The only way to truly solve the race problem in America is to narrow the wealth gap, black economists say

You're missing the whole point.

I get it, but this movement is NOT about that white cop beating that black man. It goes so much deeper than that. That tragedy was the catalyst.

And guess what, more white folks get beaten by the police than black folks, so, maybe check into that.

Never said I was against paying people more. At every opportunity to vote to raise the minimum wage, I did so...
No, BLM is about police killing the people they should protect. You should go to their website and check it out.

I'm so sorry to hear that your boy got beat by a cop. Cops are brutal, they have been getting a pass in every instance. If BLM manages to reduce that level of brutality it will help reduce cop on white violence too. So, get out and make your voice heard for eliminating ALL cop brutality. I do. Again, sorry to hear that your boy got beat by a cop. It's uncommon for white people to experience that. My kids go out and about and I never worry about them making home alive, getting beat by a cop or arrested. Every black parent does, regardless of their income.

One point of success: Hey, we agree on raising the minimum wage to a living income. I can celebrate that with you.
You're missing the whole point.

I get it, but this movement is NOT about that white cop beating that black man. It goes so much deeper than that. That tragedy was the catalyst.

And guess what, more white folks get beaten by the police than black folks, so, maybe check into that.

Never said I was against paying people more. At every opportunity to vote to raise the minimum wage, I did so...

WTF are you talking about? The cops didn't beat him, they KILLED him.

It goes much deeper? Like hundreds of years of oppression? BTW, did ya notice there are tens of thousands of whites protesting around the world?

"And guess what, more white folks get beaten by the police than black folks, so, maybe check into that." Did you? If so, show use the evidence!
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What are we reacting to? A shitty short video clip? Are we that ignorant?
Coroner report states cause of death was not asphyxiation or strangulation.
I mean he couldn't breathe..... Isn't that why we need billions of ventilators?

To soon?
The man is clearly saying he cant breathe. I dont know about you but I cant speak clearly when I cant breathe. Facts such as the mans medical condition and level of intoxication would be helpful. Also a full video of what happened would be really nice.
Also "JoeBlow"
Dude the cop would have never walked from that protests or not. Never. Justice system takes time with cases like this.

Were you banned under your last username or just...
WTF are you talking about? The cops didn't beat him, they KILLED him.

It goes much deeper? Like hundreds of years of oppression? BTW, did ya notice there are tens of thousands of whites protesting around the world?

"And guess what, more white folks get beaten by the police than black folks, so, maybe check into that." Did you? If so, show use the evidence!
Its fact cops killed more white people. That is a fact. But does it make it better? Fuck no. No database of beatings though.
Its fact cops killed more white people. That is a fact. But does it make it better? Fuck no. No database of beatings though.
Because Blacks are only 13% of the population.

"Any “analysis” of police killings will of course show that in absolute numbers, more white people are killed in police shootings than black people, because (non-Hispanic) whites comprise a roughly five times greater share of the U.S. population (62% vs. 13%). So any “analysis” that is based on nothing more than absolute numbers and does not take demographics into account is inaccurate and misleading"
Because Blacks are only 13% of the population.

"Any “analysis” of police killings will of course show that in absolute numbers, more white people are killed in police shootings than black people, because (non-Hispanic) whites comprise a roughly five times greater share of the U.S. population (62% vs. 13%). So any “analysis” that is based on nothing more than absolute numbers and does not take demographics into account is inaccurate and misleading"
I know what per capita means. I was saying as a whole. Sorry I was on the defensive against dumbass trump supporters talking about black on white crime. My fault dude
"The unrest in cities across the U.S. this week is just the latest manifestation of a struggle that will continue until the wealth gap between white people and black people is addressed, black economists said.

What is the wealth gap? It is the stark divide between how much capital white people and black people control.

By one estimate, the typical white family has wealth of $171,000. This is nearly ten times greater than the $17,150 for an average black family.

Put another way, the typical black household remains poorer than 80% of white households.

This stunning wealth gap between the races has persisted, in good times and bad, for the past 70 years. It did not get better after the civil rights era legislation was passed in the 1960s or during the Obama administration.

And it will continue to fuel unrest..."


'wealth' meaning owning stuff?
I didnt like it at all. Nor did i like the communist extra 600$ a week for everyone eligible for unemployment. People who were making 200$ a week getting 600$ on unemployment while people who were making 2000$ a week are getting 900$.
I received unemployment once, & in the State of Connecticut the amount you receive is based on your previous salary, like around 60%.
Where did you come up with this $600 per week number for someone making $200?
Please enlighten me :)
WTF ever happened to working hard and being rewarded for your efforts?
I worked for an electrical company in White Plains, NY for 20 years and when we had a Black applicant for a position, he would get an interview & then after he left his interview, his application would go IMMEDIATLY into the shredder, because that company, one out of probably 10's of thousand others in the USA, simply wouldn't hire based on the color of you skin, and that's a fucking fact.
Padawanbeter2 and those "black" economist have it right, that without economic equality, at least too some degree, there will be crime and violence in the "Black" communities which inevitably spills over into the "White" communities.
Equal education is the key, like Pell grants (Trump eliminated them) & instead of building more aircraft carriers, how about giving every student in low income school districts a tablet or small laptop.
My wife is a teacher in a mostly Black low income area in the largest city in CT, and has been teaching remotely from home since May and out of 27 students only 6 have access to a computer at home and reach her, the rest don't have the capability.
Meanwhile, 15 miles south in Westport, CT their school system hands every fucking student a laptop upon entering the school.
That's the fucking root cause of ALL the instability in the Black community, lack of funding for they're schools which leads too ill prepared adults which in this world today, your fucked if you don't have a college degree (Don't get me stated on cost)
And if your Black, your doubly fucked.
And that is reality today in America :)
"The unrest in cities across the U.S. this week is just the latest manifestation of a struggle that will continue until the wealth gap between white people and black people is addressed, black economists said.

What is the wealth gap? It is the stark divide between how much capital white people and black people control.

By one estimate, the typical white family has wealth of $171,000. This is nearly ten times greater than the $17,150 for an average black family.

Put another way, the typical black household remains poorer than 80% of white households.

This stunning wealth gap between the races has persisted, in good times and bad, for the past 70 years. It did not get better after the civil rights era legislation was passed in the 1960s or during the Obama administration.

And it will continue to fuel unrest..."


I am actually starting to think that reparation is not a bad idea. As an Asian-American who's family didn't even come to America till recently I was never for it, felt like why should I pay for the sins of others, but now I think that it really would be an investment in America that is worth it. Plus I want to corner the crack market and make a killing when it hits.
[QUOTE="JoeBlow5823, post: 15583482, member: 1006592"]
I think the same thing could have been accomplished peacefully.

I like that sentiment and believe peaceful means is the solution, but it has to be applied to the root of the tree, not in the branches.

End the present police model, where cops hold a forcible monopoly on the use of force and let the free market solve the problem. Meaning allow competition in security and policing. Customer feedback is the best way to ensure good service providers flourish and bad service providers fail.

When people derive their income from funds which are taken, rather than thru a mutual transaction, what follows is always tainted. That's the present model used in policing and creates entitlement. It can't be denied cops have "special privileges" and that should end. Cops are paid by a legal system which relies on "taking things which aren't theirs" .

Would be a good idea to end ALL government subsidies, since government is an institution that first must TAKE, before it can redistribute.

On the other hand, rioters and looters posing as "protesters" should get what's coming to them. They are thugs, because they take things which aren't theirs.

Another observation....When people protest police brutality, but still obediently wear their virus fear masks because government told them to and whine for justice while condoning "burn it down" they are being irrational. They are ridiculously obeying the thing they are protesting, violence.
I am actually starting to think that reparation is not a bad idea. As an Asian-American who's family didn't even come to America till recently I was never for it, felt like why should I pay for the sins of others, but now I think that it really would be an investment in America that is worth it. Plus I want to corner the crack market and make a killing when it hits.
The crack epidemic ended years ago. It's mostly just heroine addicted whites now, inbred.
I worked for an electrical company in White Plains, NY for 20 years and when we had a Black applicant for a position, he would get an interview & then after he left his interview, his application would go IMMEDIATLY into the shredder, because that company, one out of probably 10's of thousand others in the USA, simply wouldn't hire based on the color of you skin, and that's a fucking fact.
Padawanbeter2 and those "black" economist have it right, that without economic equality, at least too some degree, there will be crime and violence in the "Black" communities which inevitably spills over into the "White" communities.
Equal education is the key, like Pell grants (Trump eliminated them) & instead of building more aircraft carriers, how about giving every student in low income school districts a tablet or small laptop.
My wife is a teacher in a mostly Black low income area in the largest city in CT, and has been teaching remotely from home since May and out of 27 students only 6 have access to a computer at home and reach her, the rest don't have the capability.
Meanwhile, 15 miles south in Westport, CT their school system hands every fucking student a laptop upon entering the school.
That's the fucking root cause of ALL the instability in the Black community, lack of funding for they're schools which leads too ill prepared adults which in this world today, your fucked if you don't have a college degree (Don't get me stated on cost)
And if your Black, your doubly fucked.
And that is reality today in America :)
Well don't worry about the funding, you'll have it soon as they defeund the police :clap:
I am actually starting to think that reparation is not a bad idea. As an Asian-American who's family didn't even come to America till recently I was never for it, felt like why should I pay for the sins of others, but now I think that it really would be an investment in America that is worth it. Plus I want to corner the crack market and make a killing when it hits.
Agree that it's not about paying for past sins by others but about using reparations to repair damage.