Ah m8..
I was worrying about you....
I thought you had started that superb stash..
and we wouldn't see you 'til you got through it...

Hi FD, what color are your bad betty beans?
Have you got Red beans...?
Gonna get my germs started tonight.
Mine have their heads out of the soil...
and I set another few away yesterday.
Looks like we are growing our own christmas presents..
Now..our little non-af problem..
I Missed this info a few pages back...posted by HBC...
but I have edited the Name out.
From what I have heard, ********* doesn't even breed their own AF'S. They were using an outside source to hurry up and jump into the AF craze. I don't know if this is true or if they have started breeding them, "in house". Everything I have read was from some time ago so they maybe breeding them in house now
IF seed companies were using an Independant breeder rather than In house..
ALL of those non-af crosses could have come from one Breeder..
Thoughts to ponder..
Same to ya mossy. You too FD
I'd like to second that motion!
Cheers M8's
Experiment for the weekend...
Roll a couple of joints..
stick one in the Fridge..for a couple of hours
leave the other at room-temp.
Smoke the room temp one first..
quickly followed by the fridged one.
(Don't I have the Best homework...

Which one gives the Best intensity/depth of Flavour..?
P.S...you know I told you about the virus I had in my inbox...
IF I msn messenger Meaty..rather than mail him..
would I still pass on the virus..?