State of The Union 2023

Golly, that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me, :oops:.

I'll admit that I don't watch much news, so I don't know about all the shit that's going on. I do watch both CNN and FOX because I like to hear all the info and make an educated guess who to believe. But I actually learn a lot I didn't know on this site. I'm talking about the whole site. Sports shit, when famous musicians die, and all kinds of crazy shit, :lol:. But I know that politifact is a lefty site so I'm not sure I'd take them as fact checkers. I also have a feeling things might be a little twisted in that statement. I don't believe 157 of them wanted to fully end Social Security. If so they would be voted out quick. Notice that clown that made that original statement about Sunset shit isn't the leader in the House.

I actually enjoy a friendly debate, but the maga, magat shit isn't helping anyone. It just creates more division. I also have a problem when people diss America unless it's a joke. We all know Trump is a douchebag, but Biden's not far behind at this point. But let's not compare them though, :lol:.

Anyways ya it's nice that we can actually agree on something for once, lol. But I do think we need to figure out how to solve the problem with paying for it long term so it might be there for me when it's my turn, or my kids, and so on. I think we should be taking care of all older people, veterans, and blah blah blah though. The veterans need way more than they get now. Ok I'm done now, :lol:
So, yeah, it's kind of irrelevant what has gone on before if Republicans and Democrats can agree that Medicare and Social Security benefits should not be cut and the existing programs must be funded. Once we get to that point, and both parties agree to work toward a solution then everything else is just water under the bridge. Fuck your and my feelings, let's get it done.

Maybe check to see if somebody actually lied or "twisted the truth" before tossing that accusation out there. Those are loaded words. Checking ones beliefs against the facts before tossing them out is the bare minimum. For example, Biden did not accuse 157 Republicans of wanting to end Social Security. There were 157 Republicans who signed onto a plan that would cut Medicare and Social Security benefits. If you doubt me, go back and listen to the vid you posted. It's right there at the beginning. It's a matter of record that they did agree to cut benefits. 157 Republican Congressmen's signatures of approval are recorded on that plan. Can't deny it, they signed onto it. So, you calling Biden a liar, or a twisted truth teller (or a line stepper, lol) was a mistake. A mistake. No big deal there. OTOH, Republican leaders who signed onto that plan and then yelled "liar" from the floor. Now that's a different matter. There should be consequences for that IMO.

But you know what? If all this kerfuffle means that benefits won't get cut. If so, we've made a breakthrough. Better days ahead.

Regarding MAGA GOP fascism, that's a real thing. MAGA fascist attacks on our democracy can't be ignored. There should be consequences. Legal proceedings are under way. It's out of our hands now. We'll see what happens next. Political violence and other forms of terrorism need to stop. Left or right, it has to stop. Holding people accountable will go a long way to stop it going forward.

Regarding your last paragraph. I agree there are veterans "who need way more than they get now". Though I would say it like Biden did. There are a lot of people who "need way more than they get now", including veterans.
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So, yeah, it's kind of irrelevant what has gone on before if Republicans and Democrats can agree that Medicare and Social Security benefits should not be cut and the existing programs must be funded. Once we get to that point, and both parties agree to work toward a solution then everything else is just water under the bridge. Fuck your and my feelings, let's get it done.

Maybe check to see if somebody actually lied or "twisted the truth" before tossing that accusation out there. Those are loaded words. Checking ones beliefs against the facts before tossing them out is the bare minimum. For example, Biden did not accuse 157 Republicans of wanting to end Social Security. There were 157 Republicans who signed onto a plan that would cut Medicare and Social Security benefits. If you doubt me, go back and listen to the vid you posted. It's right there. Furthermore, 157 Republican Congressmen's signatures of approval are recorded on that plan. Can't deny it, they signed onto it. So, calling Biden a liar, or a twisted truth teller (or a line stepper, lol) was a mistake. A mistake. No big deal there. OTOH, Republican leaders who signed onto that plan and then yelled "liar" from the floor. Now that's a different matter. There should be consequences for that IMO.

But you know what? If all this kerfuffle means that benefits won't get cut. If so, we've made a breakthrough. Better days ahead.

Regarding MAGA GOP fascism, that's a real thing. MAGA fascist attacks on our democracy can't be ignored. There should be consequences. Legal proceedings are under way. It's out of our hands now. We'll see what happens next. Political violence and other forms of terrorism need to stop. Left or right, it has to stop. Holding people accountable will go a long way to stop it going forward.

Regarding your last paragraph. I agree there are veterans "who need way more than they get now". Though I would say it like Biden did. There are a lot of people who "need way more than they get now", including veterans.
I actually said twisted the truth. The way he talks about it makes people think the Republicans want to end it. That scares the shit out of people.
I thought it was funny when Biden lied and said the Republicans want to cut Social Security and Medicare. In return the Republicans stood up and booed him because it wasn't and isn't true
You got it wrong. Biden said Republicans (some of them) want to cut Social Security and Medicare benefits. And it's true. Biden referred to the document that they signed saying just that. Any Republican who stood up, booed and called Biden a liar were lying. Not to Biden but to you and me. Are you OK with being lied to by congressional leaders? I'm not referring to Scott's claim, I'm referring to this:

The key part is in this line from the summary:

  • Broadly, the GOP would shift money from those who earn more to those who earn less. But compared with current payment formulas, every group would get less.
Biden wasn't lying. The people shouting liar were.
I actually said twisted the truth. The way he talks about it makes people think the Republicans want to end it. That scares the shit out of people.
What did he actually say in the SOU address?

He said some "some Republican want Social Security and Medicare Sunset". That does stand in contrast to what Biden said in the vid embedded in that earlier post of yours. (BTW, that the vid is where you made the accusation of "twisting the truth", don't move goalposts.) In that vid you posted, in his untwisted words, Biden accurately called out 157 Republicans for wanting to cut benefits to Medicare and Social Security. "Wanting Medicare and Social Security to sunset" is not all that different from cutting benefits. Because, where does that stop? Each time we have to raise the debt limit do we continue to cut benefits? And do we really want our elders to bear the cost of rising spending in order to put a cap on the national debt?

So, anyway, I'm glad Republicans and Democrats now agree that's a bad idea.
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But can he???? Learn I mean. The MAGA group seems to have comprehension struggles, so to be fair, I’m not to critical of hotrod’s observations. This seems a huge issue for lots of the MAGA groups, more feels than actual logic. Hopefully time will be the great eye opener for the majority of them. Ya hahaha, damn space lasers.
republicans actively recruit morons, because morons are the only ones stupid enough to believe republican lies...
It does seem like the Trumpers are upset by Joe's SOTU and public kick square in their nuts! :lol:
Narcissistic control freaks are always upset, because no one wants to indulge their fucked up fantasies, except other narcissistic control freaks.
They also get upset when they're publicly made fools of. Which happens a lot. Of course, they're usually the reason that they're made fools of in public.
Their "investigation" into the non existent weaponization of the press, social media, and the DOJ is making fools of them on a daily basis, so expect them to be very pissy as things continue to not go their way at all...
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It does seem like the Trumpers are upset by Joe's SOTU and public kick square in their nuts! :lol:

Come now..they clearly asked.

Edit: And STOOD for Social Security and Medicare..because it's off the table; retired people who paid into the system (since 1975 here) can enjoy the few years they have left not cutting or skipping pills. Would you believe my insurance company told my pharmacist I only need a drug 1x per day instead of the 3x my doctor prescribed and they didn't want to authorize. It's like a $10 dollar generic. They count every pill. They make many mistakes. Calendar, pills and kids deciding for you?:lol:

PS. The decision to hire should come from passing map skills test or at the very least know what a quatloo is.
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I almost feel like we've let Rural down as a whole but how do you compete when God is the answer for everything? People 'willing to believe anything' category without some factual proof.

Faith only gets you so far; using your brain is not blasphemous.
when we let the "news" become nothing but editorial opinion pieces that push the agenda of wealthy owners, we let down the entire world.
Other countries are starting to teach kids how to spot bullshit online...that needs to be a federally mandated course in every school in America, with no exception, and fuck ron desantis' objections, if he doesn't like it, we can withdraw ALL federal funding from florida...ALL OF IT.
I don't get my news from videos. I listened to the first bit and checked the facts.

In that speech, held in late October, Biden was referring to plans from Republicans they had published that same month, October, 2022,

This is what Politifact said about those plans:

The summary regarding Republican plans current as October 2022 from Politifact:

  • If nothing changes, the Social Security trust funds will be depleted by 2034.
  • A Republican plan would keep the funds solvent by reducing future benefits, with no tax hikes.
  • Broadly, the GOP would shift money from those who earn more to those who earn less. But compared with current payment formulas, every group would get less.

When Biden made the remarks in his October speech, "The Republican Study Committee, which represents a whopping 157 out of 211 House Republicans", had just published their plan to to cut Medicare and Social Security benefits. End of story. There isn't any wiggle room for you in this. You are simply wrong.

That said, it's nice to see a Republican conversion to back away from cutting Social Security benefits. They seemed angry at the idea that anybody would cut Social Security benefits. So, here we are. MAGA Republicans have been accepted back into the fold along with Democrats promising never to do that. It doesn't matter how we got there. We agree on this.

Isn't it nice when we can agree on important issues?
Exactly! It frankly surprises me that there are so many GOP voters who don't understand that cutting and even eliminating SS and Medicare is built into the GOP political DNA. They opposed both programs when proposed and there are constant battles along mostly party lines over benefits and how to pay for them. Rick Scott has his sunset program. Lindsay Graham has his cut to benefits plan. Mike Lee has his eliminate SS root and branch plan. Mike Pence is pushing the George Bush plan to eliminate SS by privatizing it. And GOP politicians almost universally stand for the proposition that we should cut "entitlements" and that "socialism" is akin to devil worship. I'm frustrated at times at how the Rupert Murdoch network has a kind of secret language that its viewers adopt. I mean, WTF do Fox viewers think it means that the GOP wants to cut entitlements? Or socialist programs? I'm guessing they aren't talking about farm subsidies. The GOP has had to do a two step on SS in order to avoid pissing off the middle class but the party's opposition to SS and medicare will not just disappear so long as mega donors and Rupert Murdoch have anything to say about it. Joe Biden brilliantly played the GOP's schizophrenia on those issues. I was cheering as it happened. And i was thinking about how Biden outsmarted the entire GOP Congress live on national TV.
when we let the "news" become nothing but editorial opinion pieces that push the agenda of wealthy owners, we let down the entire world.
Other countries are starting to teach kids how to spot bullshit online...that needs to be a federally mandated course in every school in America, with no exception, and fuck ron desantis' objections, if he doesn't like it, we can withdraw ALL federal funding from florida...ALL OF IT.

Then add tits/flag and you got FOX; Ailes sure knew what the hillbilly populace would react to.
I don't get my news from videos. I listened to the first bit and checked the facts.

In that speech, held in late October, Biden was referring to plans from Republicans they had published that same month, October, 2022,

This is what Politifact said about those plans:

The summary regarding Republican plans current as October 2022 from Politifact:

  • If nothing changes, the Social Security trust funds will be depleted by 2034.
  • A Republican plan would keep the funds solvent by reducing future benefits, with no tax hikes.
  • Broadly, the GOP would shift money from those who earn more to those who earn less. But compared with current payment formulas, every group would get less.

When Biden made the remarks in his October speech, "The Republican Study Committee, which represents a whopping 157 out of 211 House Republicans", had just published their plan to to cut Medicare and Social Security benefits. End of story. There isn't any wiggle room for you in this. You are simply wrong.

That said, it's nice to see a Republican conversion to back away from cutting Social Security benefits. They seemed angry at the idea that anybody would cut Social Security benefits. So, here we are. MAGA Republicans have been accepted back into the fold along with Democrats promising never to do that. It doesn't matter how we got there. We agree on this.

Isn't it nice when we can agree on important issues?

Good post :clap:

Last line patronizing..until I saw it was you, I thought it was @PJ Diaz.
It was sickening to watch the 23 state of the union which was clearly a political power move.
It is desperate act of Biden team as they attempt to regain favoritism in the polls that he is clearly behind in.
I tried to overlooked the number of black delegates who centered around him. Most of whom I did not recognize.
I tried to overlook it when addressed the dying economy, while failing to alluding to a meaning fix. Hell he didn’t even mention a 5 year plan or anything that would suggest that he will help American get back on their feet. Why because he has no plans for a fix.
Desperation was the topic of the day… China weather balloon. What dah hell… You are taking about a friggin weather balloon, when China is clearly manipulating the American economy… right before every American eyes. When Biden said that he wants to show China that American is strong. The only ballon being popped is America’s bubble as China continues to do display how it is clearly control of the US economy.
Then have the nerve to show the popping of the weather balloon. While not even knowing what type of toxin that balloon was carrying. Do you honestly think the military was retrieving a weather balloon from China and not wearing a hazmat suit while doing so. Yeah keep believing that shit. Then have the audacity to admit this isn’t the first time these ballon’s have come into us soil.
These are the people who are leading your country. The same people who are so desperate as to try to use cancer and small children to exploit votes from the American people. This is more of a desperate act than those displayed by the last security guard who ran this country.
I’m going to help American out by what I’m about to say. Higher interest rates mean a higher amount of free money is being made by a people who aren’t doing a damn thing. For real, the American dollar is worth so little that the government no longer wants to print it. As they say, the dollar is not worth the paper that it’s printed on. Hell they don’t even want to transport it anymore. Your debit card and electronic transfer means that carrying your dollar cost them virtually nothing. Even the plastic your cards are made from is recycled. Meaning it manufacturing costs almost nothing.
We live in a day of instant transfer, however the transaction on your card sometimes takes day. This is where that interest rate comes in. Your money is gaining interest, but you aren’t the one profiting. You are damn right the feds aim for higher interest rates, that’s because they are the ones profiting. As they try to hide the fact the money is worthless because it has no tangibles to support it.
I’m saying this because we all watched a president give out x trillions of dollars of ppp loans. All transfer I might add. There are some seeming smart people behinds schemes such as these.
You have to think, the money that gave a way is whisk to the yearly social security benefits. Which was clearly a gamble while testing the ability of the scheme to earn money in the interest that it collected while people waited for their payments.
all I can say is keep playing dumb, with your future. A future where everyone of those ppp dollars went right back into the business owners pockets, who are in fact the same people who came up with the plan… scheme.
The American people are being bought and sold and they act as if this isn’t happening to each and every one of them every day.
You may want to understand what justice and freedom Is before Support your politician.. be it republicans or democrats. It’s all the same… someone making a dollar for selling your ass.
Exactly! It frankly surprises me that there are so many GOP voters who don't understand that cutting and even eliminating SS and Medicare is built into the GOP political DNA. They opposed both programs when proposed and there are constant battles along mostly party lines over benefits and how to pay for them. Rick Scott has his sunset program. Lindsay Graham has his cut to benefits plan. Mike Lee has his eliminate SS root and branch plan. Mike Pence is pushing the George Bush plan to eliminate SS by privatizing it. And GOP politicians almost universally stand for the proposition that we should cut "entitlements" and that "socialism" is akin to devil worship. I'm frustrated at times at how the Rupert Murdoch network has a kind of secret language that its viewers adopt. I mean, WTF do Fox viewers think it means that the GOP wants to cut entitlements? Or socialist programs? I'm guessing they aren't talking about farm subsidies. The GOP has had to do a two step on SS in order to avoid pissing off the middle class but the party's opposition to SS and medicare will not just disappear so long as mega donors and Rupert Murdoch have anything to say about it. Joe Biden brilliantly played the GOP's schizophrenia on those issues. I was cheering as it happened. And i was thinking about how Biden outsmarted the entire GOP Congress live on national TV.

And they're on record- they outfucked themselves. It's going to be about another week for the news to travel to Sleepy Hollow..then were gonna be loaded up on Righties..the outrage will be huge.

Edit: Thank you, President Biden!:hug::clap:
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It was sickening to watch the 23 state of the union which was clearly a political power move.
It is desperate act of Biden team as they attempt to regain favoritism in the polls that he is clearly behind in.
I tried to overlooked the number of black delegates who centered around him. Most of whom I did not recognize.
I tried to overlook it when addressed the dying economy, while failing to alluding to a meaning fix. Hell he didn’t even mention a 5 year plan or anything that would suggest that he will help American get back on their feet. Why because he has no plans for a fix.
Desperation was the topic of the day… China weather balloon. What dah hell… You are taking about a friggin weather balloon, when China is clearly manipulating the American economy… right before every American eyes. When Biden said that he wants to show China that American is strong. The only ballon being popped is America’s bubble as China continues to do display how it is clearly control of the US economy.
Then have the nerve to show the popping of the weather balloon. While not even knowing what type of toxin that balloon was carrying. Do you honestly think the military was retrieving a weather balloon from China and not wearing a hazmat suit while doing so. Yeah keep believing that shit. Then have the audacity to admit this isn’t the first time these ballon’s have come into us soil.
These are the people who are leading your country. The same people who are so desperate as to try to use cancer and small children to exploit votes from the American people. This is more of a desperate act than those displayed by the last security guard who ran this country.
I’m going to help American out by what I’m about to say. Higher interest rates mean a higher amount of free money is being made by a people who aren’t doing a damn thing. For real, the American dollar is worth so little that the government no longer wants to print it. As they say, the dollar is not worth the paper that it’s printed on. Hell they don’t even want to transport it anymore. Your debit card and electronic transfer means that carrying your dollar cost them virtually nothing. Even the plastic your cards are made from is recycled. Meaning it manufacturing costs almost nothing.
We live in a day of instant transfer, however the transaction on your card sometimes takes day. This is where that interest rate comes in. Your money is gaining interest, but you aren’t the one profiting. You are damn right the feds aim for higher interest rates, that’s because they are the ones profiting. As they try to hide the fact the money is worthless because it has no tangibles to support it.
I’m saying this because we all watched a president give out x trillions of dollars of ppp loans. All transfer I might add. There are some seeming smart people behinds schemes such as these.
You have to think, the money that gave a way is whisk to the yearly social security benefits. Which was clearly a gamble while testing the ability of the scheme to earn money in the interest that it collected while people waited for their payments.
all I can say is keep playing dumb, with your future. A future where everyone of those ppp dollars went right back into the business owners pockets, who are in fact the same people who came up with the plan… scheme.
The American people are being bought and sold and they act as if this isn’t happening to each and every one of them every day.
You may want to understand what justice and freedom Is before Support your politician.. be it republicans or democrats. It’s all the same… someone making a dollar for selling your ass.
You lost me a "black delegates".
It was sickening to watch the 23 state of the union which was clearly a political power move.
It is desperate act of Biden team as they attempt to regain favoritism in the polls that he is clearly behind in.
I tried to overlooked the number of black delegates who centered around him. Most of whom I did not recognize.
I tried to overlook it when addressed the dying economy, while failing to alluding to a meaning fix. Hell he didn’t even mention a 5 year plan or anything that would suggest that he will help American get back on their feet. Why because he has no plans for a fix.
Desperation was the topic of the day… China weather balloon. What dah hell… You are taking about a friggin weather balloon, when China is clearly manipulating the American economy… right before every American eyes. When Biden said that he wants to show China that American is strong. The only ballon being popped is America’s bubble as China continues to do display how it is clearly control of the US economy.
Then have the nerve to show the popping of the weather balloon. While not even knowing what type of toxin that balloon was carrying. Do you honestly think the military was retrieving a weather balloon from China and not wearing a hazmat suit while doing so. Yeah keep believing that shit. Then have the audacity to admit this isn’t the first time these ballon’s have come into us soil.
These are the people who are leading your country. The same people who are so desperate as to try to use cancer and small children to exploit votes from the American people. This is more of a desperate act than those displayed by the last security guard who ran this country.
I’m going to help American out by what I’m about to say. Higher interest rates mean a higher amount of free money is being made by a people who aren’t doing a damn thing. For real, the American dollar is worth so little that the government no longer wants to print it. As they say, the dollar is not worth the paper that it’s printed on. Hell they don’t even want to transport it anymore. Your debit card and electronic transfer means that carrying your dollar cost them virtually nothing. Even the plastic your cards are made from is recycled. Meaning it manufacturing costs almost nothing.
We live in a day of instant transfer, however the transaction on your card sometimes takes day. This is where that interest rate comes in. Your money is gaining interest, but you aren’t the one profiting. You are damn right the feds aim for higher interest rates, that’s because they are the ones profiting. As they try to hide the fact the money is worthless because it has no tangibles to support it.
I’m saying this because we all watched a president give out x trillions of dollars of ppp loans. All transfer I might add. There are some seeming smart people behinds schemes such as these.
You have to think, the money that gave a way is whisk to the yearly social security benefits. Which was clearly a gamble while testing the ability of the scheme to earn money in the interest that it collected while people waited for their payments.
all I can say is keep playing dumb, with your future. A future where everyone of those ppp dollars went right back into the business owners pockets, who are in fact the same people who came up with the plan… scheme.
The American people are being bought and sold and they act as if this isn’t happening to each and every one of them every day.
You may want to understand what justice and freedom Is before Support your politician.. be it republicans or democrats. It’s all the same… someone making a dollar for selling your ass.
wow...never has anyone said so much that meant so little to so few...Churchill is spinning in his grave.
you could have just said "both sides suck." would have been exactly as wrong, and wasted a lot less time saying it.