I don't think they should liable. It would not be right to penalize someone that did nothing wrong, we don't get to choose family history. Once there have been multiple generations, how does anyone determine net-benefit or net-loss?
good point.
Perhaps I didn’t understand your initial question.
Rob Roy posted it, and it's cynical and racist based, period. I don't care what
Chapelle does, but Rob's tone was enough to call it like it is. See what he's got to say.
Rob Roy's entire thread got highjacked by notions of holocaust victim reparations
and now by a black comic who makes fun of white people on stage. But you digress...
Rob Roy posted it, and it's cynical and racist based, period. I don't care what
Chapelle does, but Rob's tone was enough to call it like it is. See what he's got to say.
Rob Roy's entire thread got highjacked by notions of holocaust victim reparations
and now by a black comic who makes fun of white people on stage. But you digress...
Any of his threads is a logical balloon animal. My digressing might be considered a service.
Rob Roy posted it, and it's cynical and racist based, period. I don't care what
Chapelle does, but Rob's tone was enough to call it like it is. See what he's got to say.
Rob Roy's entire thread got highjacked by notions of holocaust victim reparations
and now by a black comic who makes fun of white people on stage. But you digress...

why do I get the feeling that any opinion on reparations that runs counter to yours would be considered racist by you...?
My question is very straightforward. I would like to know where you guys stand on reperations for the Native American tribes. I ask this because I am by blood a member of the Choctaw Nation. I am for reparations but when and where do we start?
Rob Roy posted it, and it's cynical and racist based, period. I don't care what
Chapelle does, but Rob's tone was enough to call it like it is. See what he's got to say.
Rob Roy's entire thread got highjacked by notions of holocaust victim reparations
and now by a black comic who makes fun of white people on stage. But you digress...
It's actually a pretty fair question. When John Boehner is profiting off Cannabis after being against even medical use, the conversation needs to be had.
My question is very straightforward. I would like to know where you guys stand on reperations for the Native American tribes. I ask this because I am by blood a member of the Choctaw Nation. I am for reparations but when and where do we start?
From a previous post of mine:
Reparations should be about removing barriers and allowing access to programs/loans/grants that would have previously not been available.

Beyond that, we would need to define how far back in history should we go?
I say lock up those descendants of Anslinger, and Nixon, and the DEA agents who've
made this racist (in a different way, orangejesus) policy ruin lives of ppl for 100 years.
It is all totally done to create sub-classes of ppl who are black, brown, poor and are now
turned into felons with their civil rights and lives ruined. I'm sure they resent the idea that
a few DECADES later, former felons were allowed to vote, but not much else.
This topic's not about reparations for native americans or holocaust victims.
It's for cannabis criminals. Stop arguing about other reparations in here, just
stick to the topic. We can start a new thread for those other victims (who I
think deserve reparations more than cannabis crime victims, okay). But the point
countering the entire troll thread is about just that, a racist troll, and not about
reparations. I see thru the OP's topic, and as any magat would say, "it is wot it is".
The OP isn't even serious about it, he's making fun of any of those ppl who are
seeking reparations. Duh. And it's sickening to do such a thing, it's racist! Shame!
Not sure why reparations would apply to scenario's where someone was convicted of a crime in the past that is no longer a crime now.

Whether you intended to or not, you just identified the problem with many statutory "crimes". They aren't based in a principle that a crime is an act which creates an actual victim, they are based in the idea that a crime is whatever a legislation says it is. Malum prohibitum type laws, latin words for "wrong because we say so" rather than about an actual crime. In reality, bullshit laws designed to curtail freedom and trample justice.

Slavery was once legal, but it was and always will be an actual crime, despite any bullshit laws to the contrary which made slavery legal.

It was illegal to help a runaway slave, or hide a jew in your attic, but it was never wrong to break those laws. I would break those laws.

It is STILL illegal for people to control their own bodies and have the freedom to ingest or not ingest subtances based on their own choices. Anybody here that grows a plant many of us like are STILL violating some horse shit Federal law. That's absurd.

What we need are fewer laws and those few should be based in the idea that peaceful people (those who aren't violating consent or initiating aggression against another person or their justly acquired property) get to live their lives unmolested by malum prohibitum horse shit laws.

Anyhow, are you saying since slavery was legal that there should be no recourse for people to get some reparations for any damage they can prove they suffered ?
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This topic's not about reparations for native americans or holocaust victims.
It's for cannabis criminals. Stop arguing about other reparations in here, just
stick to the topic. We can start a new thread for those other victims (who I
think deserve reparations more than cannabis crime victims, okay). But the point
countering the entire troll thread is about just that, a racist troll, and not about
reparations. I see thru the OP's topic, and as any magat would say, "it is wot it is".
The OP isn't even serious about it, he's making fun of any of those ppl who are
seeking reparations. Duh. And it's sickening to do such a thing, it's racist! Shame!

You sound as if you like to order people around and tell other people what their thoughts are. I'd appreciate it if you'd pause that behavior and bring your arguments why you are pro or con to the discussion rather than accusations.

I'll address your post now. I am for restorative justice, based on the provable circumstances of each case.

Please don't put words in my mouth, if a person is for restorative justice in one situation, say cannabis, it's logical they would be for restorative justice in other situations too. I try to use logic and consistent principles. I invite you to do the same.

When I say justice, I don't mean your masters blindly print up some money and hand it out to people. That won't bring justice. I'd rather have the individuals that caused the harm be the ones that pay for their actions. What are your thoughts on that ?

If I steal your stuff, even it was legal for me to do so at the time, would you agree I committed an actual crime and that I victimized you? Shouldn't I be the one to make you whole again and not people who had nothing to do with us?
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I say lock up those descendants of Anslinger, and Nixon, and the DEA agents who've
made this racist (in a different way, orangejesus) policy ruin lives of ppl for 100 years.
It is all totally done to create sub-classes of ppl who are black, brown, poor and are now
turned into felons with their civil rights and lives ruined. I'm sure they resent the idea that
a few DECADES later, former felons were allowed to vote, but not much else.

So if your grandfather victimized somebody and never was held accountable we should get out the rope and hang you without examining the circumstances ?

There shouldn't be a DEA, as the institutition itself is based in an idea of an injustice. You are forced to pay for it, and it's primary task is to shit on peaceful self determination and kill you if you don't comply. As far as the individuals in the DEA, they are individually responsible for the harm they do.

Voting isn't what will bring justice, if the option of peaceful people being left alone isn't one of the things on the voting menu. Logic.
My question is very straightforward. I would like to know where you guys stand on reperations for the Native American tribes. I ask this because I am by blood a member of the Choctaw Nation. I am for reparations but when and where do we start?

We start by having the discussion.

Somewhere in the process the person(s) believing they were wronged should identify how and present their proposed solution. I'm not in favor of blanket victimhood or blanket innocence as a given. I think some cases are more provable than others, but if you can prove you were victimized and who did it, you deserve justice if it's possible to deliver it.
Flawed thinking. It's a slippery slope. To what extent do we owe someone for others' past transgressions? Why stop at slavery related things? Your great grand daddy had his gold coin collection stolen... reparations! Your mom's boss fired her from her job? Reparations! C'mon man
Isn’t prison labor infact slave labor you work for room and board you get a minimum fraction of what’s made from materials and work you produce some states have non paid prison labor which is 100% slave labor. I’ll try and find this article where the state of I think Alabama or Texas was sued over no pay labor in the prison system and came to the conclusion through the legal system that is mirroring of past slave labor
If it's all of society you can't assign individual blame.

You've just identified one of the major flaws of the present governmental / legal / justice setup we all suffer under.

Individual culpability is intentionally shielded in the present. "Just doing my job", "following orders" and all that euphemisitc bullshit is rampant in the present. Should we rethink that ? I say yes, we should.
Isn’t prison labor infact slave labor you work for room and board you get a minimum fraction of what’s made from materials and work you produce some states have non paid prison labor which is 100% slave labor. I’ll try and find this article where the state of I think Alabama or Texas was sued over no pay labor in the prison system and came to the conclusion through the legal system that is mirroring of past slave labor
Oh I totally think for-profit prisons are ridiculous. Incentivizing police and prisons to lock people up has been an ongoing problem since the dawn of civilization.