The only way to truly solve the race problem in America is to narrow the wealth gap, black economists say

Red lining was made illegal in the late 60's early 70's, so that's not valid.

If you want to get to America, again how you get here, not my problem.

Land of Opportunity, but you make them YOURSELF.

How do you buy a home? Do you work really really hard until you have $100k+ of available money to use to buy it outright? Or do you think that mostly people either inherit or go to a bank to get a mortgage to get one? Race is a big issue with mortgage lending, and that just exacerbated the red lining issues. 50-60 years is not enough time to overcome something that we have dealt with through all modern history.

Now think about how it might affect your parents if your grandparents were stuck in a minority community that was greatly defunded due to the local white people's tax money leaving the cities that you moved into after WW2 to fill all those newly vacated apartments, do you think that would increase or decrease the ability to achieve success as a minority in the 80's? Do you think that there were not also a lot of white men who would prefer to hire a white man over a woman or minority?

The Republican agenda has systematically kept minorities from having a chance to catch up the the level of success in our society as white guys have always had. This also greatly decreases generational wealth too. It is a cycle that needs to be stopped. By investing correctly in these communities we really are helping our entire country improve it's future. We need 100% of our population's children to most easily achieve their highest potential for our society to be all it can be.


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How do you buy a home? Do you work really really hard until you have $100k+ of available money to use to buy it outright? Or do you think that mostly people either inherit or go to a bank to get a mortgage to get one? Race is a big issue with mortgage lending, and that just exacerbated the red lining issues. 50-60 years is not enough time to overcome something that we have dealt with through all modern history.

Now think about how it might affect your parents if your grandparents were stuck in a minority community that was greatly defunded due to the local white people's tax money leaving the cities that you moved into after WW2 to fill all those newly vacated apartments, do you think that would increase or decrease the ability to achieve success as a minority in the 80's? Do you think that there were not also a lot of white men who would prefer to hire a white man over a woman or minority?

The Republican agenda has systematically kept minorities from having a chance to catch up the the level of success in our society as white guys have always had. This also greatly decreases generational wealth too. It is a cycle that needs to be stopped. By investing correctly in these communities we really are helping our entire country improve it's future. We need 100% of our population's children to most easily achieve their highest potential for our society to be all it can be.
Buying a home? Guess how I did it? I borrowed the money, just like everyone else, from a bank.

Bullshit about the lending, lets talk CREDIT SCORES. They're the same for everyone, and the BASE requirement for lending purposes. But hey, lets just forget about that right, and jump right to skin color. *eyeroll*

Unfortunately, it seems that no matter the rebuttal, the core issues will never be addressed by the Left, and hey, that's ok. Live and let live right Cant reason with insanity.

People are going to keep killing each other and lucky for me, I'm not black, or I'd be worried about getting shot up in my OWN neighborhood by my OWN race.

Kids are the future, agree 100% on that. But if the future is going to be filled with a bunch of entitled (of ALL colors) whining little punks, I'll pass.

Buying a home? Guess how I did it? I borrowed the money, just like everyone else, from a bank.

Bullshit about the lending, lets talk CREDIT SCORES. They're the same for everyone, and the BASE requirement for lending purposes. But hey, lets just forget about that right, and jump right to skin color. *eyeroll*
You might want to brush up on what you 'know'.
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Just because you say something doesn't make it true.

Unfortunately, it seems that no matter the rebuttal, the core issues will never be addressed by the Left, and hey, that's ok. Live and let live right Cant reason with insanity.
This is why it is a good idea to not just believe people when they just say stuff. I don't know why you are getting so mad, but that is on you. I was willing to have an actual conversation with you, but if you are just here to troll 'the left' for Dear Leader, that is on you.

People are going to keep killing each other and lucky for me, I'm not black, or I'd be worried about getting shot up in my OWN neighborhood by my OWN race.

Kids are the future, agree 100% on that. But if the future is going to be filled with a bunch of entitled (of ALL colors) whining little punks, I'll pass.
How many people live within one mile of you? I would bet if you stuffed the same number of people in the same area full of poor white people, you would have just as much chance of getting shot. What do you think would happen if you looked at all the trailer parks crime rates across rural America and compared those stats to cities?

You are being fed racist propaganda that seems really good if you actually don't question it and have been told this nonsense for 50 years by hate mongers on tv and radio, especially after 15 years or so of hard core online trolling.

You should break out of your cult if you are an actual American and not just another Trump troll. Foreign or Domestic.
Ben Shapiro is the dude that Manafort had post his Russian funded "Obama Jews" troll when he was working for the Ukrainian Putin puppet.
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The best part of that article he wrote was the comment section.

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With the trolling you have been exposed to I understand why it is so hard for you to be civil in discussing issues that are not Dear Leader approved.


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Nope, not even in the slightest.

But, I refuse to continue the banter with idiots, so, have fun with your thread.....I've got work to do.

That's the problem, no good answers to the reality of the situation.

Sit down son.
Denying what we all know to be true because we saw it with our own eyes is hardly a good answer.

Stop with the gaslighting. It's an insult to everybody including your own intelligence.
Buying a home? Guess how I did it? I borrowed the money, just like everyone else, from a bank.

Bullshit about the lending, lets talk CREDIT SCORES. They're the same for everyone, and the BASE requirement for lending purposes. But hey, lets just forget about that right, and jump right to skin color. *eyeroll*

Unfortunately, it seems that no matter the rebuttal, the core issues will never be addressed by the Left, and hey, that's ok. Live and let live right Cant reason with insanity.

People are going to keep killing each other and lucky for me, I'm not black, or I'd be worried about getting shot up in my OWN neighborhood by my OWN race.

Kids are the future, agree 100% on that. But if the future is going to be filled with a bunch of entitled (of ALL colors) whining little punks, I'll pass.

Is she trying to gaslight racism's effect on black people in this country?

Her kind have become lazy, reckless and dangerous. Can't reason with them, so, I guess ridicule and shunning are the best option. Containment would be nice. Maybe lock them up. After all they colluded with Trump to commit many crimes including treason.

I'd be fine with emptying the contractor's jails holding legal asylum seekers and using them.
Buying a home? Guess how I did it? I borrowed the money, just like everyone else.
I didnt borrow money to buy my house. I worked myself to death, scrounged and saved every penny, and when the market crashed during the last "financial crisis" I paid cash for the mutha fucka.
I didnt borrow money to buy my house. I worked myself to death, scrounged and saved every penny, and when the market crashed during the last "financial crisis" I paid cash for the mutha fucka.
So you benefitted from the generational wealth that was ripped out of about 10 million families hands because of the Republican economic collapse. Good for you for being lucky. The Obama years must have been pretty fantastic for you huh.
So you benefitted from the generational wealth that was ripped out of about 10 million families hands because of the Republican economic collapse. Good for you for being lucky. The Obama years must have been pretty fantastic for you huh.
How exactly was the wealth ripped from the hands of 10 million families?
How exactly was the wealth ripped from the hands of 10 million families?
All of those people were paying towards owning their own homes, that was an investment that they were told would pay off. All of the forward progress that was made was wiped out when the credit markets crunched due to over leveraging by the financial institutions linking those mortgages to wall street fluctuations by selling them the debt, then turning around and using all that freed up funding to lend out even further.

When the markets crashed when the Republicans decided it was a good idea to let Lehman Brothers to collapse and played tough guys with our economy, all that money was forfeited and people turned and sold those homes dirt cheap to folks like yourself looking to capitalize on others pain.

Generational wealth of those families gone as they had to start over.
All of those people were paying towards owning their own homes, that was an investment that they were told would pay off. All of the forward progress that was made was wiped out when the credit markets crunched due to over leveraging by the financial institutions linking those mortgages to wall street fluctuations by selling them the debt, then turning around and using all that freed up funding to lend out even further.

When the markets crashed when the Republicans decided it was a good idea to let Lehman Brothers to collapse and played tough guys with our economy, all that money was forfeited and people turned and sold those homes dirt cheap to folks like yourself looking to capitalize on others pain.

Generational wealth of those families gone as they had to start over.
Unless their homes were taken from them by the mortgage company, they didnt lose anything. The housing market recovered stronger than ever in a very short time. Housing is a market. Market = ups and downs and risks. Pretty much anyone that lost a house during that time was in no position to be buying one in the first place.