Things the main stream press doesn't want you to know about Romney

Fortunately guys like Carne and Samwell will never have a business of their own!
I don't know very many astute business people that give away 86% of their contribution for a 14% write off!

actually i do run a business of my own . . .and i do give away a large percentage of my product . . . . . .my patients get meds for free

in the past 12 years i have been homeless in jail and a homeowner , with two trade degrees id say im doing just fine

i make 24k a year so my patients can save 10k a year in free product and i have more than a couple . .your a joke dude

what type of business do you run? might i ask . .what percentage of your net profit did you give away last year?

you hack beenthere what do you sacrifice so others can have . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lets here it . . . your choice in good samaritan president Mit foamy should be a reflection of your own contributions . . lets here the list you got if you can spill a honest lie . .lets hear it
I'm not wrong - Romney didn't "quote" SCOTUS.

Well I guess technically neither of us can prove whether he was or wasn't because in order to quote someone, you're not required to acknowledge the source of the quote and Romney did not!

However, by looking at your reasoning in your own quote below, I can confidently say that you were unaware that the Supreme Court sees it the same way as Mitt Romney and would be at odds with your aircraft carrier analogy. Had you been aware of this fact, I know you would have mentioned it.

Romney was not "quoting The SCOTUS",
“Corporations!” a protester shouted, apparently urging Romney to raise taxes on corporations that have benefited from loopholes in the tax code. “Corporations!”
“Corporations are people, my friend,” Romney said.
Some people in the front of the audience shouted, “No, they’re not!”
“Of course they are,” Romney said. “Everything corporations earn ultimately goes to people. Where do you think it goes?”

False logic.
Air Craft Carriers are not "people too". That the money eventualy goes to people does not mean that organizations are people. Corporations do not die, they cannot go to jail, they do not vote,they are organizations and are not indistinguishable from individual citizens.

Well I guess technically neither of us can prove whether he was or wasn't because in order to quote someone, you're not required to acknowledge the source of the quote and Romney did not!

However, by looking at your reasoning in your own quote below, I can confidently say that you were unaware that the Supreme Court sees it the same way as Mitt Romney and would be at odds with your aircraft carrier analogy. Had you been aware of this fact, I know you would have mentioned it.

I am quite aware of how the Supreme court ruled in the case Beenthere. And nowhere in that ruling does it say "corporations are people too".

So he could not have quoted SCOTUS.