Romney is a serial killer


Active Member
Romney says corporations are people, if corporations are people then Mitt Romney is a serial killer.



"Fellow Americans, this revelation is just the tip of the iceberg. Consider the fact that life begins at conception. This means that every business idea Mitt Romney has ever shot down is a person he has needlessly killed. Every startup proposal he has ever axed is just one more person whose life was senselessly taken away by this heartless mass murderer". - Kris



Well-Known Member
Willyßagseed;6939888 said:
Romney says corporations are people, if corporations are people then Mitt Romney is a serial killer.



"Fellow Americans, this revelation is just the tip of the iceberg. Consider the fact that life begins at conception. This means that every business idea Mitt Romney has ever shot down is a person he has needlessly killed. Every startup proposal he has ever axed is just one more person whose life was senselessly taken away by this heartless mass murderer". - Kris

He also created many corporations which makes him a god right? only god can create individuals...


Active Member
You know....these kind of posts are pathetic.The big bad corporations....oooooooooo scary.If you own an,etc. Dont talk about corporations.Corporations do provide jobs etc.They aren't perfect but they do give us products.Why is it that we live in a great nation like USA and we cant appreciate it....We are not perfect but come on people.Your president is in bed with corporations as much as any other.I hate how jealous people are....get a real job..invent something...instead of hoping it will get handed to you....I make great money,worked my ass off my whole life...and the poor 15,000 a year person wants to bitch and take all my money in the name of fairness....crybabies....on a brighter note I have some wonderful Kush growing right now.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Romney can at least talk without a teleprompter.
Every time he attempts to go off script, he says something horribly tone deaf. "Corporations are people too", "I like being able to fire people", etc

Sure, words come out of his mouth, but they usually aren't real great ones.


Well-Known Member
Every time he attempts to go off script, he says something horribly tone deaf. "Corporations are people too", "I like being able to fire people", etc

Sure, words come out of his mouth, but they usually aren't real great ones.
The "I like to be able to fire people" is clearly being taken out of context.

But far be it from me to expect you to be fair about it.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
The "I like to be able to fire people" is clearly being taken out of context.

But far be it from me to expect you to be fair about it.
Why do you stand up for the evil one? Not saying the stupid one is any better. The evil one wants to put terminally ill people who can barely function in federal prison because he knows so much about doctoring to know marijuana only makes people high. High people just want to kill people, start wars, steal, and have sex with his multiple wives.


Well-Known Member
Why do you stand up for the evil one? Not saying the stupid one is any better. The evil one wants to put terminally ill people who can barely function in federal prison because he knows so much about doctoring to know marijuana only makes people high. High people just want to kill people, start wars, steal, and have sex with his multiple wives.
Why do you find it acceptable to misrepresent any candidate? Why are you not a champion of truth? Oh yeah, he is on the other side so whatever tactics you can think of become acceptable...

So hypocritical.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
The "I like to be able to fire people" is clearly being taken out of context.

But far be it from me to expect you to be fair about it.
"I like being able to fire people who provide services to me" is the full statement. I don't think that is taking anything out of context. Using the words "like" and "fire people" in the same sentence for a guy worth more than 100 million dollars who made a lot of money by firing people while we have millions of Americans who've just been fired is completely tone deaf and shows exactly how disconnected Romney is from the American people.

And it wasn't just what he said either, it was the casual way he talks about firing people with half a smile on his face. He clearly doesn't see the part of firing people that effects other people's lives. In Romney's world we are all here to provide services so he can make hundreds of millions of dollars, and people losing their jobs, homes, etc doesn't even enter into his mind. He's made other comments which reinforce that attitude such as

"One is, don’t try and stop the foreclosure process. Let it run its course and hit the bottom, allow investors to buy up homes, put renters in them, fix the homes up, and let it turn around and come back up." - Mitt Romney[/FONT]

That's not taken out of context. That's what he believes. We should let the banks just take people's homes so people like him can buy the homes and rent them back to people. Awesome. Romney is a real man of the people.

Every thing he says screams corporatism.


Well-Known Member
"I like being able to fire people who provide services to me" is the full statement. I don't think that is taking anything out of context. Using the words "like" and "fire people" in the same sentence for a guy worth more than 100 million dollars who made a lot of money by firing people while we have millions of Americans who've just been fired is completely tone deaf and shows exactly how disconnected Romney is from the American people.

And it wasn't just what he said either, it was the casual way he talks about firing people with half a smile on his face. He clearly doesn't see the part of firing people that effects other people's lives. In Romney's world we are all here to provide services so he can make hundreds of millions of dollars, and people losing their jobs, homes, etc doesn't even enter into his mind. He's made other comments which reinforce that attitude such as

"One is, don’t try and stop the foreclosure process. Let it run its course and hit the bottom, allow investors to buy up homes, put renters in them, fix the homes up, and let it turn around and come back up." - Mitt Romney[/FONT]

That's not taken out of context. That's what he believes. We should let the banks just take people's homes so people like him can buy the homes and rent them back to people. Awesome. Romney is a real man of the people.

Every thing he says screams corporatism.
You missed the next sentence Dan... He was referring to insurance companies that did not provide him the services he chose to have.

Most people want to be able to fire their insurance company if it is not providing the services that they want.

But of course the quote was taken completely out of context by you only to be corrected so that it was mostly out of context.


Well-Known Member
I think it's unbelievably scary that people would attack someone because they made the statement that they like to be ABLE to fire someone. Who here doesn't like the ability to fire people? If I hire a gardner to cut my grass and that rat bastard starts showing up every other week, instead of every week and does a half ass job, should some union be able to stand in and say, "no way, you owe this guy now, he can do whatever he wants and you can't fire him"?

What has happened to this country that there are so many poor saps out there that think it's bad that people CAN be fired? Haven't you ever worked with people that you wished YOU could fire even when you weren't their boss/employer? I realize I'm talking to a lot of people here that don't believe in work, or achievement, or personal responsibility, or integrity, but I do. I expect anyone that I'm paying to do the same. Do you realize what "firing" is? It's terminating the agreement to continue to use the services that you are providing. If you aren't providing them properly and it's costing me, my family, my state, my employer, my friends, whoever the fuck...I want the ABILITY to fire you.

He never said "I enjoy firing people". That little word ABLE is HUGE in that sentence, but I guess the blind can't read or listen.


Well-Known Member
I am running and starting my own businesses.


Scary, isnt it.