Should Kamala pay reparations to Jamaica?

I think that the very idea of reparations is ridiculous. I also think that institutionalized racism is a myth.

Everyone born in America, has the exact same opportunity to succeed. Some peoples paths may be more difficult than others, some peoples paths are paved in gold. No one OWES you anything. You either succeed, or you don't. Success is a personal choice. Just look at Hollywood. Tell me that Oprah let her surroundings keep her from fame and's a false narrative being used to manipulate people in the most basic form. Entitlement. Does that mean that the horrible things that happen to people don't matter, absolutely not. All of us are human, important and worthy of safety and love.

Why should someone be responsible to repay something they had nothing to do with. I for one refuse to take on anyone else's sins....I have enough of my own. Do I say that to belittle the atrocity of slavery? Heck no. It was horrible, reprehensible and should never have happened.

The longer people keep "studying" it, and applying less than realistic solutions to the problem (ie. behave yourself, treat people how you'd like to be treated, just be a good human....) the more this "systematic racism" is being taught.

You heard me, TAUGHT.

I've not met one child that has any opinion on skin color or race. NOT ONE. The only things that they know are what they parrot from their parents, ie. "make sure you don't interact with the police, you might get shot because you're black....we have different rules..." or "be vigilant, the police kill black people just because they're black....". In some cases, they're told "police officers are a great help to the community, respect them....", it's all in the household. The kids aren't born with those ideas or convictions, they're LEARNED BEHAVIOR.

Guess where they learn it from?

Convince me I'm wrong.

All ludicrous - and the real winners in this are the elected officials that are furthering their OWN cause, at ALL of the AMERICAN peoples expense.
You're a waste of breath and effort. Convince me not to be racist. Too late your parents got to you first. Now you suck for life.
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You're a waste of breath and effort. Convince me not to be racist. Too late your parents got to you first. Now you suck for life.
Lol, oh too funny.

Unfortunately for you, I think that if you need me to convince you there's no point.

People like you will ways hate, belittle and condemn unless people agree with your hate speech. But, hey, that's ok, I'm going to keep living my amazing life.

You keep banging your head against that wall.....thx for the laughs.

Have a good one, going to be interesting ;)
Out of what? Your fantasies?

Sorry, we're here for YOUR safety.

You're welcome.
Prepare to bawl your eyes out in November. Only two things won Trump the Presidency:

-The element of surprise and misdirection delivered by Russian Intelligence
-The Independent vote going to Trump to spite Hillary for fucking Bernie over.

Without the Independent vote, Trump’s base alone was never enough. He doesn’t have Independents this time.
You know how many black people teach their black kids that just because they're BLACK that they're entitled to "special treatment?"
I give up, how many? And is this the same type of "special treatment" gay and lesbian people wanted in marriage law that "definitely not homophobic " people fought so hard to stop?