I hope you're having fun here tonight, because you probably won't be here tomorrow.
That's going to be LOLZ
it's good the russians are here..they're always sniffing around when shit's going down..bots are the canary in the mine.
I hope you're having fun here tonight, because you probably won't be here tomorrow.
That's going to be LOLZ
Us normal retired and working folk didn't see shit. The OP must have a lot of money or he so fucking dumb he actually believes in the orange traitorous criminal tearing the country apart.
Which one? The one that gave 99% of the benefits to the top 1%, or the 10% middle class tax cut he promised to pass in a week a few weeks before the midterms that never got mentioned again?
You left out:
►Secured indictments through the Mueller investigation on four former Trump advisers, 26 Russian nationals, three Russian companies, one California man, and one London-based lawyer. Five of these people (including three former Trump aides) have already pleaded guilty."
►Lost control of Congress by a whopping large loss from voters who disagree with how Trump and the GOP are running this country.
►Led the most corrupt presidential administration in US history.
he's a russian bot..wise up.
Us normal retired and working folk didn't see shit. The OP must have a lot of money or he so fucking dumb he actually believes in the orange traitorous criminal tearing the country apart.
Ah, non-americana? Naw, just stupid.
The OP is an editorial writer for USA Today.Us normal retired and working folk didn't see shit. The OP must have a lot of money or he so fucking dumb he actually believes in the orange traitorous criminal tearing the country apart.
►Move the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.
►Pull the United States out of the Iranian nuclear deal.
►Stand up to NATO countries for not ponying up enough money to cover the organization’s expenses and their own defense costs.
►Take on the news media and not back down, exposing bias and agenda-driven journalism intended to run him out of office.
►Put an intense focus on immigration, the importance of border security and the cost of illegal immigration, including U.S. citizens killed by the undocumented.
►Target the ruthless Salvadoran street gang MS-13.
►Picking James Mattis as Defense secretary, Nikki Haley as ambassador to the United Nations, John Kelly as White House chief of staff and Kellyanne Conway as senior adviser.
►Begin a dialogue with North Korea about ending its nuclear weapons program.
►Focus attention on Rust Belt states and give respect to white working-class voters, overlooked by the elites on both coasts.
►Challenge elitism and question what it means to be “elite.”
►Create millions of new jobs (the White House claims as many as 3 million) and bring unemployment down to 3.9 percent, the lowest since 2000.
►Focus national attention on the opiod crisis, including a look at doctors who over prescribe pain pills.
►Nominate impressive Supreme Court candidates Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh.
►Propose and help pass a tax cut and cut federal regulations.
►Pull out of the Paris Agreement on climate change and defy global warming alarmists.
►Renegotiate unfair trade deals in search of better terms.
►Target racial preferences at colleges and universities, which often hurt intended beneficiaries by lowering standards.
►Refocus immigration debate by ending DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) and trying to force Congress to confront the thorny issue of what to do with "Dreamers," who were brought to the USA illegally when they were kids.
►Shake up both the Republican and Democratic establishments and remain independent from the Washington cartel.
►Make politics more accessible to people who have rarely voted or cared about it, and widen the door of civic engagement
Good night
As usual the point of this thread has gone completely over your liberal heads
As usual the point of this thread has gone completely over your liberal heads
It was literally copied from USA Today.what an imbecile..learn english language structure..it ALWAYS gives you AWAY, you stupid cunt.
figures one 'like' from @spandy.
Once again you prove my point on how your agenda is nothing more than spreading hatred and lies. Our nation will never truly be United while the likes of you folks are around. If my president gave you each a bar of gold you would whine it wasn't big enough...
You even type with a thick accentAs usual the point of this thread has gone completely over your liberal heads
You even type with a thick accent
Fucking idiot, your president only gives bars of gold to the 1%.
The deficit in your head matches the deficit created by tax cuts for the wealthy.