The only way to truly solve the race problem in America is to narrow the wealth gap, black economists say

I call BS.
Show me, give a link

There is info on it everywhere. I know multiple people that are making more money not working than they did when they were.
WTF are you talking about? The cops didn't beat him, they KILLED him.

It goes much deeper? Like hundreds of years of oppression? BTW, did ya notice there are tens of thousands of whites protesting around the world?

"And guess what, more white folks get beaten by the police than black folks, so, maybe check into that." Did you? If so, show use the evidence!
Trumpers have used gaalighting as a defense for years. Like the narcissist in chief who tried to gaslight an epidemic, and found he couldn't, he's scared and angry. Trumpers are trying to gaslight cop on black brutality and they can't. Oven the vids from the past week, they can't hide authoritarian cop brutality either. They gaslight human caused climate change, voter suppression, systemic racism in the courts and schools. They used that tactic to the point where they now look ridiculous. So now they aren't being listened to and are scared.

Look out, because their last refuge is violence. Thee is nothing scarier than a scared white person. It's going to be a hot summer.
I received unemployment once, & in the State of Connecticut the amount you receive is based on your previous salary, like around 60%.
Where did you come up with this $600 per week number for someone making $200?
Please enlighten me :)

the CARES act covers an additional $600/weekly from 3/25-7/25, no matter your unemployment amount which varies in different states and is 60% of the states look back formula. the cap in states can range from $550 to $800ish/ weekly again depending on your state.

i worked up until 3rd qtr 2018 then not again until 3rd qtr 2019 until 2qtr 2020, in my state look back they only counted the last calendar which only reflected the two qtrs worked in 2019..divided by the year and times 60%- i got $250:lol: i really need to fix it with them because you can do an 18-month look back option but i tried calling them- forget it.

so i'm getting $850 weekly until 7/25 or until Moscow Mitch extension, i get to live on $250 weekly until my claim exhausts..never called out sick, never late, no breaks, no lunch..taped up broken down lab cars..broke my ankle first week i got the job and BEGGED the doctor to clear me..worked until my ankle was so swollen it turned black..not black and blue- my foot was black because i was walking on it the whole time.

Thanks for the check:clap:

-A Lazy Unemployment Recipient (who can't wait to bleed this country dry, through Socialism, $250 at a time)
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There is info on it everywhere. I know multiple people that are making more money not working than they did when they were.
It might be worth considering that a lot of the jobs that are lost in this pandemic get paid about 3 bucks an hour and rely on tips for survival. That money is feeding a lot of families in this tough time.
So, yeah, @Padawanbater2 suddenly wants to deflect our attention from the cop in front of us pointing his black batons at us and do what, exactly?
@JoeBlow5823 @Nefrella

John Oliver acknowledged the fact that there is plenty wrong in many parts of our society but, like me, refuses to let the propaganda ministers of the right try to muddy the waters while we are reeling from the images we just saw about police violence. Police were caught on camera brutally beating and driving into people for protesting against their brutally beating people. Let's just keep our short attention span focused on that for a little longer, shall we?

John says it better that I.

It might be worth considering that a lot of the jobs that are lost in this pandemic get paid about 3 bucks an hour and rely on tips for survival. That money is feeding a lot of families in this tough time.

Pelosi did this because there would've been those crowds not for Mr. Floyd but for food, shelter and clothing, storming the WH.

Trump owns the pandemic in america- this was all him..think of the extra cash as a 'settlement' for fvcking our lives up..that's EXACTLY what it is- the stimulus too.

Don't think of the other countries that just auto payroll protections through government would be too simple, kind and humane..those aren't words that describe the US.
So, yeah, @Padawanbater2 suddenly wants to deflect our attention from the cop in front of us pointing his black batons at us and do what, exactly?
@JoeBlow5823 @Nefrella

John Oliver acknowledged the fact that there is plenty wrong in many parts of our society but, like me, refuses to let the propaganda ministers of the right try to muddy the waters while we are reeling from the images we just saw about police violence. Police were caught on camera brutally beating and driving into people for protesting against their brutally beating people. Let's just keep our short attention span focused on that for a little longer, shall we?

John says it better that I.

Regardless of whatever information you think you have,


So how do you feel about:
1. Muslims
2. Mexicans
3. People speaking other languages
4. Immigration

Just curious.

1. Muslims - I have Muslim friends, ironically, I don't refer to them as such, just "friends"
2. Mexicans - Same as above....derp.
3. People speaking other languages - Same as above, kinda jelly that I didn't take the time to learn an additional language...but again, MY PROBLEM.
4. Immigration - I am all for LEGAL IMMIGRATION. If you aren't here legally, you need to take steps to do so.

I think everyone has the opportunity to succeed in America, that's the whole point right?
Regardless of whatever information you think you have,
Yeah, that gaslighing tactic. Trump and the rest of your Republican Party used that trick too many times. Your kind has become so accustomed to using that trick you even tried to gaslight an epidemic. You tried to gaslight a torture-murder by cops that was caught on video and we all saw it. You tried to gaslight the police brutality directed by cops on peaceful people who were protesting against cop brutality. Irony is dead.

Stop it. Just Stop.
So how do you feel about:
1. Muslims
2. Mexicans
3. People speaking other languages
4. Immigration

Just curious.

1. Muslims - I have Muslim friends, ironically, I don't refer to them as such, just "friends"
2. Mexicans - Same as above....derp.
3. People speaking other languages - Same as above, kinda jelly that I didn't take the time to learn an additional language...but again, MY PROBLEM.
4. Immigration - I am all for LEGAL IMMIGRATION. If you aren't here legally, you need to take steps to do so.

I think everyone has the opportunity to succeed in America, that's the whole point right?
I think it is. We have enough resources here to make sure it happens, unfortunately we have kept those resources out of the hands of minority communities for far too long for that to be the case though.

So for 'legal immigration'. Are you a supporter of making it illegal to even come to America? That way once people walk here to make a better life for themselves that they are forced to either wait on our doorstep until Trump is out of office? Because Trump won't let immigration get back to somewhat normal, we would rather force these very vulnerable people to sit in a very dangerous place like a bum outside of one of the buildings he rents.

Also do you realize that Democrats are not for 'open borders'? It is just a right wing troll that they use to sell against 'them'.
I think it is. We have enough resources here to make sure it happens, unfortunately we have kept those resources out of the hands of minority communities for far too long for that to be the case though.

So for 'legal immigration'. Are you a supporter of making it illegal to even come to America? That way once people walk here to make a better life for themselves that they are forced to either wait on our doorstep until Trump is out of office? Because Trump won't let immigration get back to somewhat normal, we would rather force these very vulnerable people to sit in a very dangerous place like a bum outside of one of the buildings he rents.

Also do you realize that Democrats are not for 'open borders'? It is just a right wing troll that they use to sell against 'them'.
How have we "kept" those resources out of the hands of minority communities?? They have the same right to VOTE just like everyone else does. The same right to WORK like everyone else does. Put the people in office that will help your communities, instead of voting in idiots that are self serving and pushing their own agenda based on short term gains.

Legal immigration simply means this : Put in your paperwork to become a legal citizen of the United Stated of America. PERIOD.

I am NOT against people coming to America, that's the whole point - a melting pot of ideas, creativity and culture.

If they're "walking here" that means they aren't coming in legally, does it? Unless of course you get your citizenship papers and walk thru the boarder areas I suppose, and am sure has occurred a few times, shrug.

As to what should happen to those people interim, do you really think that if we, as Americans just showed up in some foreign county they would give two shits about our survival while we "waited" to immigrate? Hell no they wouldn't give a crap, and if you think they do, you are very naive.
How have we "kept" those resources out of the hands of minority communities?? They have the same right to VOTE just like everyone else does. The same right to WORK like everyone else does. Put the people in office that will help your communities, instead of voting in idiots that are self serving and pushing their own agenda based on short term gains.
Have you ever heard of a little thing called red-lining? By forcing Minority communities to not be able to move to 'white neighborhoods' and moving those resources out to the suburbs and rural schools as white flight occurred you have a systematic keeping resources out of the hands of minority communities.

Yeah they have the right to work, by getting on a bus, having a couple hour commute to a wealthy suburb where jobs are located and then traveling back home, all to get paid far less money.

Legal immigration simply means this : Put in your paperwork to become a legal citizen of the United Stated of America. PERIOD.
What if the office won't accept your paperwork? What if they say ok, you can have a trial in 3 months to see if you qualify. And when they get there they are told, oops sorry you messed up and it got cancelled, go back to the end of the line.

If they're "walking here" that means they aren't coming in legally, does it? Unless of course you get your citizenship papers and walk thru the boarder areas I suppose, and am sure has occurred a few times, shrug.
So you think that the only people that can legally come here should have to pay for a plane ticket, passports and all that?

As to what should happen to those people interim, do you really think that if we, as Americans just showed up in some foreign county they would give two shits about our survival while we "waited" to immigrate? Hell no they wouldn't give a crap, and if you think they do, you are very naive.
Yeah but they would let us in while they decided too.

You are naive for calling me naive.
Have you ever heard of a little thing called red-lining? By forcing Minority communities to not be able to move to 'white neighborhoods' and moving those resources out to the suburbs and rural schools as white flight occurred you have a systematic keeping resources out of the hands of minority communities.

Yeah they have the right to work, by getting on a bus, having a couple hour commute to a wealthy suburb where jobs are located and then traveling back home, all to get paid far less money.

What if the office won't accept your paperwork? What if they say ok, you can have a trial in 3 months to see if you qualify. And when they get there they are told, oops sorry you messed up and it got cancelled, go back to the end of the line.

So you think that the only people that can legally come here should have to pay for a plane ticket, passports and all that?

Yeah but they would let us in while they decided too.

You are naive for calling me naive.
Red lining was made illegal in the late 60's early 70's, so that's not valid.

If you want to get to America, again how you get here, not my problem.

Land of Opportunity, but you make them YOURSELF.