I thought it was funny when Biden lied and said the Republicans want to cut Social Security and Medicare. In return the Republicans stood up and booed him because it wasn't and isn't true
You poor thingI thought it was funny when Biden lied and said the Republicans want to cut Social Security and Medicare. In return the Republicans stood up and booed him because it wasn't and isn't true
Bless your heart.I thought it was funny when Biden lied and said the Republicans want to cut Social Security and Medicare. In return the Republicans stood up and booed him because it wasn't and isn't true
Tell us another fairy taleI thought it was funny when Biden lied and said the Republicans want to cut Social Security and Medicare. In return the Republicans stood up and booed him because it wasn't and isn't true
on second thought,Tell us another fairy tale
He looks a lot fitter than trump ever looked, and a lot more aware.Biden 2024
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Are you denying biden accused Republican of doing that or the fact Republicans bood him when he made the accusation? Today the Speaker of the House reaffirmed Republicans have no intentions upon messing with social security or Medicare.Tell us another fairy tale
Oh ya. Best part of the whole thing. The democrats can no longer use that one as a talking way to scare misinformed voters. That was his main tactic that worked on a lot of people. My mother took the bait, but she's seeing the light finally,I thought it was funny when Biden lied and said the Republicans want to cut Social Security and Medicare. In return the Republicans stood up and booed him because it wasn't and isn't true
https://thehill.com/policy/finance/3850036-republicans-social-security-medicare-debt-ceiling/I thought it was funny when Biden lied and said the Republicans want to cut Social Security and Medicare. In return the Republicans stood up and booed him because it wasn't and isn't true
and then it was just hilarious when Biden played them like a flopping carp, maneuvering them into saying EXACTLY what he wanted them to say, on live television.I thought it was funny when Biden lied and said the Republicans want to cut Social Security and Medicare. In return the Republicans stood up and booed him because it wasn't and isn't true
And we're supposed to believe them? They've lied their entire political careers, and most likely a lot longer.Are you denying biden accused Republican of doing that or the fact Republicans bood him when he made the accusation? Today the Speaker of the House reaffirmed Republicans have no intentions upon messing with social security or Medicare.
I know. There's a few nuts in both parties. Notice that's FOX News calling out their own right! That's one of the things I like about them. He wasn't easy on him either.ummm
from the horses mouth
Examining Rick Scott's Claim That Medicare, Social Security Will Soon Go 'Bankrupt' - FactCheck.org
Sen. Rick Scott went too far in claiming that Medicare will go "bankrupt" in four years and Social Security in 12 years. Government trustees project that certain trust funds would become depleted by then, but payments would continue, albeit at a reduced rate.www.factcheck.org
Because the supply of fentanyl is the problem? Maybe the users could get alittle credit as well.I heard nothing about "the fentanyl crisis " . Did anyone hear how he expects to curve inflation? What were his thoughts on the how he plans on handling the Southern Boarder? I'm definitely not sold on a re-election. I don't even feel he would get the needed support from the party. Just my thoughts.
I heard nothing about "the fentanyl crisis " . Did anyone hear how he expects to curve inflation? What were his thoughts on the how he plans on handling the Southern Boarder? I'm definitely not sold on a re-election. I don't even feel he would get the needed support from the party. Just my thoughts.
Biden did not lie. Repugs are trying to lull the voter into complacency with their usual rather customized set of facts. They fully intend to slash payouts. They call this “buttressing” or “shoring up” the system.Are you denying biden accused Republican of doing that or the fact Republicans bood him when he made the accusation? Today the Speaker of the House reaffirmed Republicans have no intentions upon messing with social security or Medicare.
Don’t tax my gig so hardcore, crusAn honest critique isnt an insult.
You kinda remind me of a character from encino man or a pauly shore movie.. That may come off as an insult but reality is real