Should Kamala pay reparations to Jamaica?


Well-Known Member
She supports reparations and according to her father the family are descendants of a slave owner.

I say no, but if she wants to lead by example I support her.
She supports reparations and according to her father the family are descendants of a slave owner.

I say no, but if she wants to lead by example I support her.

Hey brain, how'd that hydroxychloriquine work out for you?

Are you always behind the learning curve or just kinda stupid?
An insightful and impressive take during an interview on NPR about what reparations could look like from Kamala Harris

Sen. Kamala Harris On Reparations

Sen. Kamala Harris, a candidate for president, is floating a new idea: funding for mental health treatment as a form of reparations for slavery. She talks with NPR's Steve Inskeep.

STEVE INSKEEP, HOST: One of the Democratic presidential candidates is floating an idea. It's a way to pay reparations for slavery and racial discrimination. Several candidates have endorsed that notion, although they're rarely giving specifics. Senator Kamala Harris also says the matter needs study. But in a talk with NPR, she did suggest what's on her mind.
Can you give me an idea of one possible form this could take?

KAMALA HARRIS: Sure. You can look at the issue of untreated and undiagnosed trauma. African-Americans have higher rates of heart disease and high blood pressure. It is environmental. It is centuries of slavery, which was a form of violence where women were raped, where children were taken from their parents - violence associated with slavery. And that never - there was never any real intervention to break up what had been generations of people experiencing the highest forms of trauma. And trauma, undiagnosed and untreated, leads to physiological outcomes.

INSKEEP: We're talking about the same thing as post-traumatic stress from a war.


INSKEEP: That's the kind of thing we're talking about.

HARRIS: Absolutely. But listen; when - unless there's intervention done, it will appear to be, perhaps, generational. But it's generational only because the environment has not experienced a significant enough change to reverse the symptoms. You need to put resources and direct resources - extra resources - into those communities that have experienced that trauma.

INSKEEP: Reparations could...

HARRIS: So that's an example, in my mind...

INSKEEP: Reparations could be mental health treatment for African-Americans, hypothetically.

HARRIS: I think reparations - yeah. I think that the word, the term reparations, it means different things to different people. But what I mean by it is that we need to study the effects of generations of discrimination and institutional racism and determine what can be done, in terms of intervention, to correct course.
She supports reparations and according to her father the family are descendants of a slave owner.

I say no, but if she wants to lead by example I support her.
Lots of black people are decedents of slave owners.

Is this just race baiting by you so soon?

It must suck to have to shill for such a turd like Trump. It is going to be very difficult when he is just so horrendous at everything he does and can't keep himself from outing his own cons he has you trolls working so hard to sell to his cult.
Why the hate. Can't we all just get along.
Do you object to this?

HARRIS: I think reparations - yeah. I think that the word, the term reparations, it means different things to different people. But what I mean by it is that we need to study the effects of generations of discrimination and institutional racism and determine what can be done, in terms of intervention, to correct course.
I can't stand Trump. Why the hate. Did you boyfriend leave you hanging
Oh, Hi! Just wondering,

Do you object to this?

HARRIS: I think reparations - yeah. I think that the word, the term reparations, it means different things to different people. But what I mean by it is that we need to study the effects of generations of discrimination and institutional racism and determine what can be done, in terms of intervention, to correct course.
Oh, Hi! Just wondering,

Do you object to this?

HARRIS: I think reparations - yeah. I think that the word, the term reparations, it means different things to different people. But what I mean by it is that we need to study the effects of generations of discrimination and institutional racism and determine what can be done, in terms of intervention, to correct course.
My ancestors were slaves on one side and slaveowners on the other. My ancestors fought for the north and south. Do I get free money or do I pay. The whole issue is rediculous.
My ancestors were slaves on one side and slaveowners on the other. My ancestors fought for the north and south. Do I get free money or do I pay. The whole issue is rediculous.
Do you agree with harris that we should study how best to address the effects of slavery?