Romney is a serial killer


Well-Known Member
suck my dick you hypocritical scumbag

you aren't making any point. You're just proving what a low life piece of shit you are.
Danny boy... the pipes the pipes are calling....

No need to get your panties in a wad.

You have demonstrated perfectly how someone reacts when they are misquoted. Not that it will stop you in the future.

For the sake of board peace and harmony and also because you made me LOL and completely reinforced my point I will remove your quote from my sig ;]

Have a great day!!

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Danny boy... the pipes the pipes are calling....

No need to get your panties in a wad.

You have demonstrated perfectly how someone reacts when they are misquoted. Not that it will stop you in the future.

For the sake of board peace and harmony and also because you made me LOL and completely reinforced my point I will remove your quote from my sig ;]

Have a great day!!
I did nothing of the sort. You're a childish piece of shit.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Profanity is the effort of a feeble mind trying to express itself forcefully.
fuck you too dude.

The guy took a post of mine which was obviously sarcasm and the opposite of my opinion and put it in his sig as if it was my real opinion.

There is no amount of intelligence that can combat someone being a sleazy piece of shit. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't like it if someone falsely represented you and spread it around.

So go fuck yourself.

And considering I've never seen you post anything demonstrating your mind is anything but feeble maybe you aren't qualified to speak on the subject.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
yeah, I'm mad. I don't appreciate being slandered. If you want to act like a child though, that's up to you.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
fuck you too dude.

The guy took a post of mine which was obviously sarcasm and the opposite of my opinion and put it in his sig as if it was my real opinion.

There is no amount of intelligence that can combat someone being a sleazy piece of shit. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't like it if someone falsely represented you and spread it around.

So go fuck yourself.
You're being manipulated by a racist troll, Dan. Everyone knows he's piece of shit. I follow an old saying that has helped me through the years, "The opinions of worthless people are worthless."


Well-Known Member
I'm mad because he put something in his sig to make me out to be a racist. Shouldn't I be mad about that?
i know, i just never miss a chance to get that michelle obama pic in.

i'll go back to enjoying silently from the sidelines.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Well if the worst thing you guys can say about me is that I get mad when I'm called a racist, I guess I'm not so bad.


Active Member
He also created many corporations which makes him a god right? only god can create individuals...
No, two humans screwing make kids, not god*. (notice the disrespectful small G used?)

So not only is he a serial killer, if he has made many persons (corporations) with different people he is also a whore.*

According to his own words* Corporations are people............


Well-Known Member
You're being manipulated by a racist troll, Dan. Everyone knows he's piece of shit. I follow an old saying that has helped me through the years, "The opinions of worthless people are worthless."
Really? The topic was about politicians words being misquoted. Dan jumped in with both feet and wrote an entire post that I simply copied and pasted into my sig. I did not alter it in any way. Now, granted, it was sarcasm. And the resulting tantrum simply proved my point that it is easy to misquote someone and make it look like they said something completely opposite to their views.

I am not sure how I am racist for not liking a person's policies. Was I racist when I was promoting Herman Cain?

Troll? The word is overused.