wrapped in foil...
yep, that's GOD...

You don;t have to take my word for it.. and you sure as fook don;t need the bible..

Just stop talking and sit still perfectly still.. go beyond.. right and wrong.. go beyond word.. go behind the curtain SELF... go beyond all statements of I AM... GIVE up all defensiveness.... all excuses, all explanations... go beyond andy sensory perception or mental chatter...

SURENDER to what IS....

until you are nothing that can be comprehended by the MIND.. as NOTHING that can be described with words... then you can see.. that the chicken is GOD...

eating GOD is fun... seriously..

Mr. Trash,

Fortunately for me I have been to 50+ developing countries.. traveled extensively in Africa, Asia, Middle East, Eastern Europe and Central America. The food problem is NUTZ... eggs in the poerwst village in Honduras cost more than the eggs at your local Costco!

Many kids grow up only eating rice, bean, and tea... and they spend their entire life on this diet.... i have seen it first hand... spending weeks and weeks wit these people in more than 50 isolated locations (no electricity, no clean water, often no water at all) locations...

Ok, Bear Grylls.
Mr. Trash,

Fortunately for me I have been to 50+ developing countries.. traveled extensively in Africa, Asia, Middle East, Eastern Europe and Central America. The food problem is NUTZ... eggs in the poerwst village in Honduras cost more than the eggs at your local Costco!

Many kids grow up only eating rice, bean, and tea... and they spend their entire life on this diet.... i have seen it first hand... spending weeks and weeks wit these people in more than 50 isolated locations (no electricity, no clean water, often no water at all) locations...

I can also share with you my experience regarding GOD.... the animal you ate, the animal that you feed your children... is GOD... IS.... it IS... GOD...

The chicken that you pick up in the safeway supermarket wrapped in foil...
yep, that's GOD...

You don;t have to take my word for it.. and you sure as fook don;t need the bible..

Just stop talking and sit still perfectly still.. go beyond.. right and wrong.. go beyond word.. go behind the curtain SELF... go beyond all statements of I AM... GIVE up all defensiveness.... all excuses, all explanations... go beyond andy sensory perception or mental chatter...

SURENDER to what IS....

until you are nothing that can be comprehended by the MIND.. as NOTHING that can be described with words... then you can see.. that the chicken is GOD...

eating GOD is fun... seriously..


Dear mister

You speak with a fork tounge my friend. I have changed my mind and decided you are just a lonely miserable wierdo. In one text you talk of ass fucking the guys whole family, then you say God is a chicken. You smokin something more than marijuana. You try and act traveled, intelligent, and spiritual. Your a rude egotistical loser. If you are "Staff" and this is how staff treats the members here..No thanx. I'm gone. Your garbage vegatarian reteric bores me. (I dont buy my chickens in no store, we raise em out back and use them as needed. Oh and we see God in plants to. You dont? Its o.k to use them as you please? You eat plants you eat God to. Welcome to the world of living off what God gave us to live off.) Open your mind you close minded fool, your energy is black and ugly. IMO Much Love.
This is a very interesting thread - keep it going please. In my opinion if you can gather or produce it yourself then I see no problem with it.
Dear mister

You speak with a fork tounge my friend. I have changed my mind and decided you are just a lonely miserable wierdo. In one text you talk of ass fucking the guys whole family, then you say God is a chicken. You smokin something more than marijuana. You try and act traveled, intelligent, and spiritual. Your a rude egotistical loser. If you are "Staff" and this is how staff treats the members here..No thanx. I'm gone. Your garbage vegatarian reteric bores me. (I dont buy my chickens in no store, we raise em out back and use them as needed. Oh and we see God in plants to. You dont? Its o.k to use them as you please? You eat plants you eat God to. Welcome to the world of living off what God gave us to live off.) Open your mind you close minded fool, your energy is black and ugly. IMO Much Love.

hello mr. trash...

The ass fooking the family was a metaphor.. it was applying the logic from a previous post to other situations we encounter in life...

It was my way of illustrating the incorrect use of TEETH being a reason to torture animals...

WHEN ONE GETS OFFENDED, one looses themeaning of what is being said...

stop being so self important and you can see what is really going on...

nobody can offend you or upset you... UNLESS you are EGO...

the example I chose was the relationship of penis to asshole regarding THEIR shape... as was earlier compared... the shape of teeth to what they are to be used for...

it was not ment to be offensive in any way... this discussion is not about me or bennasi.. that is why he/she did not take offense...

it is about understanding perspective... this is hard to UNDERSTAND or appreciate when ONE approaches conversation with enormous self importance and EGO...

I truly apologize for offering you the opportunity to project your anger and venom.. (i used that word for you :mrgreen:)...

STOP reading into my posts and you will see their is nothing offensive..

Ihave no stance...

AND like I said, eating god is fun... and yes.... plants are GOD too..

so who are you really arguing with?

and why would you lash out at me?

I'm an omnivore.I believe animals that are used for food should be killed quickly, and should not be wasted.When we were evolving, one of the main reasons we evolved in the manner we did, with large brains used for tool making, reasoning, etc, is because of the extra protein we got from animals.The tiger has no remorse, it's just nature.When I die, something will eat my remains, and the cycle will go on.
what if carrots and broccoli silently screams and is in pain when you pick it?
will u eat nothing?
what if carrots and broccoli silently screams and is in pain when you pick it?
will u eat nothing?

A valid point worth exploring....

what other options are their?

Eating animals is one thing... taking millions and millions of animals and raising them in fields of poop, injecting them with chemicals and then slaughtering them sounds like it could be bad for the soul...

just as modifying, plants and cover the planet in chemical fertilizers and pest sprays sounds like a bad deal too...

In a recent trip to Mississippi, i came across a huge corn production area... they can;t grow any other food besides corn in that region because the chemicals they sed are specialized to kill all plants except corn... and now the people want to grow other vegetables.. but they can't

something to learn from...

It goes way beyond being a vegetarian or omnivore or meat eater... it comes down to intention and doing what IS BEST for yourself... IF ONE new what they were doing to their BEING as whole when they consumed this tortured energy called food, ONE wold never eat such foods....

Be 100% selfish and demand the best for yourself and that inclides the FOOD you eat....iloveyou
Personally I love meat too much to give it up. Steak, burgers, chicken, fish, pork... ALL GOOD!!!!

I think the only way I could go vegetarian would be if I had to kill the animals myself. Although I'd have no problem with fish as I spear fish and lobster hunt already. Land animals are a different story... I think the only way I could intentionally kill one would be if A) it were attacking me or someone else or B) it was a matter of survival and my only potential source of food.

My only advice to those that go vegetarian is stock up on the Beno! I used to share an office with a vegetarian... OMG... he had the WORST gas!!! His wife and kids are also vegetarian and when they would come to visit him at the office I'd have to clear out for a few was a family stinkfest!!! PEEEEWWWWWW. :mrgreen:
Plants are GOD too, talking down to those that choose to eat meat is just as immoral. Before anyone tries to jump down my throat let me say, I'm not pointing the finger at anyone, just saying in general.

Also, not all food is raised and treated in such an inhumane way- hence why there is such a huge organic "free range" movement... The ways they treat the animals for most of the general food market is fucking sickening and downright WRONG, and all that negative treatment is passed down to the consumer (in plant food as well, i.e. pesticides, chemicals, etc.). Not only are we treating these animals and plants in manners that should make us sick- we are inadvertently treating ourselves in this manner as well.

Becoming a vegetarian doesn't fix everything.. but organic and 'free range' food will make the difference for sure (and seriously, once you taste how REAL food should taste, you will never want to go back to that CRAP they've been trying to pass off as food).. support your local economy, get out to your local farmer's market and start talking to these people- talk to the people who produce your food and start asking questions. The first step to making a difference is taking personal responsibility.. YOU choose where to get your food, YOU choose what manner it is produced in- if the reality of how food is produced in makes you sick, look in the mirror- YOU choose whether these people continue making money using these inhumane methods..