Things the main stream press doesn't want you to know about Romney

Translation: I'm a Bucky groupie, I don't have the intellect to debate, I just insult people and give likes to Bucky!

You mean like this passive aggressive little rant. ^^

they dont want us to know that he is proponent of washing his hands after using the bath room . . keep it quite folks . . .its a big secret
Any of you guys seen Dumb and Dumber or Dumb and Dumberer? In November we get the next edition "Dumb and Dumber 2012"! Its going to be exciting, its just hard to tell who's simply dumb and who is actually dumber, not speaking intellectually of course as they most likely both know more than me. Its just hard to believe after hearing either of them open their mouth.

I'm voting for Romney, I'm not happy about it but we gave Obama a shot and he managed to the one thing i thought impossible, he made Bush look good. And yeah I know a lot of the stuff that happened in Bushes term was not to his credit and a lot of what has happened so far in Obama's term is not to his credit but in the end the only person to blame it on is the one who took the job that he couldn't handle, regardless of the situation he took the job and made promises then he dropped the ball and wants to blame it others, your the fucking president, man up. Now can Romney do better? I doubt it, but since we only get 2 options I say let the new give it a go, its not like it will make much difference either way.

Sadly i'm stuck in the country for at least 10 or 12 more years =(, then who knows but Costa Rica is looking mighty good.

I'm not rich enough for Romney to care about me and I'm not lazy enough to let Obama turn me into a slave of the gov, so the next 4 years are going to be rough in this country for us "middle class 8-5" Americans.
There is quite a big difference between platforms.

and how many presidents give two shits about what there platforms were after they set foot in the white house?

I know how much pretty much everyone hates it when you bring him up but whatevea, Ron Paul had a platform the might have actually changed something (for the better in my opinion) and we all saw what that got him. If you still don't get it watch a season of survivor and you will understand.
I know how much pretty much everyone hates it when you bring him up but whatevea, Ron Paul had a platform the might have actually changed something (for the better in my opinion) and we all saw what that got him. If you still don't get it watch a season of survivor and you will understand.
I fail to see how returning us to an 1890's economy would be an improvement. Ron Paul got pancaked by his own party and somehow if elected he would change exactly what?
Man, this thread went south in a hurry.

Regarding the OP, it's nice to see that Mitt is human.
But imo Carne has a very valid counterpoint: the guy is a foreign policy disaster.

So while I'm more inclined to eat lunch with him now, I am no more inclined to vote for him. cn
There is a big difference between giving from the heart and giving for tax shelter/deduction benefits. I think the Lord said something about that when he saw a widow giving all that she could spare. Her gift counted more than all the lavish gifts bestowed by the richest of men. Mark 12: 41-44
He only took a % of what he could have. He gave all that milk as an anonymous donor for 2 year, 7000 cartons of milk every week for 2 years.

Obama won't even lift a finger for his step-brother.
Any of you guys seen Dumb and Dumber or Dumb and Dumberer? In November we get the next edition "Dumb and Dumber 2012"! Its going to be exciting, its just hard to tell who's simply dumb and who is actually dumber, not speaking intellectually of course as they most likely both know more than me. Its just hard to believe after hearing either of them open their mouth.

I'm voting for Romney, I'm not happy about it but we gave Obama a shot and he managed to the one thing i thought impossible, he made Bush look good. And yeah I know a lot of the stuff that happened in Bushes term was not to his credit and a lot of what has happened so far in Obama's term is not to his credit but in the end the only person to blame it on is the one who took the job that he couldn't handle, regardless of the situation he took the job and made promises then he dropped the ball and wants to blame it others, your the fucking president, man up. Now can Romney do better? I doubt it, but since we only get 2 options I say let the new give it a go, its not like it will make much difference either way.

Sadly i'm stuck in the country for at least 10 or 12 more years =(, then who knows but Costa Rica is looking mighty good.

I'm not rich enough for Romney to care about me and I'm not lazy enough to let Obama turn me into a slave of the gov, so the next 4 years are going to be rough in this country for us "middle class 8-5" Americans.

That's right - Obama is going to turn you into a SLAVE of THE GOVERNMENT. And he will do it in 4 years.

You managed to convince me there.
He only took a % of what he could have. He gave all that milk as an anonymous donor for 2 year, 7000 cartons of milk every week for 2 years.

Obama won't even lift a finger for his step-brother.

There is a funamental difference between what one might do out of the goodness of his heart from his pocket book and how his policies might help or hinder or even hurt millions of people.

It's nice that Romney helped a couple of hundred or even a thousand or two individuals but his policies will hurt millions, unless you are actually claiming that should Romney become president he will help those millions out of his own savings.

You... aren't actually saying that are you?
There is a big difference between giving from the heart and giving for tax shelter/deduction benefits. I think the Lord said something about that when he saw a widow giving all that she could spare. Her gift counted more than all the lavish gifts bestowed by the richest of men. Mark 12: 41-44

could not have siad it better

the automatic assumption that if you give the most you are good, seems to be a ploy of the rich .

He only took a % of what he could have. He gave all that milk as an anonymous donor for 2 year, 7000 cartons of milk every week for 2 years.

Obama won't even lift a finger for his step-brother.

Fortunately guys like Carne and Samwell will never have a business of their own!
I don't know very many astute business people that give away 86% of their contribution for a 14% write off!
"Corporations are people" Mitt Romney was quoting the Supreme Court of the United States, why do you have a problem with that?

"I'm not in favor of medical marijuana" At least he didn't lie out his ass like Obama!

A real Mexican would never say these things

An informed person would not say the things you just said!
An informed person would not say the things you just said!

Romney was not "quoting The SCOTUS",
“Corporations!” a protester shouted, apparently urging Romney to raise taxes on corporations that have benefited from loopholes in the tax code. “Corporations!”
“Corporations are people, my friend,” Romney said.
Some people in the front of the audience shouted, “No, they’re not!”
“Of course they are,” Romney said. “Everything corporations earn ultimately goes to people. Where do you think it goes?”

False logic.

Air Craft Carriers are not "people too". That the money eventualy goes to people does not mean that organizations are people. Corporations do not die, they cannot go to jail, they do not vote,they are organizations and are not indistinguishable from individual citizens.

Romney was not "quoting The SCOTUS",
“Corporations!” a protester shouted, apparently urging Romney to raise taxes on corporations that have benefited from loopholes in the tax code. “Corporations!”
“Corporations are people, my friend,” Romney said.
Some people in the front of the audience shouted, “No, they’re not!”
“Of course they are,” Romney said. “Everything corporations earn ultimately goes to people. Where do you think it goes?”

False logic.

Air Craft Carriers are not "people too". That the money eventualy goes to people does not mean that organizations are people. Corporations do not die, they cannot go to jail, they do not vote,they are organizations and are not indistinguishable from individual citizens.


Sorry but you're wrong, take it up with the Supreme Court!