Stelthy's 600W Hps Project! (New-Cab)


Well-Known Member
Merry Christmas RIU and STELTHY followers alike :) ... I am drunk blazed full and sleepy .......... another Double JD I think ... n I ll figure out what to do next .. a bit later :) ..... Ps Updates coming soon :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
hey stealthy, I had a lot of reading to catch up on your thread, you did it! WELL DONE, it's encouraging to see someone pulling those number from a stealth cabinet! check out my new stealth cabinet in my signature! Not quite as powerful as yours though hehe. happy holidays


Active Member
Merry belated Xmas dude!

A new year is just the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun. Enjoy the trip!

The original was "
A birthday is just the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun. Enjoy the trip!"

I just modified and removed the quotes ;-) LOL


Well-Known Member
Merry Christmas RIU and STELTHY followers alike :) ... I am drunk blazed full and sleepy .......... another Double JD I think ... n I ll figure out what to do next .. a bit later :) ..... Ps Updates coming soon :) - STELTHY :leaf:
merry x mas to you as well bud hope your hollidays are full of cheer and beer :)


Well-Known Member
Wow, can't believe I wasn't a part of this grow earlier. √ Definitely gonna be following you now, great info this way √√


Well-Known Member
Hi again :) .. Christmas has been an insanely busy time of year for me this year! ..I have only just finished sorting the house out among other things.. But good news, now the storm has passed and order has been restored :) its time to get back to my Cab. I have a fair few mods I want to make before I start my next Grow.. and I plan to document them as best as possible :) I have been so stoned the past few weeks that days have run into nights and weeks have passed in a blur.. :) .. (all good) !! However now I am sober enough to get back to things...So expect to see updates real soon :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Hi dude, yeah man.. it was pretty chilled out.. and on occasion drunk and messy.. But on the whole it was pretty good :) I'am glad to be back though.. Cant wait to get busy 'Green Fingers' stylee :) !! Did you have a good Crimbo ? I am still working on my New Years resolution's .. I think my Resolution will be to attempt to pull 20oZ dry of my next Lady :) !! - STELTHY :leaf:

kevin murphy

New Member
yea mate been goodpal glad it over lol as for new year resolution they never work lol ...good luck with yours im sure u gunna pull it off mate in that cab of urs...did ya get my p.m


Well-Known Member
im still wathing :) stop by my thread man, going to have a tent and real light soon also some real seeds are in the mail. hopefully this next grow i do much much better.


Well-Known Member

Ya gotta excuse the shit pic quality... I do need a new Camera :) .. any how these were the pics I could salvage from the SD Card.. I cut the Grow-Shelf and the Floor of the cab out to house my new larger Res tubs.. I went from using 10L Food Storage containers to these 37L Bins with a handy door at the front of the lid for easy water changes and root porn etc :) :) I loaded up on doobs and got busy with my Jig-Saw :) I've by no means finished yet, and have at least a few more mods to make :) Stay tuned for more....still to come - STELTHY :leaf:



Well-Known Member
Anyone know WTF is going on with the "Tiny" picture's... they seem to have 'S-h-r-u-n-k' since last time I uploaded pics ??? - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
nice update to double click the pics mate when u uploaded em pal and click large and centre pal..
Cheers man! its gunna take some practice loading pics in this new way... is there a way I can just display single large pics like I have been used to doing?? - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Wow, can't believe I wasn't a part of this grow earlier. √ Definitely gonna be following you now, great info this way √√
Yeah dude, stick around I have loads of stuff to do on this Cab before I start up my next Grow in it :) & as an added bonus I have 2 PC cases to Mod/Create so Ol' STELTHY is gonna be a busy mo-fo for a few Months yet - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
yea the same way mate just click the pics mate it will bring up all ya options mate
Oh ok.. I'll try that on my next UPDATE in a few days... I am planning on centralising the main reflector so the trusty Hack-Saw shall once again come into play :) and that will give me even coverage on either side of the cab/Grow-Shelf :) ... Expect new pics etc shortly :) - STELTHY :leaf: