State of The Union 2023

Not that I ever saw, read, or heard about …but I think slapping Obama w/ that certainly counts

gotta say, tho: they came AWFUL CLOSE w/ Clinton. That whole ‘first black president’ thing that went on after he won in ‘92 - that sank deep with the “never call an n-word ‘sir’” crowd…which IMO why Obama was declared a one-term president by Moscow Mitch: the worst possible thing for the US racist had come to pass - an ACTUAL black-American POTUS - therefore he & all his works must be thrown down and erased as completely as possible, as quickly as possible.

Kinda puts El Chumpo in a (slightly) different light
and yet, even with the restraints slapped on him by every Republican in Congress pulling the other way, he was one hell of a good Chief Exec.
He picked a solid Veep as well.
I didn't watch it, so I have no idea how bad the heckling was, but there are definitely some douchebags on the right side of the aisle, so I wouldn't be too surprised. The left side aren't a bunch of angels either though. Remember this?..


Yes, that was The Speaker, she has autonomy..we can compare what led her to do this versus last night.

You Tube has many vids, I'm pretty sure a copy is there.
Not that I ever saw, read, or heard about …but I think slapping Obama w/ that certainly counts

gotta say, tho: they came AWFUL CLOSE w/ Clinton. That whole ‘first black president’ thing that went on after he won in ‘92 - that sank deep with the “never call an n-word ‘sir’” crowd…which IMO why Obama was declared a one-term president by Moscow Mitch: the worst possible thing for the US racist had come to pass - an ACTUAL black-American POTUS - therefore he & all his works must be thrown down and erased as completely as possible, as quickly as possible.

Kinda puts El Chumpo in a (slightly) different light

George W. had a shoe thrown at him from a crowd he was speaking. Not other lawmakers though.
President George Bush was heckled and booed by Democrats in 2005 after he claimed Social Security would be "exhausted and bankrupt" by 2042.

What citation did he offer for that claim? You know what would really help this country and even the playing field? Billionaire tax cuts must go away. They can handle 15%, dear God, they can handle it and it's only right.

They ran a tape and figured out that is the missing component from our country..minimally, it starves the country of it's infrastructure maintaining and replacing.

Bet you'd never thought you'd see this.

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Both the Republicans and Democrats are crooks. People are fed up with people like Biden that are career Politian's and are for themselves and not the people. I personally can't stand looking at him or listening to him, the VP or anyone in his administration. He is an incompetent liar who the rest of the world laugh at and gets played by somebody behind the curtain, probably the Chinese. Lets Go Brandon 8-)
What citation did he offer for that claim? You know what would really help this country and even the playing field? Billionaire tax cuts must go away. They can handle 15%, dear God, they can handle it and it's only right.
I'm sure that he didn't offer any. Personally I voted against both Bush's multiple times. I also marched against their wars on multiple occasions. I too agree with increased tax on the rich, and also on corps.
Both the Republicans and Democrats are crooks. People are fed up with people like Biden that are career Politian's and are for themselves and not the people. I personally can't stand looking at him or listening to him, the VP or anyone in his administration. He is an incompetent liar who the rest of the world laugh at and gets played by somebody behind the curtain, probably the Chinese. Lets Go Brandon 8-)
The evidence says otherwise.

Cynicism poisons reason, as is evident in your post.
The evidence says otherwise.

Cynicism poisons reason, as is evident in your post.
too much cal-maga

He is the WORST president in history. He is letting in millions of illegals, criminals, drugs, and everything else on the southern border and we are paying for their housing, phones, healthcare, and everything else. This green new deal is a bunch of crap. Talk about putting the cart in front of the horse. Shutdown and regulate our fossil fuel out of business. SPEND<SPEND<SPEND. His latest billion-dollar inflation reduction act is a joke. You can't spend your way out of inflation and majority of this goes for green energy crap. He is a crook; his son is a druggy and a crook.
That would explain the yellowing we saw among Republicans this week. I thought maybe it was cowardice over the spy balloon but they continue to be yellow even after the balloon was shot down. Their cowardice continues. My hypothesis that Republicans were yellow due to the balloon thing does not fit the facts and must be discarded. Your hypothesis of overfeeding fits the facts better. Time to flush.
that was well-played.
Yeah, some senile old man alright! Dark Brandon can think on his feet and has plenty of experience speaking in congress, grab the bull by the nuts before ya have to handle him by the horns. Joe helped them to look like the fools they were and out maneuvered them in public on the debt ceiling. I'd say the SOTU was a big win for Joe, his presentation was excellent.

Get the debt ceiling bullshit out of the way, then indict Trump, to toss a hand grenade into Kevin's lap! :lol:
