Not sure why reparations would apply to scenario's where someone was convicted of a crime in the past that is no longer a crime now.
Whether you intended to or not, you just identified the problem with many statutory "crimes". They aren't based in a principle that a crime is an act which creates an actual victim, they are based in the idea that a crime is whatever a legislation says it is. Malum prohibitum type laws, latin words for "wrong because we say so" rather than about an actual crime. In reality, bullshit laws designed to curtail freedom and trample justice.
Slavery was once legal, but it was and always will be an actual crime, despite any bullshit laws to the contrary which made slavery legal.
It was illegal to help a runaway slave, or hide a jew in your attic, but it was never wrong to break those laws. I would break those laws.
It is STILL illegal for people to control their own bodies and have the freedom to ingest or not ingest subtances based on their own choices. Anybody here that grows a plant many of us like are STILL violating some horse shit Federal law. That's absurd.
What we need are fewer laws and those few should be based in the idea that peaceful people
(those who aren't violating consent or initiating aggression against another person or their justly acquired property) get to live their lives unmolested by malum prohibitum horse shit laws.
Anyhow, are you saying since slavery was legal that there should be no recourse for people to get some reparations for any damage they can prove they suffered ?