Letter from 2012 in Obama's America

I think I speak for the world when I wish America the Best of luck today with selecting a new leader.

I think it goes without saying that the result of today will have far reaching consequences for the whole world.

We'll be watching.....and judging (don't let us down again).

Worry about your own imperialist shitbox...not as if England has a better track record. America could still fuck up for another 100 years and have inflicted less pain on the world than England has cumulatively up to this point.
All of you anti-Christian types had better keep a very close eye on Obama if he's elected. He's a Christian, you know. :lol:

All of you anti-Christian types had better keep a very close eye on Obama if he's elected. He's a Christian, you know. :lol:

Well he doesn't believe the Flintstones was a documentary, and he isn't obsessed about homos or anti-science. I think we will be alright
Well he doesn't believe the Flintstones was a documentary, and he isn't obsessed about homos or anti-science. I think we will be alright

I think otherwise, don't forget to keep a nice tight hold on your wallet, and an eye on your bank accounts, because Obama will probably want to steal your money next.
Worry about your own imperialist shitbox...not as if England has a better track record. America could still fuck up for another 100 years and have inflicted less pain on the world than England has cumulatively up to this point.

Ha ha yeah, right....

The UK.... the democracy most developing countries aspire to replicate...

Or The USA.... the greedy capitalist shit of the Earth that the whole world HATES.

You can talk about atrosities from the past all you want (I suggest you look at your own countries short history before making assertions about OUR history....native americans anyone?), but it doesn't change the present.... which is that in the past 60 years, the USA has launched AT LEAST 3, unprovoked, illegal wars (killing MILLIONS of unarmed civilians).

I would bet serious money that the US government has killed more people in the last 10 years, than the British Emprie killed in hundreds of years of Empire building.
In his second term a Mosque is erected over Ground Zero, families are drafted to provide home and shelter for financially struggling illegal immigrants, and alcohol is outlawed.
Doc,.. being a religious group they ARE the most hateful group in the US.. gays, pro choice, a liberal all these things make you sub human to those fine paragons of virtue... no such thing as forgiving or acceptance when the likes of Palin is what they look up too...
I wonder how long till one of those religious good ole boys put a bullet in Obama.. then you'' see LA riots across the US...
Doc,.. being a religious group they ARE the most hateful group in the US.. gays, pro choice, a liberal all these things make you sub human to those fine paragons of virtue... no such thing as forgiving or acceptance when the likes of Palin is what they look up too...

Strange, I would say that the most hateful group in the country are liberals.

Liberals are so hateful that they hate themselves and their own culture.
First you guys say they're liberal because they'll accept any life style, or social trend... now you'd say that.... shit dude...pick one... Just remember treason (Plame)....thats all you need to see how far the haters will go... hate is in the mirror in front of you......
First you guys say they're liberal because they'll accept any life style, or social trend... now you'd say that.... shit dude...pick one... Just remember treason (Plame)....thats all you need to see how far the haters will go... hate is in the mirror in front of you......

I don't hate liberals, I hate their thoughts. Me, I personally don't care what you are doing in your bedroom as long as you don't force me to hear you talk about it, and don't expect me to subsidize it in any way.

I personally could care less if a bunch of communists went and bought land in America and set up some commune to live how they want.

I do however have a problem when the same people attempt to tell me that I am wrong to have the beliefs that I do. I find it absurd when these same people that go around talking about the need for cultural understanding attack their own culture, showing that they are nothing more than hypocrites.

I have a problem with people who want to steal from others, because that's what their beliefs tell them to do.

I don't expect any one to share my values, or my goals, but I do expect to be left in peace to do as I wish, as long as I am not interfering with the liberty of other people to do as they wish.

If it is so important to help the poor to you, then go do it, and find other people to help you. Don't tell me that I need to do it, against my will, and then shout about charity and compassion when I resist, because then I can only ask, where is your charity, and your compassion?
Actually, the problem with your last sentence is the fact that Jesus may have been for helping the poor, but he was not for stealing from people to do it.

Jesus was not Robin Hood, stop confusing them.

Do you know how many Messiahs have been through history?
about 50, all of which were supposed to be born of a virgin, all of which were supposed to be born on or about Dec 25th, and all of which were supposed to have died on a cross and resurrected.

Messiahs: Christian and Pagan - Google Book Search

Oh BTW, Jesus did chase the Money Changers out of the Temple with a cat of nine tails. The Money Changers were defiling the temple by making God's House into a House of Profit.

I don't think you know your bible very well, nor do I think that God or Jesus belong to any particular political party.

Do you know how many Messiahs have been through history?
about 50, all of which were supposed to be born of a virgin, all of which were supposed to be born on or about Dec 25th, and all of which were supposed to have died on a cross and resurrected.

Messiahs: Christian and Pagan - Google Book Search

Oh BTW, Jesus did chase the Money Changers out of the Temple with a cat of nine tails. The Money Changers were defiling the temple by making God's House into a House of Profit.

I don't think you know your bible very well, nor do I think that God or Jesus belong to any particular political party.

Actually, I think he chased them out of the temple, because they were turning it into a house of worship for money, not because profit.

No where that I have seen is there anything in the bible that can be construed as to saying seeking profit is evil.

It does however have strong words about theft.
Yes it does, Jesus said that it is easier for a Camel to go through the Eye of a Needle that it is for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

Dude, I was raised in the Church. and even started study for my ordination papers, the only things that contradict the Bible about the left are Abortion and Gay marriage. other than that, the bible (especially the New Testament) goes right along with liberal ideals.
Yes it does, Jesus said that it is easier for a Camel to go through the Eye of a Needle that it is for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

Dude, I was raised in the Church. and even started study for my ordination papers, the only things that contradict the Bible about the left are Abortion and Gay marriage. other than that, the bible (especially the New Testament) goes right along with liberal ideals.

Then I suppose I don't believe Jesus Christ was right. There's a lot of stuff that I disagree with religion on.

Besides, what good is a book that was written by a bunch of men, and then altered by a different group of men, and then used to convert a bunch of other men, and justify their abuse and enslavement?

Religion leaves a lot to be desired.

Edited to add:

Of course, the above doesn't say that profit is sinful, or seeking profit is sinful. It just says its harder for a rich man to get into heaven.
No it doesn't, but Rich people are obsessed with Profit...
It does say that the Love of Money is the Route of all evil
Now here is what I think you said that is interesting.

Besides, what good is a book that was written by a bunch of men, and then altered by a different group of men, and then used to convert a bunch of other men, and justify their abuse and enslavement?

And yet the overwhelming majority of Christians are What? That's right, Republicans (so-called Conservatives.)
The last 8 years have served nothing but to abuse and enslave the American people.
Thats why I don't buy any of that shit brutal...
What about the Mormons (Rhomney) ..they're into screwing and marrying little girls.... I'm not saying all, but they ARE widely know for that..yet thats acceptable to the right..even as a President... Religion has no place in politics... I think that any church on either side that helped, campaigned or whatever should lose they're tax exempt status...