Romney doing the job republican establishment just won't do

LMAO, people like you crack me up. The guy in the wheelchair is pushing a political agenda and wanting sympathy because of his condition, his disingenuous plea didn't work for me either.
If the dude wants to smoke cannabis for his MD, then get the fuck on with it, would you worry about getting an infraction on your record if you were in his condition? LOL

Dude, 99% or more of medical marijuana patients in California are simply pot heads with a medical card, their hiding under a medicinal law just to legally smoke and everyone knows it.
IMO, I wish they'd just legalize all personal drug use and be done with it, but using the medical excuse bullshit is just what it is, bullshit.
I've been smoking for years, even when it was illegal, if I had MD and cannabis helped, the last thing I'd worry about is getting a damn infraction or misdemeanor for smoking it.

The guy's was sniveling political hack looking for sympathy.

this was what you said within your first few posts in the politics section.

at least you didn't wish for the guy in the wheelchair to go to federal prison, i guess.