State of The Union 2023

My wife and I cheered watching that too. The GOP got pwned by sleepy Joe.

I don’t understand why his numbers aren’t better and why there’s talk within the Democratic Party that he shouldn’t run for another term. What’s a guy gotta do to get some fucking respect?

I’d trade pretty boy Trudeau for sleepy Joe, any day of the week.

We are a Coalition..together we are NORAD. We will not be defeated. You have the right person for your country at this time- looks aside. Sleepy Joe has nothing to lose. I'm so happy they've underestimated him. It was like 'Simon Says'. This is going down as best SOTU ever for that one move. We can never get them to commit- those who always move the goal posts have now willingly committed to their constituents. It's a new day!:clap:

The President even suckered Republicans into publicly booing the idea of cutting Social Security, and then with a smile said he was glad there was "unity" on that topic, which will be news to Mitch McConnell, Lindsay Graham and Rick Scott. -Susan Glasser, The New Yorker
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how many actual socialists have you encountered, using the general definition of a socialist?
it would help if he knew the definition, but i'm guessing none, since there are only a few actual socialist in this country to begin with, and they're mostly here on visas.
Bernie and his crew are about as close as we get, and they're still pretty fucking capitalistic when you start rooting around.
it would help if he knew the definition, but i'm guessing none, since there are only a few actual socialist in this country to begin with, and they're mostly here on visas.
Bernie and his crew are about as close as we get, and they're still pretty fucking capitalistic when you start rooting around.
I’m sorta hoping to hear what his criteria are for being a socialist.
It was sickening to watch the 23 state of the union which was clearly a political power move.
It is desperate act of Biden team as they attempt to regain favoritism in the polls that he is clearly behind in.
I tried to overlooked the number of black delegates who centered around him. Most of whom I did not recognize.
I tried to overlook it when addressed the dying economy, while failing to alluding to a meaning fix. Hell he didn’t even mention a 5 year plan or anything that would suggest that he will help American get back on their feet. Why because he has no plans for a fix.
Desperation was the topic of the day… China weather balloon. What dah hell… You are taking about a friggin weather balloon, when China is clearly manipulating the American economy… right before every American eyes. When Biden said that he wants to show China that American is strong. The only ballon being popped is America’s bubble as China continues to do display how it is clearly control of the US economy.
Then have the nerve to show the popping of the weather balloon. While not even knowing what type of toxin that balloon was carrying. Do you honestly think the military was retrieving a weather balloon from China and not wearing a hazmat suit while doing so. Yeah keep believing that shit. Then have the audacity to admit this isn’t the first time these ballon’s have come into us soil.
These are the people who are leading your country. The same people who are so desperate as to try to use cancer and small children to exploit votes from the American people. This is more of a desperate act than those displayed by the last security guard who ran this country.
I’m going to help American out by what I’m about to say. Higher interest rates mean a higher amount of free money is being made by a people who aren’t doing a damn thing. For real, the American dollar is worth so little that the government no longer wants to print it. As they say, the dollar is not worth the paper that it’s printed on. Hell they don’t even want to transport it anymore. Your debit card and electronic transfer means that carrying your dollar cost them virtually nothing. Even the plastic your cards are made from is recycled. Meaning it manufacturing costs almost nothing.
We live in a day of instant transfer, however the transaction on your card sometimes takes day. This is where that interest rate comes in. Your money is gaining interest, but you aren’t the one profiting. You are damn right the feds aim for higher interest rates, that’s because they are the ones profiting. As they try to hide the fact the money is worthless because it has no tangibles to support it.
I’m saying this because we all watched a president give out x trillions of dollars of ppp loans. All transfer I might add. There are some seeming smart people behinds schemes such as these.
You have to think, the money that gave a way is whisk to the yearly social security benefits. Which was clearly a gamble while testing the ability of the scheme to earn money in the interest that it collected while people waited for their payments.
all I can say is keep playing dumb, with your future. A future where everyone of those ppp dollars went right back into the business owners pockets, who are in fact the same people who came up with the plan… scheme.
The American people are being bought and sold and they act as if this isn’t happening to each and every one of them every day.
You may want to understand what justice and freedom Is before Support your politician.. be it republicans or democrats. It’s all the same… someone making a dollar for selling your ass.

I don't think we watched the same show, you have vision? Can you see at all? OMG.
Part of the problem is that political operatives and the public rely on polling even though the reliability of polling is a sketchy. Democrats want to win and worry that Biden's polling is upside down but too many voters refuse to answer unknown or spam callers to make polling as accurate as many wish it to be.

Would you believe anything I tell you without some sort of citation? People are lazy and will believe anything they're told because it's in the media, right? If they print it it must be true? same for the internet? Because your friend told you?

It's important to know sample size, who's conducting. I've never been polled. Do they normally call from blocked or private? Nope they use regular numbers.

Again, people are lazy and wish to be fed rather than feeding themselves new information.
I’m reposting your comment w/ extra CRs between paragraphs, for my own ease of comprehension. No other changes. Thanks for understanding.

It was sickening to watch the 23 state of the union which was clearly a political power move.

It is desperate act of Biden team as they attempt to regain favoritism in the polls that he is clearly behind in.
I tried to overlooked the number of black delegates who centered around him. Most of whom I did not recognize.

I tried to overlook it when addressed the dying economy, while failing to alluding to a meaning fix. Hell he didn’t even mention a 5 year plan or anything that would suggest that he will help American get back on their feet. Why because he has no plans for a fix.

Desperation was the topic of the day… China weather balloon. What dah hell… You are taking about a friggin weather balloon, when China is clearly manipulating the American economy… right before every American eyes. When Biden said that he wants to show China that American is strong. The only ballon being popped is America’s bubble as China continues to do display how it is clearly control of the US economy.

Then have the nerve to show the popping of the weather balloon. While not even knowing what type of toxin that balloon was carrying. Do you honestly think the military was retrieving a weather balloon from China and not wearing a hazmat suit while doing so. Yeah keep believing that shit. Then have the audacity to admit this isn’t the first time these ballon’s have come into us soil.

These are the people who are leading your country. The same people who are so desperate as to try to use cancer and small children to exploit votes from the American people. This is more of a desperate act than those displayed by the last security guard who ran this country.

I’m going to help American out by what I’m about to say. Higher interest rates mean a higher amount of free money is being made by a people who aren’t doing a damn thing. For real, the American dollar is worth so little that the government no longer wants to print it. As they say, the dollar is not worth the paper that it’s printed on. Hell they don’t even want to transport it anymore. Your debit card and electronic transfer means that carrying your dollar cost them virtually nothing. Even the plastic your cards are made from is recycled. Meaning it manufacturing costs almost nothing.

We live in a day of instant transfer, however the transaction on your card sometimes takes day. This is where that interest rate comes in. Your money is gaining interest, but you aren’t the one profiting. You are damn right the feds aim for higher interest rates, that’s because they are the ones profiting. As they try to hide the fact the money is worthless because it has no tangibles to support it.

I’m saying this because we all watched a president give out x trillions of dollars of ppp loans. All transfer I might add. There are some seeming smart people behinds schemes such as these.

You have to think, the money that gave a way is whisk to the yearly social security benefits. Which was clearly a gamble while testing the ability of the scheme to earn money in the interest that it collected while people waited for their payments.

all I can say is keep playing dumb, with your future. A future where everyone of those ppp dollars went right back into the business owners pockets, who are in fact the same people who came up with the plan… scheme.

The American people are being bought and sold and they act as if this isn’t happening to each and every one of them every day.

You may want to understand what justice and freedom Is before Support your politician.. be it republicans or democrats. It’s all the same… someone making a dollar for selling your ass.
wow...never has anyone said so much that meant so little to so few...Churchill is spinning in his grave.
you could have just said "both sides suck." would have been exactly as wrong, and wasted a lot less time saying it.

I got to: showing vid of Chinese weather balloon kill strike as a highlight at the SOTU...was there a fact contained within?
I’m reposting your comment w/ extra CRs between paragraphs, for my own ease of comprehension. No other changes. Thanks for understanding.

Well now that you did this..where do I send my money to the Nigerian Princess?

It mentions PPP. Trumps idea for accountability was none and we settled on six months. Why did Trump want to hide where the funds were going?