Should Kamala pay reparations to Jamaica?

Oh, white people taught their white kids that? Really?
I happen to know many white men that have taught there kids that, are you really going to pretend that there are not white men who do that?


You know how many black people teach their black kids that just because they're BLACK that they're entitled to "special treatment?"
By 'special' do you mean 'not equal'?

That is the very definition of Racism. Preferential treatment based on "X" qualification. Just ask Kamala, only reason she's on the ticket is she's BLACK.
Nothing to do with her being a senator from the largest population state and being killer in interviews and debates? I call bullshit.

Lol, insane.

But hey, no worries
I agree, insane.

Best wishes to you and yours. I hope you wake up to the reality that we don't live in a place that minorities are not placed at a disadvantage to their white counterparts.
how did you become such a racist?
I sir, am not a racist.

What I am is a realist. Not once in my life has color, sex, sexual orientation cloud my decisions. Don't operate like that.

No one gave me anything, ive had to work for everything I have.

Why should anyone else be different?

Why should I have to give up my hard earned and worked for things so "reparations" can be made? For things that happened before ANY of us were alive?

Its the same cycle, 4 years later.

Rinse and repeat.

Sad fact is this - none of win this war, theure destroying us from the inside with raciat propaganda, and the masses just eat it up.

Liberty is lost when people will trade it for the government taki g care of their every whim and desire.

It's called Socialism / Communism.

And if that doesn't shed light, check out the movie 1984.
Everyone born in America has the same opportunity.

Like i said, some have an easy go, others dont.

No one owes anyone anything.

Thats what makes America the land of opportunity - not the land of "everyone gets a trophy".

when everyone gets a trophy, no one cheats.
I sir, am not a racist.

What I am is a realist. Not once in my life has color, sex, sexual orientation cloud my decisions. Don't operate like that.

No one gave me anything, ive had to work for everything I have.

Why should anyone else be different?

Why should I have to give up my hard earned and worked for things so "reparations" can be made? For things that happened before ANY of us were alive?

Its the same cycle, 4 years later.

Rinse and repeat.

Sad fact is this - none of win this war, theure destroying us from the inside with raciat propaganda, and the masses just eat it up.

Liberty is lost when people will trade it for the government taki g care of their every whim and desire.

It's called Socialism / Communism.

And if that doesn't shed light, check out the movie 1984.

socialism is left.

communism is..right.

let me know if you need the Venn on this.

i really hate when you righties get this wrong.
Agree to disagree.

Either way you look at it, whoever ends up President, we are ALL on the same bus, amd want us all to succeed.
Living near Portland Oregon, that doesn't ring true.

So, in Portland, they either clean out their city and do the job and get rid of the anarchists and agitators, which is what they are. They’re not protesters; they’re anarchists and agitators. We have many in jail. Many of them have been put in jail. It’s going to be a long sentence. They either clean out their city and do it right, or we’re going to have to do it for them.

We are going to "clean out anarchists and agitators"? Since when is that even a crime? Due process is something Trump sees as a tool to stay out of jail or menace people. Not a civil right or anything like that.

Or how he cares for my nephew, now serving in the Marines:

Q Are you confident that Russia did not place bounties on U.S. troops?

THE PRESIDENT: I don’t — I told you, I certainly read about it, and since then, I’ve talked about it. Colin Powell says it’s not true. Colin Powell is not exactly somebody that I’m a big fan of. Colin Powell says it’s not true. Other people say it’s not true.

Any way one looks at it, Trump's presidency is all about the government of Donald Trump, by Donald Trump and FOR Donald Trump. WE aren't on any bus with him. He doesn't do buses. For him it's private jets and limos.
did his wig fly off? Melania looks like she's leading Grandpa Racist (after he got lost on the helicopter) back to his room at the old folks home.

Living near Portland Oregon, that doesn't ring true.

So, in Portland, they either clean out their city and do the job and get rid of the anarchists and agitators, which is what they are. They’re not protesters; they’re anarchists and agitators. We have many in jail. Many of them have been put in jail. It’s going to be a long sentence. They either clean out their city and do it right, or we’re going to have to do it for them.

We are going to "clean out anarchists and agitators"? Since when is that even a crime? Due process is something Trump sees as a tool to stay out of jail or menace people. Not a civil right or anything like that.

Or how he cares for my nephew, now serving in the Marines:

Q Are you confident that Russia did not place bounties on U.S. troops?

THE PRESIDENT: I don’t — I told you, I certainly read about it, and since then, I’ve talked about it. Colin Powell says it’s not true. Colin Powell is not exactly somebody that I’m a big fan of. Colin Powell says it’s not true. Other people say it’s not true.

Any way one looks at it, Trump's presidency is all about the government of Donald Trump, by Donald Trump and FOR Donald Trump. WE aren't on any bus with him. He doesn't do buses. For him it's private jets and limos.
Agitators and anarchists are CRIMINALS and should be tried in a court of law and JUSTICE served.

Let me know how much you love it wHEn these folks take your house and burn it to the ground "for the cause" and tell you to just suck it up, and that you should be thankful for your sacrifice *insert eyeroll here*

Nothing is perfect, and please give your son my thanks - he's a true patriot, not sure how his dad got so jaded.

God bless him, our President and all our troops and keep them safe.

As to Russia and bounties? Who knows!?

I take it as a general statement from the armies of the world that the destruction of the greatest country on earth warrants some hurt feelings by the less fortunate, and of course their hatred of us as a nation amd desire to kill us all.

How does the middle east refer to us?

Why, The Great Satan of course ;)