Stelthy's 600W Hps Project! (New-Cab)


Well-Known Member
Been a while since I've seen this thread, good job man, looking great. I'm thinking of buying a 600w light to put in my cooltube, -- my cab area is pretty small, but I have a really great ventilation setup. I don't know what is overkill, but a buddy of mine said he saw a big difference going from 400 to 600.
Hi dude, glad your liking what I've achieved so far :) 600's are great but ventilation is key and also you need to be able to have the reflector at a good distance from the canopy to avoid light burn etc...I still plan to use mine but will prob use it on some dwarfs or lowrider strains.. Maybe :)
The 400 I am using seems to be doing great atm but who knows I may end up using my 600 in the last 2 weeks of flowering if my temps etc allow it - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Looking good mate, they seem to be comming onnice. I bet those toms will be nice also.
Cheer's mate :) Yeah I hope so .. I am looking forward to sampling all my plants..Its been a harsh, hectic week and I've not had much time to call my own. I will try n help you with your cab soon, my responsibilities have been endless this week.. I've managed to buy some new skinning up stuff for my *tin (Air-tight skinning up equipment etc), and found my Space-Case I've been looking for and thats about it... I'll tell you what.. I'll make a cuppa and get drawing for you now and I'll upload you the pic etc tonight...I've been meaning to do this for a while sorry its taken so long :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
looks like those pots are going to be just fine! looking good and some of those strawberry tops look nice and fat!
Hi dude, Yeah the 10L pots have plenty of space in them still :) Yeah the Strawberry and Mystery are both looking promising! I accidentley fed my GWS with the wrong PH'd water and have a few up-curled leaves.. I have replaced the water or as much of it as I could get out, with Ph 6.5 water and fed slightly diluted nuits. I am keeping my fingers crossed for her and pray she'll be ok :) . I trimmed a couple of the crap looking leaves of all my plants..and I am going to pay close attention to my humidity too, I may move the humidifier lower down if I can and turn it around so its vents are facing outwards this may lower my humidity enough that I won't need to buy a bigger humidifier :) oh and I removed the Lavender due to insufficient light, apart from that all is well :) .... I hope - STELTHY :leaf:
hey man i read your thread. Pretty long. I like the ultimate pimp box. I read that you had a fan with a temp gauge that you ended up swapping. You said you brought if for like 180. Do you still have it laying around? where did you buy it?


Well-Known Member
hey man i read your thread. Pretty long. I like the ultimate pimp box. I read that you had a fan with a temp gauge that you ended up swapping. You said you brought if for like 180. Do you still have it laying around? where did you buy it?
Hi mate, I was going to swap it for a Ruc fan, but in the end I kept it in the cab and enclosed it in the top section in the cab that I built around it :) I got it by fluke really, It came in by accident at my local grow-shop and they sold it to me cheap just to get it sold. It should have been £250.00 so I grabbed a bargain :) I'll try n find a LINK to one for ya .....I am pretty certain I documented it already earlier in this thread, hope that helps - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

I trimmed of some dead leaves, well they pretty much fell off when I touched them :) lol But I am concerned about my Great White Shark... I've got 2 liquid PH test kits and one displays Yellow (6.5) / and the other reads a Pinky Red which due to the shit 2700k lighting in my house is pretty hard to determine and so could be at eaither end of the scale???

I dont get it? I PH test my nuit water and get it to 6.5 then I add my nuits at the reccomended dosage according to Canna, Then one PH test kit reads RED and the other Yellow...... and some where along the line I have fucked up and a load of my GWS leaves look burn't I'll add some pics in a min....I am hoping its just down to my PH and I can correct that..................................As soon as I work out how to use my 'New Digital PH reader' I've had it a while but haven't sat down n tried to suss it out yet :(

If anyone has any helpful tips....s'be appreciated :).. Anyhow more updates to folllow - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

The white hairs on the soon to be Cola's are standing out like 'Porn-Star's' in crowd of minger's what with the burn't looking leavers scattered about the place - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

Luckily for me the Strawberry Thai is just hard tap watered :) so is looking fine and well, I look forward to seeing her bud's... I think they'll be pretty small but I still look forward to sampling them! - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
More pics to come + words etc tomoz..My camera just ran out of batteries :( to stoned to go to the shops now - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

I wish I could rewind 1 week and have not fucked up on the PH :( , Poor GWS....................Even Stelthy makes mistakes!!! I hope she pulls through ok :) - STELTHY :leaf: