State of The Union 2023

you must be talking about Putin's line of useful idiots then
Just ANY trash ass politician who interrupts the SOTU Address, regardless of party.

Can anyone answer me that? Did they do this to past POTUS' as well or is it some new tasteless trend??
Maybe I just haven't watched enough State Of The Union addresses, but when did it become such commonplace for these asshats to interrupt and heckle the POTUS as he's talking???! Did they do this to Reagan, or Bush? Or Clinton? Or is this some new tasteless fad within our Govt?

Absolute trash, the lot of them.

We're in the 'After' now post-1995- it's practically another dimension.

That's YOUR new republican party and it's only going to get you can see *The Speaker* has no control over them. He also looks drunk on power and as if he didn't give a shit.

It got really bad in 2012 with the Teabaggers..2016 MAGA..2018 Q..2020 Stop the Steal
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But the Righties all stood in agreement that SS and Medicare is off the table..what a hoot- they stepped right into it!:clap: That was the stand in unison with cameras panning. Lights were bright; mics hot:lol:
It was a great moment for sure but I doubt it changes anything. Unfortunately most of them are comfortable in their hypocrisy. At least they have been so far.
Just ANY trash ass politician who interrupts the SOTU Address, regardless of party.

Can anyone answer me that? Did they do this to past POTUS' as well or is it some new tasteless trend??

They did it to Obama as well. There was a senator/rep that famously shouted "you lie" at him. It was and is indicative of their character. Was viewed as quite the win by conservatives.
Just ANY trash ass politician who interrupts the SOTU Address, regardless of party.

Can anyone answer me that? Did they do this to past POTUS' as well or is it some new tasteless trend??
I remember someone yelling “you lie!” during an Obama SOTU speech and it was a big deal.

The uneducated and ignorant can be elected to Congress too and this is what happens when they do. If it was an attempt to throw Biden off, it failed miserably.
I didn't watch it, so I have no idea how bad the heckling was, but there are definitely some douchebags on the right side of the aisle, so I wouldn't be too surprised. The left side aren't a bunch of angels either though. Remember this?..

Maybe I just haven't watched enough State Of The Union addresses, but when did it become such commonplace for these asshats to interrupt and heckle the POTUS as he's talking???! Did they do this to Reagan, or Bush? Or Clinton? Or is this some new tasteless fad within our Govt?

Absolute trash, the lot of them.
When ex-Rep ex-rep Joe Walsh (not that one) called Obama a liar during one of his SOTU
It was a great moment for sure but I doubt it changes anything. Unfortunately most of them are comfortable in their hypocrisy. At least they have been so far.
Don’t forget they’ve been hiding behind their pet-news screen: their repeat voters never see or hear ANYTHING they say or do in any other context than their pre-digested expectations.

This bit should go viral. MAGA will, I hope, be unable to escape last night’s display. More cognitive dissonance, more corroded confidence, more uncertainty re: who-the-hell-ARE-these-people
Any such fuckery BEFORE Obama though? Just curious.
Not that I ever saw, read, or heard about …but I think slapping Obama w/ that certainly counts

gotta say, tho: they came AWFUL CLOSE w/ Clinton. That whole ‘first black president’ thing that went on after he won in ‘92 - that sank deep with the “never call an n-word ‘sir’” crowd…which IMO why Obama was declared a one-term president by Moscow Mitch: the worst possible thing for the US racist had come to pass - an ACTUAL black-American POTUS - therefore he & all his works must be thrown down and erased as completely as possible, as quickly as possible.

Kinda puts El Chumpo in a (slightly) different light
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