I start seeds in paper towels, when they are large enough I plant them directly in Pro Mix in 4-5 gallon pots. Veg period starts when they all pop thru the soil. Normally I like to go 4 weeks of veg, but sometimes forced to go 5 if they aren’t large enough.
Well, 6 lbs. would be 96 oz so let’s figure I’m getting 3 lbs and a couple more oz per side. My largest yield was what I’m doing now, Orange Gasm, and that was 106 oz total. Totally blew my mind getting that much in such a small space. Each plant had 16-18 branches, that was the key. I topped the center bud, all the side feeder branches grew equally into solid colas.
If you are looking for full room views, I would suggest a visit to thcfarmer and watch some of the room videos I posted there. I try to direct people there to find those as they are the most impressive thing I could show you. I don’t think RIU allows a large enough video file but I’ll try again in a few minutes.
Exotic Genetix come highly recommended by others but I’ve never grown their stuff. But people I trust swear by them.
No heating is used except for the led’s And the dehumidifier when that is turn on. The pots sit on a cement floor, and it’s never been a problem. I used to have them raised on large rubber industrial kitchen mats. No difference what so ever. Actually, my winter crops always turn out better than my summer ones. Leaf temps are the key under led’s, not soil temps. Too cold is bad obviously, but in a house, it should not be a problem.