The Art of The Auto


Active Member
Terpenes profiles are identified using the 'headspace' gas cromatograph method (what a name for a cannabis test!). The 'headspace' is the gas space in a chromatography vial above the sample. Headspace analysis is therefore the analysis of the components present in that gas. Headspace chromatography is used for the analysis of volatiles and semi-volatile organics in solid, liquid and gas samples. Common applications include industrial analyses of flavour compounds in beverages and food products, and fragrances in perfumes and cosmetics.
This is How...


Active Member
I am a new grower, last grow I did was alfalfa sprouts at school. however I've got two Easy Riders growing and one of the is stunted to the shit house. All of what is said here is absolutley correct and I'm sorry I didn't come across this thread earlier.
Anyhow, here is Lucy and Ruby both at Day 31, as you can see Lucy has become traumatised by 1. Over dosing the nutes (too soon and too much), and then transplanting her twice (due to shitty store bought soil.
Ruby on the other hand is going great guns.

Lucy Day 31.jpgLucy Day 31 (2).jpgLucy Day 31 (3).jpg

Ruby Day 31.jpgRuby Day 31 (4).jpgRuby Day 31 (3).jpgRuby Day 31 (5).jpg



Active Member
From my experience i start nutes at 1/4 strength at about day 5-7. I have had issues in the past where i didnt start them till 1.5-2weeks and the plants started showing deficiencies as they began the flower mode. This taught me quick that they do need them from time to time. If you are in MG soil go light on the nutes. id say on first dose about 2-2.5 ml of nutes at first. Then after week 2 mine can handel a full dose at 2tbs or 10ml of solution.
so u think i should give em a little veg nutes until i see flowers? or just start bloom now
LMFAO. DO NOT FEED ANY NUTES UNTIL SEX HAS SHOWN AND YOU HAVE TRANSPLANTED INTO BIGGER POT. That's how you stunt your plant. There is enough nutrients in the soil for the first 3 weeks. If your doing hydro, I would bet all the money in the world that you are gonna stunt your plants no matter what you do. That's the difference from getting an ounce a plant to a single 9 gram cola. Again this guy is giving wrong advice.
I am a new grower, last grow I did was alfalfa sprouts at school. however I've got two Easy Riders growing and one of the is stunted to the shit house. All of what is said here is absolutley correct and I'm sorry I didn't come across this thread earlier.
Anyhow, here is Lucy and Ruby both at Day 31, as you can see Lucy has become traumatised by 1. Over dosing the nutes (too soon and too much), and then transplanting her twice (due to shitty store bought soil.
Ruby on the other hand is going great guns.




Nothing I post is real. I like to pretend I'm cultivating cannabis so everyone thinks I'm cool. But really I'm just a dork who copies other peoples work from the internet.



Active Member
Exactly, nice little christmas treat and something nice to ring in the new year :weed:
My thoughts a pair of socks...:-o

Should be fine, i don't see it going through messenger
Cheers M8..didn't want to spread it..

Still think that its someone trying to get on the band wagon with untested genetics
Gotta be un-tested..hasn't it..:leaf:

What are you thinking on Endorium's girls...?


I like your thinking m8, was moving along these lines too.
I was with the terps..nose selection..
but reading the book has pulled it all together for me.

but a different terp, Limonene
One of my favs too..always associate Lemon/citrus with Afghan.
Limonene is anti-bacterial..antifungal..and anti-cancer.
one of the other effects is it lifts the systolic blood pressure..
(so coming back to my theories about circulation..)

I love the idea of eating the mango...
I Love the idea of a synergy reaction..I'll be looking for a mango..for deff.
Thinking..if the mango is stuffed full of myrcene terps..we should be able to Sniff something that corresponds with bud..
so don't forget to sniff before you eat it.

Yup, as the compounds emerge from the column, they are ionized in a flame, and the concentration of ions triggers an equivalent current, that quantifies as a voltage
Thinking that their homework might help your homework.

Certainly worth having a look around...see which one of their crosses have the highest myrcene/limonene combo.

The bud in the fridge test is simple...
I think the fridged bud has More taste..
(could be down to a slower burn rate..)
was wondering if anybody else picked it up.

Beautiful day with nary a cloud in the sky, I am off to fly with the birds
Pass me one of what you are smoking sounds great..
and I haven't had the pleasure of a BOG girl...:bigjoint:

She gets me a lil' stupid tho :leaf:
Sounds like a Recommendation...:clap:


mossys said:
The bud in the fridge test is simple...
I think the fridged bud has More taste..
(could be down to a slower burn rate..)
was wondering if anybody else picked it up.
or, the terps volatilizing better as apposed to combusting...thinking that as you draw the hot smoke through the cold bud of the doob, you may be 'vaping' terps that may otherwise combust or denature...Hmmm.

John Mondello

Active Member
My thoughts a pair of socks...:-o

Cheers M8..didn't want to spread it..

Gotta be un-tested..hasn't it..:leaf:

What are you thinking on Endorium's girls...?


I was with the terps..nose selection..
but reading the book has pulled it all together for me.

One of my favs too..always associate Lemon/citrus with Afghan.
Limonene is anti-bacterial..antifungal..and anti-cancer.
one of the other effects is it lifts the systolic blood pressure..
(so coming back to my theories about circulation..)

I Love the idea of a synergy reaction..I'll be looking for a mango..for deff.
Thinking..if the mango is stuffed full of myrcene terps..we should be able to Sniff something that corresponds with bud..
so don't forget to sniff before you eat it.

Thinking that their homework might help your homework.

Certainly worth having a look around...see which one of their crosses have the highest myrcene/limonene combo.

The bud in the fridge test is simple...
I think the fridged bud has More taste..
(could be down to a slower burn rate..)
was wondering if anybody else picked it up.

Pass me one of what you are smoking sounds great..
and I haven't had the pleasure of a BOG girl...:bigjoint:

Sounds like a Recommendation...:clap:
definetly sounds like a reccomendation... love the work you guys are doing on terps and medicinal... especially BLOOD FLOW and anti-fungal and anti-cancer! please keep up the great work / research! how expensive are the previously mentioned chromatagraphs?


Active Member
Some great info for sure.. This is the stuff we need to submit to the anti's.. Get some hardcore proof of what EXACTLY in the pot is doing medicinal things..

That's professor chyna to you sir! :D:D



Active Member
I received my Star Ryder beans today. :-) Now I have to decide if I want to terminate the germ I have going of a new White Dwarf so that I can put one of these Star Ryders in the dirt....I'm going to think on it for a day.
Alright all
Here's the latest on my northern lights
Day 43 now and been flowering for 3 weeks at 16/8, she seems to be doing well on it.
Have tied down a few more stems to open her up and get some more light further down so i don't have to thin her out just yet.

day 43.2.jpgday 43.7.jpgday 43.8.jpg
BTW, the short rider beans nirvana sent me as compo for my auto problems turned up in 3 days!! Can't wait to get going on them but unfortunately i only have space to grow one plant at a time.
Does anyone have any experience of growing these? Be good to know what to expect from them when i eventualy get them going:leaf:

Harry Bald Sack

Active Member
I received my Star Ryder beans today. :-) Now I have to decide if I want to terminate the germ I have going of a new White Dwarf so that I can put one of these Star Ryders in the dirt....I'm going to think on it for a day.

Hey man, at least wait til I get my Double Diesel Ryders so we can compare growth rates, possible flowering times and etc.

John Mondello

Active Member
thats a greast concept, btw... simultaneous starts across growers and starins for note comparison... we should set up a synch schedule... would be a great way to gether more data... I'm all about collecting statistical info for future ref... do it in my big half acre garden outdoor every year... every seed is track start to finish and even total harvest yields... for exmaple 98 tomato plants this year produced 9800 lbs of tomatoes... last year i only got 1960 lbs besuae of blight... anyway.. i like the concept... anyone else down for some synchro-tracking?

John Mondello

Active Member
StartDateVarietyCODETypeSeed SourceQuantity GermedGerminationDTHarvTarget DTHExp Harvest DateSeedling Out3/18/2010Giant BelgiumGBLGTomatoJohnnys1583/25/2010901207/18/2010 3/18/2010Italian Red PearITRPTomatoJohnnys543/25/2010801107/8/2010 3/18/2010Red Cherry Red Grape F1CHF1TomatoJohnnys1093/25/2010601006/28/20105/17/20103/18/2010Emerald Giant EMGTPepperBaker50483/25/2010801207/18/20105/16/20103/18/2010Red Knight X3RRX3RPepperJohnnys25223/25/2010801207/18/20105/16/20103/18/2010Cherry Bomb F1CBF1PepperJohnnys1083/25/2010901307/28/20105/16/2010 4/8/2010Tadorna (Leek) (SEED) OUTDOORLKTDLeekJohnnys4004004/27/20101001208/8/2010 4/8/2010Mercury F1 Hybrid (SEED) OUTDOORMRF1OnionJohnnys4004004/27/20101081208/8/20106/7/20104/8/2010Jaune Paille Des Vertus (SEED) OUTDOORJPDVOnionJohnnys4004004/27/20101001208/8/20106/20/20104/8/2010He Shi Ko-Bunching (SEED) OUTDOORHSKBOnionBaker4004004/27/20101001208/8/2010 4/24/2010Italian Softneck GarlicITSGGarlicPiedmont 18005/12/20101001008/4/20104/28/2010Halley 3155 VFF Hybrid TomatoHVHTTomato (D)TG Supply50345/12/2010751108/19/20105/25/20104/28/2010Bellstar Hybrid Plum TomatoBHPTTomato (D)TG Supply40205/12/2010701058/14/20105/25/20104/28/2010Red Cherry F1 TomatoRCF1Tomato (I)Johnnys1095/12/201060958/3/20105/25/20104/28/2010Organic Jalapeno PepperOJPPPepperAgway40365/12/2010751108/19/20106/10/20104/28/2010Hybrid Pepper Bianca White to Red BellBWPPPepperJohnnys15125/12/201065/85100/1208/28/20106/10/20104/28/2010Hybrid Pepper Green to Red BellACEFPepperJohnnys15125/12/201050/7085/1058/14/20106/10/20104/28/2010Tasty Green CucumberTGCCCucumberAgway1095/12/201070707/19/20105/19/20104/28/2010Hybrid Eggplant Specialty No. 226EGGPEggplantJohnnys20175/12/201055907/28/20106/10/2010

example of spreadsheet tracker


Well-Known Member
My first auto has now started flowering. It is 5 days since it showed signs of flowering. What do you guys think? Its extremely bushy plany and wondered should I be trimming anything to let light to buds? Cant LST any more as not enough room :)
First two pics are of my La diva auto that is flowering and second is of my sharks breath non auto I will flower once my La diva has finished.
Using 250W Flowering CFL and 90 LED UFO
View attachment 1265833View attachment 1265834View attachment 1265835
Plants are looking lush my friend nice and healthy and buds seem to be forming. If you currently have her in LST you can begin trimming in phases. Start low and slow and a few at a time. This will allow you to take some, allow light in and watch the progress of the pistil development. As you trim watch the flower day by day. if you see a change in the positive you can trim again, always wait at least 24hrs before the next trim. Making sure the plant didnt stunt. If you took to much your plant will tell you with a stop. The buds will pause if you will for a day. If they do wait untill you see a change in pistils before you trim again.

If you get me some pics of the plant in LST ill try to tell you where to begin. First ones to go should be anything touching the dirt. Then progress. Right now make sure that you leave the bud areas lush. Give them time to form nice before going near them. I usually wait to trim that stuff in the final week.


Well-Known Member
FullD..start of the homework from the book..Terps.

One of the Terps found in a large amount of canna is Myrcene...
(marijuana types but Not in hemp..)
Myrcene is a potent analgesic..anti-inflamatory..anti-biotic...

I guess i like to get my work done early....

Actually had the work done before you asked me to and didnt know it :)

Ill explain

First i had no idea that there were ties in mangoes and terps in canna, second of all had no idea it would have been Myrcene that tied it all together.

We have been smoking ALF here lately, lovely smoke, great med effects for both me and Lady D. She gets back relief and my oral relief is fantastic. you can tell it opens the blood flow, for us at least. Cheeks get a little rosey as you feel the blood vessels expand. This not only happens once but several times as it hits you with its many waves. Buzz lasts for a few hours and if a pick up is needed, one toke of the pipe and your golden :)

I currently have 2 different phenos from ALF, i have a colored as well as a white. The colored pheno is smooth but the white contains the incense pheno that i love.

Mossy you asked me to find out if there were differences based upon sex, not only by picking the pheno by nose but also by effect. Looking for different terps in this case that pull you more towards a smell for meds. So i gave it a shot first i ran the colored pheno with lady D, she liked the high and the mellow was nice, but still had the back pain little to no ease. Then the following night we smoked the white, she loved it. Pain was gone and she liked the waves it had. So then i had her pic the one she wanted to smoke via smell rather than me blind siding and she picked the white......

Now that we have been using the white she has notice something that she never talked about until i read her your homework for me today. (shes starting to show interest :) ) Usually if she is having a bad morning she will smoke as she wakes, well for the past month she has been on a strict diet, she has been eating fruits in the AM and then a light salad for lunch and then a light dinner.

After i read your home work to her she told me what fruits she had been eating, and asked me if that was the reason she was getting a 'brain message' after she ate them.. I had to laugh at her, but she told me there was a change in the high after eating the mangoes.

So to see if this is truth with her i am running it again in the AM with her. This is the time she will have a minimal amount of both in her system as she does on a daily basis. Ill post the feed back if it happens again, or if not. But we may be on to something here with the Myrcene coming from the incense pheno.

John Mondello

Active Member
ehy just to get locked in on ur convo... AFL = ?

I've been loking at Mango just cuz they sounded nice... now that i know it has a good medicinal (vascular) effect, 'll definetly be getting some phenos... wanna try crossing with lr2 or something.
