Stelthy's 600W Hps Project! (New-Cab)


Well-Known Member
nice monday update stealthy they're really fattening up well done =]
can you please tell me for how long she stayed in veg ?
10x man and keep up the good work mate.

I started Veg at :- 24 July

I started Flower at :- 15 Sept

So thats a total of :- "54 Days in Veg" :) :)

So she's had 54 days in Veg, and 47 days in Flower so far.... - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
have u done any topping fimming supercropping...
I heavily 'Topped' her (over 40 times) and I 'Super-Cropped' only the taller stems in order to maintain a level canopy :) . I have noticed a marked improvement since the outburst of yellow leaves and am temped to remove the final few yellow leaves.. I'll wait until every last bit of green has gone then I'll remove them and the Grow-room will look awesome once again :) :)

Its looking good so far I think you'll agree :) ?!! - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
I was looking around in your journal and I found old pictures of your old cabs ... what was on your UFOs? were they too noisy? were they not over heating with that stuff on? did you get any buds out of those UFOs? I know you will probably say don't bother with the UFOs but I already have 2 hehe... and actually the 5band Blue spectrum seem to be doing a great job as additional light in my room...Also I would like some advice on how to seal the door of a cabinet so that it is air tight. Thanks


Well-Known Member

On a separate note I am off out this evening to my mates house... He's the one that took a clone of my above Royal-Haze plant ^^ .. However he say's its stretched a bit and he is only using 1X 250W CFL.. So I may take a few snapshots to show ya'll lol.. (see above)

I told him he should've 'super-cropped' during veg...however he did it before I had chance to stop him,(2.5 weeks into Flower).. the branches did bend and not snap!... so it could be ok..?? lol :) ..Still we'll see :)

On the bright side.. My other mate is sortin me out with some 'Neville's-Haze' tonight so I can't wait to feel her powers :) I am tempted to grow this strain too so it'll be a make or break kinda smoke :) I've only heard good things about her quality, apparently she takes her time to Flower, but the overall quality is very very worthwhile :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
I was looking around in your journal and I found old pictures of your old cabs ... what was on your UFOs? were they too noisy? were they not over heating with that stuff on? did you get any buds out of those UFOs? I know you will probably say don't bother with the UFOs but I already have 2 hehe... and actually the 5band Blue spectrum seem to be doing a great job as additional light in my room...Also I would like some advice on how to seal the door of a cabinet so that it is air tight. Thanks
Hi dude, I added some spare Carbon Filter erm... covering, to the UFO's to keep them nice and quiet.. with one on the go it wasn't loud at all but with 2 going it was noticeable! But after I put the spare breathable foam covering on them they were pretty much silent and still seemed to stay cool without any problems :)

I ran the .. I grew Jack Herer and a Skunk cross... I cant remember the exact weight I pulled but it was over 5 oZ they grew a large plant to.. I'll add a pic (above) :)

I haven't anything really bad to say about LED's except that the older ones are mainly good 'just' for Veg Cycle... But if they are accompanied by some CFL lighting they will still deliver big buds...although they are airy compared to HID lighting..

Is that a LINK to your current grow in your sig? If so I'll take a look at the door/s in question and get back to you on the best way to light seal the edges etc.. Hope that helps - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Well the link in my signature is for the room, and the door is not sealed the way I want either but it's good enough for now.

The one I absolutely want to seal is the dark cabinet, a friend of mine might want me to make a little grow unit out of it, with no vents, and co2 + LED... anyway, I would like to make a perfect seal with those doors...I thought maybe you would have a few easy solutions!!

And the last one, I am not so satisfied with the dresser, it looks ok on the pictures but doesnt really work that well... maybe I just need to improve the way everything sits, I dont want to put hinges because I wanna be able to take that door off everytime I care for my plants.

Cheers :leaf:



Well-Known Member
Coming along great dude. Get ya microscope out for the boys. Wanna see some hardcore closeups ;-)
Yeah I think I'll take a few pics with it for my next 'MONDAY UPDATE - "#6"' should be good... I've been wanting to test it since I received it :) ...any ideas on which leaf etc I should take as the sample leaf ?? - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Well the link in my signature is for the room, and the door is not sealed the way I want either but it's good enough for now.

The one I absolutely want to seal is the dark cabinet, a friend of mine might want me to make a little grow unit out of it, with no vents, and co2 + LED... anyway, I would like to make a perfect seal with those doors...I thought maybe you would have a few easy solutions!!

And the last one, I am not so satisfied with the dresser, it looks ok on the pictures but doesnt really work that well... maybe I just need to improve the way everything sits, I dont want to put hinges because I wanna be able to take that door off everytime I care for my plants.

Cheers :leaf:

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Hi dude, for the Big Cab.. we actually for all the Cabs everywhere lol... Its a good idea to build a kinda frame inside the perimeter of the cab... add some draft-tape to the lengths of door facing timber, screw measured lengths of timber into place and pushed firmly up against the inside of the shut cab doors..

I'am a bit high at the moment..but I'll add some pics of what I did shortly, its defo a winner as I did have a shit-load of leaks... but now since I added the frame, I have zero light/air-leaks and fantastic negative pressure within the cab.

Hope thats cool - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Nice Ill do the draft-tape thing and see how it goes! I guess there is a few different thing I could do but I dont want to spend more money so Ill fuckaround with the tape!! Thanks


Well-Known Member
Hi dude, for the Big Cab.. we actually for all the Cabs everywhere lol... Its a good idea to build a kinda frame inside the perimeter of the cab... add some draft-tape to the lengths of door facing timber, screw measured lengths of timber into place and pushed firmly up against the inside of the shut cab doors..

I'am a bit high at the moment..but I'll add some pics of what I did shortly, its defo a winner as I did have a shit-load of leaks... but now since I added the frame, I have zero light/air-leaks and fantastic negative pressure within the cab.

Hope thats cool - STELTHY :leaf:

My main leaks were at the top of the door's!

I had already measured the size wooden strips I needed from the DIY store.. I covered them with silver duct-tabe to blend them into the rest of the Cab.. and to also prevent them from getting damp..causing mould etc..

Also the silver tape was a decent texture for the insulation tape to bond to ...

I then took the strip..and positioned it against the top of the door/ceiling with the foam pushing against the door ...then screwed it in place!

In these 2 pics you can see the strips that have been screwed in place.. (if need be just put these strips all around the cab/ where the seal needs to be amended)

My Cab already had a flap in the middle (a strip of wood attached to the inside of the left door) so upon closing all I needed was some more draft excluding tape and the immense negative pressure with the fans running and all the seals were/are vacumed together,...

..and this resolved my problem, you could use this as a guide-line etc to help with your cab, hope the info comes in handy! - If you need any other ideas/info just PM me :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
them pics look well old now lol...
Yeah it does seem ages since I was all busy with the build.. still I have my PC-Grow project to keep me busy whilst I am waiting on the Royal Haze to go the distance :) lol ..

Coincidently here's a LINK to my PC thread, its only in v.early stages yet still gathering stuff but you all are welcomed to check it out :) :-

I hope to have some USB Microscope snaps in with my next MONDAY UPDATE #6 so stayed tuned .. Way more stuff still to come :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Active Member
Yeah I think I'll take a few pics with it for my next 'MONDAY UPDATE - "#6"' should be good... I've been wanting to test it since I received it :) ...any ideas on which leaf etc I should take as the sample leaf ?? - STELTHY :leaf:
The frostiest of the frosties


Well-Known Member
:Info UPDATE:- I am now @ 5th November (52 days into Flower)... Today I have decided to add full strength CANNA-Boost, as well as 27ml ROX, and 1X tea-spoon of CHA-CHING, into my 9L Res. Its kinda hard to pin-point exactly how long I've got left due to CANNA's Grow-Guide being changed, although in saying that I have decided I have a Max. of 2 weeks of adding nuits left before I begin the 'Flush' The only thing that really changes in the last week is CANNA advises I don't add Hydro Florez, Rhyzotonic, or PK. But as I said before I am going to keep the PK in until I 'Flush', but I WILL cut out the Florez and the Rhyzotonic..

Then I will be flushing with PH balanced water with a 'Blueberry - Flushing Agent' then finally my lady will have 48hrs of darkness before she is chopped for Harvest :) !!

Today I plan to test out my USB - Microscope, I may add some pics later today..But it all depends how that goes..?!!

It's not long until my next 'MONDAY-UPDATE' ... not long now - STELTHY :leaf: