The comparison you made in the opening post of this asinine thread.

Isn't the harm done by the victimization the "war on drugs" brought to black people part of the rationale some black people have used to justify reparations for ancestors of black slaves though?

Do you think only black people that suffered under the war on drugs should be restituted with some form of reparations and people of other races can't use the same reasons?

Sounds racist to me. Am I missing something? Please elaborate.
So if there are politicians claiming victims of the war on drugs (people arrested, imprisoned etc.) deserve pardoning, isn't that really an admission that the people who made and enforced those laws did something wrong ?

If a person was black AND got fucked over for weed crimes, they could really rake it in if they could prove the harm.

If they were gay, black and got busted for weed, I'm thinking hat trick. Why not right?
So if there are politicians claiming victims of the war on drugs (people arrested, imprisoned etc.) deserve pardoning, isn't that really an admission that the people who made and enforced those laws did something wrong ?

Problem is those making the arrests and prosecuting a case will never admit they were wrong. A suspect/victim is arrested as part of the process, and they will not even get an apology since that would amount to the prosecution admitting wrongdoing. It doesn’t matter if you did nothing and we’re locked up months, you won’t get a penny, they won’t say sorry, nothing.
Problem is those making the arrests and prosecuting a case will never admit they were wrong. A suspect/victim is arrested as part of the process, and they will not even get an apology since that would amount to the prosecution admitting wrongdoing. It doesn’t matter if you did nothing and we’re locked up months, you won’t get a penny, they won’t say sorry, nothing.

When they can't hold your gaze, look away and say something about, "I was just doing my job", you know you've gotten in their head. ;)