100% Authentic A$$Hole
Nudity, huh?![]()
He is prolly just as pissed as we are bout these new rules....I assure you

Nudity, huh?![]()
He is prolly just as pissed as we are bout these new rules....I assure you![]()
WEll, I felt hunger.After my dad died,we had no food a lot.I remember fighting over a can of tuna with my brother.I lived in a car with my mom for a couple of weeks.The houses we did get always had something wrong with the plumbing, we had shit landlords,etc.If it wasn't for a couple of my older brothers letting me live with them and feeding me, I'd have been hungry a lot longer than I was. I know hunger.I don't really feel it anymore.And I usually only eat once a day, from habit.Some days, I'll just eat a plate full of fresh sliced tomatoes from my garden. I cook with chicken and ground beef a lot,because theyre cheap and versatile.The kids get to eat, and I swear to you now, I'd be a whore before I'd ever let them starve.But I eat meat.I don't think I necessarily eat a lot, but its part of my diet.So maybe its bad karma for me.But I try to have good karma in other ways.I do love animals.I take in a lot of them.I feed the wild ones who sneak up on the back porch.I've gotten in fights with my neighbors Because they shoot strays.But I can't afford to go strictly vegan.I don't want to.I may be forced to in the future, because there deems to be something wrong with my digestion, and I'm getting where I can't eat fats.I'll miss meat.
Hunger is one of the first levels of consciousness. Everyone has felt hunger. That pain of hunger is what makes animals react. Hunger and Instinct go hand in hand. If you can control your hunger or eat then you no longer dwell on this first level or primary need. Like Maslows hierarchy the first level must be met before the next can be fulfilled. This is why I say that animals do not reason. They act out of instinct for food.
Not all people react out of instinct. Instinct is a primal natural response but it has to do with the mind. Man is quiet capable of reacting from somewhere beyond instinct. That is why you hear of "the zone." Man is capable of living in the moment and "knowing" what to do, especially during times of emergency. So not all people react from instinct.
Right these are all examples of primal reactions. Again these are all lower levels of consciousness. Man has the potential to evolve beyond all of these. Well, the truth is Man will. Whoever doesn't will follow every other life forms that decided it was too comfortable to change and will go extinct.Survival is an instinct.So is sex drive,competition, fight or flight.Just sayin'.
Good stuff here..Right these are all examples of primal reactions. Again these are all lower levels of consciousness. Man has the potential to evolve beyond all of these. Well, the truth is Man will. Whoever doesn't will follow every other life forms that decided it was too comfortable to change and will go extinct.
Unconsciousness is the lowest level of human consciousness and it is the final emergency action the mind has in any situation. It is right after fight or flight. Don't you see that it is animal behavior and that man is above that?
Right these are all examples of primal reactions. Again these are all lower levels of consciousness. Man has the potential to evolve beyond all of these. Well, the truth is Man will. Whoever doesn't will follow every other life forms that decided it was too comfortable to change and will go extinct.
Unconsciousness is the lowest level of human consciousness and it is the final emergency action the mind has in any situation. It is right after fight or flight. Don't you see that it is animal behavior and that man is above that?
Hunger is one of the first levels of consciousness. Everyone has felt hunger. That pain of hunger is what makes animals react. Hunger and Instinct go hand in hand. If you can control your hunger or eat then you no longer dwell on this first level or primary need. Like Maslows hierarchy the first level must be met before the next can be fulfilled. This is why I say that animals do not reason. They act out of instinct for food.
I don't get it.
Stoney you seem to have a very pessimistic view of the role of man on Earth. You said that the earth is trying to get rid of us and I just want to know where you get that idea. I guess you think that Man is no better than an animal. Animals can only meet primal needs and they are quiet satisfied and content when those needs are met.
The body has an organic memory and it has the ability to heal itself. If you cut your finger and do your best to keep infection from forming then your body will heal itself and your skin will grow back almost identically to the way it was. This is what I mean by organic memory. If man used all of the energy it consumed efficiently then we would have no disease or disability. Instead we eat beef everyday and lay around smoking weed. If we all meditated and allowed our bodies to focus energy where it is needed the body would completely heal itself. There is evidence that most diseases are caused by stress. Stress is another instinct that man has the ability to evolve beyond. Anyways you seem to put yourself as a human being on the same playing field as an animal. I respect and love all creatures of the earth. Man is more sophisticated and complex than animals and that is why we have dominion over them. If we used our power responsibly there would be no problem.
somebody needs to give this woman some rep...I would do it but I have already rep'd her....I'm not a pessimist, I'm a realist.I see there are changes in the earth, in her seasons, her climate,the new and varied afflictions she puts out are meant to thin us out.We are out of touch with her, we are a bad case of fleas,and she will shake us off.Just my humble opinion.As for the organic memory, yes, I think the mind can do wonders in healing the body, but We have these instincts, such as stress to protect the body.Now, I'm not saying excessive stress is good for you, but,it's necessary like the fight or flight response, the urge to procreate, to protect our young, to survive.If we want to evolve past all instinct, then we must give up the body.The only way to totally give up the body is to die.Until we can do that,we're just meat, like any other animal.
I disagree. There are many paths. There are spiritual practices that refer to dieing before you die. It means that your egoic perspective dies before your physical body dies. Your awareness or consciousness is completely identified with the material world. Egoic perception is ultimately delusion as is the physical body. All matter is ultimately just empty space and all perceptions take place within your consciousness. The outside world truly does not exist it is just an illusion. So when you say "the only way to totally give up the body is to die." You are wrong. That is the entire point of most spiritual practices especially yoga. It is to expand your consciousness from the limited aspect of "I" or "me" to the entirety of existence. Also the fight or flight INSTINCT is not necessary for man. That is an animal instinct. Not everyone is self-limiting. When your consciousness is all ego then there is the him or me mentality. When your seeing things from a higher perspective you will see that it is all one thing.If we want to evolve past all instinct, then we must give up the body.The only way to totally give up the body is to die.Until we can do that,we're just meat, like any other animal.