I did have a slight problem though.. when I checked in on the DWC pots in the morning I had forgotten to turn the pumps back on when I had finished the install

so the plant went 6 or 7 hrs with no bubbles

I hope this hasn't fucked my little plant over... I turned the pumps back on as soon as I realised what I had done... either way a lesson has been learnt !!
I've added a few pics of the air-bubbles, some amateur root porn lol.. and a couple of views of my plant..
Not only has the little Royale-Haze been heat stressed.. but it has now also had no air bubbles in the Res. tub/s for approx 7hrs.. If she pulls through I will be very happy

and am keeping my fingers crossed for good luck, I hope she's ok!
Hopefully since now there is lots of air bubbles, I have started feeding her Canna Vega A+B & Canna Rhyzotonic and the heat problem has been sorted I really hope she can grow stress free until Harvest - STELTHY