RIU poll Trump VS Clinton

Quote were he said it, then liar.

Were you or were you not replying to me and claiming I held the same view.
Didn't you make a bet with Red and alter the bet AFTER you lost?

As if we have some "secret polling technology". Lame

Not a conversation. Got bored after a minute or so, did Takei ever appear?

Yet you seem to know exactly what I meant. So no quote? Liar

No, you're not. Possibly the most obnoxious. You do a great job of representing your party. You should ask Trump for money. You serve him well.

If I could legally, I would.

Let's not pretend you don't post under a multitude of accounts. Still no quote, I see. Don't get cable news.


Not a lot going on today, eh? Poor red...

giphy (78).gif
Quote were he said it, then liar.

Were you or were you not replying to me and claiming I held the same view.
Didn't you make a bet with Red and alter the bet AFTER you lost?
Here is Red begging me to show him proof that Cheney profited of the war in Iraq. I like when Red begs, but who the fuck does not know that Cheney profited off the war in Iraq. Red is pretty stupid. Don't be stupid like Red
What about Cheney are you also "sure" about him making a profit off the war in Iraq? Come on, lets see your proof. So far, all you've done is say those that don't agree with you are stupid. That has been your ONLY evidence. Sorry, but your hate filled assumptions are not enough. That they are for you is proof your opinions are based in hate, not facts.
and this is the bet Red did not honor, because he is a admitted liar.
I tell you what ...lets make a bet. I say Cheney still had Halliburton stock options up until 2005.. You said he did not after he took office as the VP.. If I'm right you get the fuck out the political section. If I'm wrong I will do the same.
I took the bet.
Remember Brexit, then? That was this year.
This from that bastion of dishonest liberal media, the LA Times:

Brexit — the British referendum on whether to exit the European Union — passed in June, 52%-48%. The result caught many in Britain by surprise, including financial-market traders who had bet heavily on Britain staying in the EU after two late polls showed the “Remain” side winning.

Since then, a narrative has taken hold that the polls were wrong. They weren’t, at least not in any big, consistent way. About half the polls in the final month showed the “Leave” side winning. The polling average on election eve showed a near tie, and the trend line showed Leave steadily gaining ground.

The real lesson of Brexit is not that the polls were wrong, it’s that opinion leaders and market traders refused to believe the surveys that showed their preferred side losing and bet on the ones that told them what they wanted to hear.

Red, Red, Red. The real lesson of this election is not that the polls are wrong but that Trump supporters can't read them.
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funny how clinton forgot to rig the election in 2008.
yes she did mmhmm.. but that god damn gay muslim kenyan rigged it better, i seen it.
Lou is Buck . Your guarantee is worthless, as is your honor.

No way in hell.

Is the earth flat? Moon landing fake? 911 inside job? The Jews run the world? Obama from Kenya?
Blah blah blah.

All progressives are the same person and Hillary will only get 1 vote.

Who really cares WTF you think? lt's over. O-ver. America has decided.