The Art of The Auto


Active Member

Photo #1...7 girls to a 25 ltr pot..

(1 Ltr fert bottle for perspective...size guide..)

ALL phenos were over 20g DRY...
1 x 25 ltr pot over 8 weeks yielded approx 140 g's dry.

Photo #2...20 ltr pot..Outdoor....Germed in minus 2 degrees...Jan/feb..

Photo #3 Same pot at Finish...

AF's actually grow/yield better with multiple plants in 1 large pot...
than individual plants in Small pots.
With the same LTR-age of compost per plant.

I have tested this..extensively..over 3 years...


Well-Known Member
nice work mossy :) O would you look at that more than 1 auto in the 1 pot and they still averaged more than 15 grams per plant... hope this gets all the people who think an auto has to be grown in its own separate pot to stop posting that shit when ever i show a pic with more than 1 dam auto in the same pot....

Sorry to use your pic as an example mossy mate but it was just perfect timing :)

John Mondello

Active Member
Just posting a old photo of the box party to add some to the debate ;)
how much dry weight from those? those bins are deep... we used to use that size for photos in a mini-sog setup and false-bottomed half to save on soil... FFOF adds up quick! lol

mossy, thanks for the tip... didnt realize they did better in a pot all together but larger.... interesting.... these are definetly a very different pheno than the photos... still majorly adjusting... lol


John Mondello

Active Member

Photo #1...7 girls to a 25 ltr pot..

(1 Ltr fert bottle for perspective...size guide..)

ALL phenos were over 20g DRY...
1 x 25 ltr pot over 8 weeks yielded approx 140 g's dry.

Photo #2...20 ltr pot..Outdoor....Germed in minus 2 degrees...Jan/feb..

Photo #3 Same pot at Finish...

AF's actually grow/yield better with multiple plants in 1 large pot...
than individual plants in Small pots.
With the same LTR-age of compost per plant.

I have tested this..extensively..over 3 years...

not to be a dick... but 25 liters work out to about 7 gallons... 7 plants... = 1 gallon per plant.... how does this compare to a plant of the same pheno grown in a 1 gallon pot... cuz 20gs /ea sounds a lil low from what some of the auto growers in here are turnin... it sounded to me from everything I've read that 1 gallon pot should yirld about an ounce minimum and I think FD said he got 42gs off of one? not sure what pot size that was tho...

just a match cross-check...



Active Member
I keep forgeting to say, the ALF#3's had the best looking, most healthy, full pots worth of roots.
That means a lot..
with AF's in particular..the Roots is where it is at..I've do a lot of root work/study..

AND...I have to say...FullD's Tip about the oxygenated water actually Does seem to improve rooting right across the board.

I noticed with pretty much all autos they grow a tap root down, then spread out accross the bottom of the pot where most of the auto root stays with very little growing down the sides. the ALF#3's had big thick brilliant white looking roots all around and down the sides
My opinion ONLY..from observation...

AF's are using the point that the tap root hits the bottom of the pot as a sexing "Cue"...

That is why..if you put them in a small get a small pheno...they need root drop depth..

How did the girls yield in that mixed pot..

I find that I lose a touch..10-20% drop on yield Per Plant..
I gain massively on yield per Pot.

There is the theory..that symbiotic planting (multi-potting..)
actually helps the plants resist disease and predator attack..
as the first plant detects the attack they release chemicals through the soil that Warn the other plants to arm themselves against the attack.
Plant Early Warning system....:leaf:

Clever little buggers.


Active Member
I had to cut all the fem HBD & Mi5 as they hermied, I was left with some non fem Mi5 and I planted some sour 60 in there aswell, not sure on yeild but they all did well.

I was thinking the same as you with the tap root hitting the bootm, which is why I tried planting the annapurnas in drainpipes in pots, to give the taproot an extra ft or so.........



Well-Known Member
not to be a dick... but 25 liters work out to about 7 gallons... 7 plants... = 1 gallon per plant.... how does this compare to a plant of the same pheno grown in a 1 gallon pot... cuz 20gs /ea sounds a lil low from what some of the auto growers in here are turnin... it sounded to me from everything I've read that 1 gallon pot should yirld about an ounce minimum and I think FD said he got 42gs off of one? not sure what pot size that was tho...

just a match cross-check...


I'm sure you will find the variables are what is causing the lower yield not the growing style.

Mossy grows out side like my self and we have to deal with many more variables than everyone else that grows in doors in a controlled environment, a few things i put down to the lower yield from my experience are the following :

less light hours out doors, indoors you dictate the light Schedule.
Temp and weather, again indoors you can dictate this, outside you cant

That is not to say you can't pull off monster autos out doors as I have personally seen growers that i gave some auto ak47(the reworked version) pull off very big plants during the summer months :) its all down to getting everything in the right amounts temp/light sched/easy medium for the tap root to dig threw and a not to strong feeding sched and you are growing some award winning autos.

dam all this talk about growing autos out doors is making me want to start a comp and give the winner some of my NYLD x auto ak47 I am making :)


Active Member
not to be a dick
No m8..the only daft question is the one you didn't ask..:-P

First..FullD took 64 g's out of half a ltr of soil..a pint..a Party Cup..
that is not a Normal yield..
it is down to his advanced growing methods.

Now mine.
25 ltr shared between 7 girls gives around 3.5 ltrs Per Plant..about a gallon.
how does this compare to a plant of the same pheno grown in a 1 gallon pot...
I get a better yield per pheno in a multi-pot grow..
more root space.

cuz 20gs /ea sounds a lil low from what some of the auto growers in here are turnin
Outdoor...over 8 weeks..?

Without seeing them..and knowing the genetics/grow is kinda hard to comment.
FullD pulled the 64 gram pheno out of a half ltr pot..with the Same Genetics..

Grower and grow conditions count for a Lot.


Well-Known Member
I had to cut all the fem HBD & Mi5 as they hermied, I was left with some non fem Mi5 and I planted some sour 60 in there aswell, not sure on yeild but they all did well.

I was thinking the same as you with the tap root hitting the bootm, which is why I tried planting the annapurnas in drainpipes in pots, to give the taproot an extra ft or so.........

This is a method a tried 2 years ago :) and it worked great :) but the plastic pipe that i used gave the weed a funny taste and got a little worried after smoking most of it :( but i want to try it again soon but with a diff plastic or might use a hollowed out log :)


Active Member
Woops..just posted over you with virtually the same answer...:-P

dam all this talk about growing autos out doors is making me want to start a comp
Have you got any going in pots..?
I was thinking Best Christmas dressed AF...:-P :-P :-P

(I'm looking out for Minature decorations..and a set of truckers christmas tree lights...)


Active Member
Did you notice a delay in flowering/larger plants/increased yeild?
Yes on all point m8..if we are talking multi-pots.

Thinking of the root thing..
by making them travel more to hit the bottom of a large pot..
you are Virtually keeping them in extended veg..

so the pheno grows taller..
before they get a chance to sex..

the taller they get..
the longer they take to yeild..
the yield is increased.

Same thing as the Super Auto..Bigger/taller AF..longer grow time.

Now you have made your own seeds....:clap:
try this next season.
Put your seed into your regular pot..and pop a sibling into a 2 inch growing cube..under the same conditions.

Watch them develop side by timing/stages/finish.
Extreme..but it gets the point across.

I think of all the strains I grew in the greenhouse over summer the nirvana sky won all prizes in all the catagorys

Brilliant...she has to be Brilliant to come top of the Beauts you had.

I did cross a bad betty with the nicest nirvana sky so im excited to see what grows from those beans.
Can you remeber the genetics in the SKY..coz the name is ringing a bell...

I wonder if you smoked out of a mango if you would get more of an intense myrcene effect...
43Hitman....there is only one way to find out....
you are writing your own homework...
thanks mossys for the ALF ref Afghan Little fuck... love it.... afghan X lowryder #2 or some variation thereof?
MAZAR LR#1 X AFGHAN LR#1 X WHITE RUSSIAN LR#1 (afghan dom pheno)
She is an AF afghan Swamp/genepool..designed to Cross with the long season Deep Chunks..



Active Member
She comes top of everything but...... im not sure if she is my favourite, im not even sure what my favourite is?!? so many amazing autos about


Well-Known Member
First..FullD took 64 g's out of half a ltr of soil..a pint..a Party Cup..
that is not a Normal yield..
it is down to his advanced growing methods.
Thank you my friend :bigjoint:
This means a lot to me, I just try to give them what they want.
Then try to improve on it.

I am actually going to be making some changes
for the seeds that i have down now. Im going to try
a whole new method for root depth.

which is why I tried planting the annapurnas in drainpipes in pots, to give the taproot an extra ft or so.........
Its funny how you guys started this morning on the subject.
I saw Dargo's pipe method and thought i can do the same.
the thing is i will be using my starting cups for the added height.

I figure after they get the first set of leaves i can remove a
small portion of the bottom of the cup and then plant it directly
to a larger pot. Allowing the root more room to travel down.

but the plastic pipe that i used gave the weed a funny taste and got a little worried after smoking most of it
This is the only thing that i fear with the plastic,
shroomy what type of plastic was it do you recall?
If it was PVC i can understand why you got the funny smell/ taste
But i am hoping due to the fact that its food grade plastic
it wont give off a funny taste or smell. fingers crossed.

I was thinking Best Christmas dressed AF...:-P :-P :-P
Sounds like a plan to me.
I go to the craft places and they usually have little light strands
that run on batteries ive seen them for USB too lol


Active Member
She comes top of everything but...... im not sure if she is my favourite, im not even sure what my favourite is?!? so many amazing autos about
Damn..another AF Player....

Too many Girls..too little Time....:clap:

I Love a grower with variety..means we get to see Different Girls all the time.

Gonna Play with your Own crosses next season...?...

There should be some Stunners in there...:leaf:



Well-Known Member
AND...I have to say...FullD's Tip about the oxygenated water actually Does seem to improve rooting right across the board.
I appreciate it bro,

I have noticed that i dont get a ton of the solid thick roots, its usually the web as i described before, i really believe that the o2 has a lot to do with it.

I wish there was a way i could watch the development. I liked the way that you covered your clear cups but i want to watch it at full potential. I know i could do hydro but that defeats the purpose, i want to see the direct effects in soil.

And since there has been talk about her. heres the heffer......

Thinking of the root thing..
by making them travel more to hit the bottom of a large pot..
you are Virtually keeping them in extended veg..
I think this is why we see upto's girls going so long. Hes got the added root depth
and most of the time bigger girls, and his yields are amazing for what he is doing.