The only way to truly solve the race problem in America is to narrow the wealth gap, black economists say

You really think people are on your side here. This is a grow website and you're choking on a cops dick lol. Get outta here dude
If we are talking cops, the issue with them runs much deeper than race. But its not the individuals, its a broken system. They have the worst fucking job on the planet and you expect perfection from them?
Classic deflection.

Nothing productive to add to the discussion, so let's act like a child.

Again - next.

Let me know how it works out for you.
Bitch you tried to say I'm dividing america because I'm not a trumper. The guy who called nazis very fine people.

If we are talking cops, the issue with them runs much deeper than race. But its not the individuals, its a broken system. They have the worst fucking job on the planet and you expect perfection from them?
Actually logging and fishing are more dangerous. And thats fact. I expect professionalism. Maybe it should take more than a GED and a few hours of training to have power over people.
Unemployments actually not looking to bad. The civil unrest is pretty limited to a few major cities- not something i consider a major concern. People like you who are overreacting are the problem. Go play on twitter and facebook some more you will find more support there.
Wait, so now unemployments not looking too bad? You seem to know intimate details about other peoples personal UE benefits yet you're lost on actual stats?
You remind me of that douche Hashbucket or Abe
No direction. No purpose. Just salty posts full of hubris.
Here's the funny thing, not everyone got stimulius money. I sure didn't.

Oh I'm sure that you'll say "well, its because you make more money and have a better job than don't deserve it. And while we're at it, we need to redistribute YOUR wealth to make it fair for everyone else."

WTF ever happened to working hard and being rewarded for your efforts? That is after all the American dream. No matter where youre from, if you WORK HARD, you will succeed.

Oh, you say, I'm not affected by any of this going on and I'm insulated in my white privilege? My husband lost his job from all this as well, we aren't the Rockefeller's. We are just trying to make it like everyone else. We're just as angry as the next person about the horrible social issues. We actually realize that this movement is very much being driven by the left to incite anarchy, discord.

Divide and conquer, then watch as the left betrays every one of their constituants and knifes em in the back.

This is just more tragic bullshit that the American public will have to sort out.

The way the narrative looks like its going is this:

Black lives only matter if its police white on black assault. No fucks are given to the black on black violence that causes more deaths to blacks on the daily. PERIOD.

Let's just all turn a blind eye to that. *eyeroll*
I'm so sorry that you have to live in these conditions.

Black people should be more considerate and just take the beatings that cops deliver so that you don't have to hear about it.

Low wage workers should continue to work for less than enough to live on. They didn't really need to feed their children. Their kids should be out there earning their own.

Sorry to hear about your husband's job going away. There are a lot of people in that condition right now. Maybe it's time for people to stick together instead of carp.
Wait, so now unemployments not looking too bad? You seem to know intimate details about other peoples personal UE benefits yet you're lost on actual stats?
You remind me of that douche Hashbucket or Abe
No direction. No purpose. Just salty posts full of hubris.
Unemployment numbers are released to the public every month. I made a lot of money on friday because the unemployment and jobs numbers both improved when they were expected to get worse.
I'm so sorry that you have to live in these conditions.

Black people should be more considerate and just take the beatings that cops deliver so that you don't have to hear about it.

Low wage workers should continue to work for less than enough to live on. They didn't really need to feed their children. Their kids should be out there earning their own.

Sorry to hear about your husband's job going away. There are a lot of people in that condition right now. Maybe it's time for people to stick together instead of carp.
You're missing the whole point.

I get it, but this movement is NOT about that white cop beating that black man. It goes so much deeper than that. That tragedy was the catalyst.

And guess what, more white folks get beaten by the police than black folks, so, maybe check into that.

Never said I was against paying people more. At every opportunity to vote to raise the minimum wage, I did so...
Unemployment numbers are released to the public every month. I made a lot of money on friday because the unemployment and jobs numbers both improved when they were expected to get worse.

"Better than expected" when what WAS expected was awful. The unemployment rate dropped to "only" 13%.

The stock market doesn't represent the economy. We are in a recession. A deep one. Nobody knows how long it's going to last. Manufacturing was already in recession before the epidemic hit, wages were flat. Half of all workers made less than 35k/year before the epidemic hit, now, 13% unemployment with a terrible debt bubble for businesses to work through, all due to Trump's epidemic.

Do you think that Trump is going to ask Congress to delay the elections so that they happen at a better time for him?
Yep, sure is.

As covid spooled down, the economy was getting back to normal, then disaster.
As covid spooled down? In which states and cities? It sure as hell hasn't spooled down in my state!
Have you listened to any of the experts? They all know this is far from over.

The economy getting better or the stock market getting better?
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Exactly. Lets also turn a blind eye to the black on white crime that is 10x higher than the white on black crime. Thats not racist at all because black people cant be racist.
white on black crime is far more frequent than opposite per capita

Dumb racist